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This is an iOs Yodo1Mas plugin for Godot Engine ( 3.2.3 or higher.

When you integrate the SDK, you import the SDK library file into your project so you can use that file’s functions. Integrating the MAS SDK into your mobile app project gives you access to MAS's fully managed monetization solution. This solution taps into multiple add mediation platforms, selecting the one best suited for your game and monetizing through high quality ad networks that serve in-app ads.

Before you can start monetizing your app, you’ll need to integrate the MAS SDK.

Integrating the SDK

First of all, you need download this repository. It consists of 3 folders:

  • yodo1mas-plugin-android. Android plugin.
  • yodo1mas-plugin-ios. iOs plugin.
  • demo. Godot project, will work on iOs and android platforms.


ios libraries compilation with mas sdk


In order MAS SDK works on iOs properly you need to have godot native ios library with MAS module. We put a compiled library in the release 1.0.0 - file with name "fGodotYodo1Mas.a". If you want to use precompiled library then skip next stes 1-8. If you have other third party modules then you have to recompile an entire godot engine.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Clone godot repository.
  3. Go to godot repository folder then open modules folder.

  1. Create yodo1mas folder. It will contain MAS plugin sources.

  1. Copy all content from yodo1mas-plugin-ios folder to yodo1mas folder.

Now we need to compile a library for our future Xcode project. Here is an official documentation about plugin compilation in godot. 6. Open Terminal program on your Mac.

  1. Navigate to godot repository folder. For example, if you clone godot repository godot-3.2.3-stable in Downloads folder then use this commands:
  • cd. This command navigates you to your home folder.
  • cd Downloads/godot-3.2.3-stable. Navigates to godot folder.
  • ls. Display all files in godot folder.

  1. Compile the engine for iOs platform. You need a program scons to be installed. The easiest way you do it through Homebrew. Homebrew installation is here. cscons installation via homebrew is here. After that type commands in the terminal:
scons p=iphone tools=no target=release arch=arm
scons p=iphone tools=no target=release arch=arm64
lipo -create bin/libgodot.iphone.opt.arm.a bin/libgodot.iphone.opt.arm64.a -output bin/libgodot.iphone.release.fat.a

You can compile only for arm or arm64 version. Just use one command. Compiled ios library will end up in bin folder.

For iOs platform you need only script from our demo project. It is wrapper for all MAS functions. Below we provide an example how to compile demo project on iOs. You will be able to compile your poject in the same way.

  1. Export the project for iOs platform. Xcode project will be created.

  1. Here is a directory with Xcode project. For now GodotYodo1Mas.a file is a library of godot engine but without Yodo1 MAS SDK. You already compiled a required library before. Also,in the Yodo1Godot_release_files_1.. archive we provide GodotYodo1Mas.a for x86, armv7 ad x86+armv7.

Rename file libgodot.iphone.opt.arm64.a to GodotYodo1Mas.a and copy-paste it to Godot Xcode project.

Now copy and past library GodotYodo1Mas.a in Xcode project contains MAS SDK wrapper. You can find thi slibrary in the release 1.0.0 archive.

  1. Use cocoapods to add all MAS SDKs in your Xcode project. Create Podfile in Xcode project via terminal command touch Podfile. Do not forget to navigate into Xcode folder with command cd .
  2. Open the project's Podfile file and add the following code to the target of the application. Yodo1MasStandard shoould be
source ''
source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'

project 'GodotYodo1Mas.xcodeproj'

target 'GodotYodo1Mas' do
   pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
   pod 'Yodo1MasStandard', '~> 4.0.4' # <-- new version here

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'

You can specify project name, platform and many other options in this file. Take a look at cocoapods documentation for details.

  1. Execute the following command in Terminal: pod install --repo-update. This command will download all required Yodo1 MAS libraries and create xCode workspace file.

Xcode project structure after pods installation.

Now we need to set up Xcode project.

  1. Open GodotYodo1Mas.xcworkspace file.
  2. Open GodotYodo1Mas-Info.plist file in text editor.

3.Add AppLovin SDK Key:

  1. Add App Transport Security. Apple has added in controls for ATS in iOS9. To ensure uninterrupted ad delivery across all Mediation Networks.
  1. Add AppTrackingTransparency. iOS 14 requires publishers to obtain permission to track user devices across applications.
<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>
  1. Add AdMob App ID
<string>!!!Your MAS AdMob App ID!!!</string>
  1. Advertising Network ID Games for users running iOS 14 or later need to include the network ID of each advertising platform in the GodotYodo1Mas-Info.plist file. There is an example of this file in the Yodo1Godot_release_files_1.. archive.

Save and close GodotYodo1Mas-Info.plist file.

  1. Set up build excluded architectures. For example, you can exclude armv7 if you did not compile for it. Also, set iOs deployement target to 10.0.

  1. Create empty swift file. In menu: File -> New -> File -> Choose Swift File -> Next -> Create. In the popup 'Would you like to configure an Objective-C bridging header?' choose Create Bridging Header

  1. You can compile a build :)


After you prepare Xcode project in Godot editor use option Export PCK/ZIP and replace pck file.


Setup new project

  1. Configure, install and enable the "Android Custom Template" for your project, just follow the official documentation;
  2. Copy folder plugins from Yodo1Godot_release_files_1.. archive to your Godot project. You have to put them in the path res://android. This plugins folder contains two files GodotYodo1Mas.gdap and GodotYodo1Mas.***.aar.
  3. Put file from release achive into your Godot project.
  4. Copy files AndroidManifest.xml, config.gradle, build.gradle and put them in the path res://android.
  5. Add AdMob App ID
    • Add your AdMob App ID to your app's res//android/build/AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the tag. You can find an example of Admob
    • You can find your App ID in the MAS dashboard.
    • Please replace android:value with your own AdMob App ID
  6. On the Project -> Export... -> Android -> Options ->
    • Custom Template: check the Use Custom Build
    • Plugins: check the Godot Yodo1 Mas (this plugin)
    • Permissions: check the permissions for Access Network State and Internet
	<!-- Sample AdMob App ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->

6.In AndroidManifest.xml change app name in android:label tag. Example:

  1. Check build.gradle file. You need to add repositories and activate multiDexEnabled.
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
	multiDexEnabled true
  1. You can export Android project. Apk will be created.

NOTE: everytime you install a new version of the Android Build Template this step must be done again, as the AndroidManifest.xml file will be overriden.

Compiling the Plugin (optional)

If you want to compile the plugin by yourself, it's very easy:

  1. clone this repository;
  2. checkout the desired version;
  3. download the AAR library for Android plugin from the official Godot website;
  4. copy the downloaded AAR file into the yodo1mas-plugin-android/godot-lib.release/ directory and rename it to godot-lib.release.aar;
  5. using command line go to the yodo1mas-plugin-android/ directory;
  6. run gradlew build.

Also you can make build from android studio.

If everything goes fine, you'll find the .aar files at yodo1mas-plugin-android/godotadmob/build/outputs/aar/.

Godot manual

Set App Ids.

Create Yodo1Mas node and type app ids in the yodo1mas script. You can find your App IDs in the MAS dashboard.

Banner integration

  1. Set up the banner signals

  1. Check the loading status of banners
var banner_loaded = yodo1mas.is_banner_ad_loaded()
  1. Show banner ad

Use the show method to display a banner:


The method uses default aligment parameters BANNER_TOP | BANNER_HORIZONTAL_CENTER and a default offset of (X: 0,Y: 0):

yodo1mas.show_banner_ad_with_align(yodo1mas.BannerAlign.BANNER_RIGT | yodo1mas.BannerAlign.BANNER_BOTTOM)

You can customize the banner alignment and offset.

yodo1mas.show_banner_ad_with_align_and_offset(yodo1mas.BannerAlign.BANNER_RIGT | yodo1mas.BannerAlign.BANNER_BOTTOM, Vector2(10,10))
  1. Dismiss banner ad

Interstitial integration

  1. Set up the interstitial signals

  1. Check the loading status of interstitials
var is_interstitial_loaded = yodo1mas.is_interstitial_ad_loaded()
  1. Show interstitial ad

Rewarded ad integration

  1. Set up the rewarded video signals

  1. Check the loading status of rewarded video
var is_rewarded_ad_loaded = yodo1mas.is_rewarded_ad_loaded()
  1. Show rewarded video