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Klee Web

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Circle CI Getting started on development

Make sure you have VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible installed, using the links in this paragraph.

First clone the repo:

git clone

Start the development virtual machine (this may take a while on the first run): vagrant up

If the command fails during provisioning, you can retry using: vagrant provision

After provisioning has completed, klee-web will be available at

The kleeweb/klee image is grabbed using docker pull when provisioning occurs. If you need to make modifications to the Dockerfile and build it from scratch then run the following.

vagrant ssh
sudo docker build /titb/python/worker/klee/

In order to invoke KLEE (from within the virtual machine):

sudo docker run -t -v PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIR:/code kleeweb/klee clang-3.4 -I /src/klee/include -emit-llvm -c -g /code/FILE.c -o /code/FILE.o
sudo docker run -t -v PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIR:/code kleeweb/klee klee FILE.o

In order to see any server side changes run (from within the virtual machine):

sudo supervisorctl reload

Running tests

Before submitting a pull request it's a good idea to run our test suite locally with the following command

vagrant ssh -c "/titb/"

Building Frontend

Make sure you have Node and npm installed.

At the root-level directory:

$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g grunt-cli


$ npm install

Now that Grunt and Bower are installed, install the front-end packages with

$ bower install

Finally, let Grunt do the rest of the work (compiling/minifying SASS/JS etc), with

$ grunt

To watch for changes when modifying SASS, use

$ grunt watch


KLEE in the browser






No releases published


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  • Python 42.7%
  • HTML 26.9%
  • JavaScript 17.8%
  • CSS 11.5%
  • Other 1.1%