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This Toolbox is designed for the research purpose only. Our research report can be found here.

Environment setup

We have developed our Toolbox with pytorch under python=3.6 and tested for both (CUDA 10.0 + pytorch=1.3.0) and (CUDA 10.2 + pytorch=1.0.0).

Build virtual environment:

  $ conda create --name <envname> --file requirements.txt

If you want to install packages manually, here is the list (pip install -)

  • medpy (read medical image)
  • nibabel (read medical image)
  • tqdm
  • opencv-python
  • h5py
  • pytorch, torchvision (please see the offical site for installation details)
  • torchsummary


Under the root folder:

  • Put the unzipped dataset downloaded from the site to the folder ./data. Our pre-processing can find the *.nii file recursively.

Interactive jupyter widgets for dataset visualization

  • run the jupyter notebook: visualize_imgs.ipynb

Image of LiTS

Data pre-processing

  • The train/valid set will be saved into two hdf5 files separately with name train_LiTS_db.h5 and valid_LiTS_db.h5

    $ python ./src/preprocessing/ -dir "./data" --save2file "./data/LiTS_db.h5" --valid-split 0.2
  • If you want to resize the volumes (per z-slice)

    $ python ./src/preprocessing/ -dir "./data" --save2file "./data/LiTS_db_224.h5" --img-shape "(224,224)"
  • For the test set (without segmentation mask): the file name will be test_LiTS_db.h5

    $ python ./src/preprocessing/ -dir "./data" --save2file "./data/LiTS_db.h5" --test-set

Interactively visualize dataloader (with data augmentation)

  $ python ./src/preprocessing/ -f ./data/train_LiTS_db_224.h5 --shuffle

Image of LiTS Image of LiTS Image of LiTS


  • From scratch:

    $ python ./src/ --epochs 50 -lr 0.00005 --log-dir "./weights/Exp_000" -trainf "./data/train_LiTS_db.h5" -validf "./data/valid_LiTS_db.h5" --batch-size 32  --num-cpu 32 --shuffle --cuda 0
  • Load pretrained weights or model

    $ python ./src/ --epochs 50 -lr 0.00005 --log-dir "./weights/Exp_000" -trainf "./data/train_LiTS_db.h5" -validf "./data/valid_LiTS_db.h5" --batch-size 32  --num-cpu 32 --shuffle --cuda 0 --load-weights "./weights/model_weights.pth"

Inference and evaluation

Note that we can either load pretrained weights (model.state_dict()) by --load-weights or the entire model by --load-model

  • Evaluation mode

    $ python ./src/ **-eval** --batch-size 32 --num-cpu 32 -testf ./data/valid_LiTS_db_224.h5 --load-weights "./weights/Exp_000/model_weights.pth" --save2dir ./results/Exp_000
  • Inference mode

    $ python ./src/ --batch-size 32 --num-cpu 32 -testf ./data/test_LiTS_db_224.h5 --load-model "./weights/Exp_000/model.pth" --save2dir ./results/Exp_000

Submission results

TODO list

  • [dataset] medpy dataset header manipulation
  • [dataset] file format selection
  • [data augmentation] compatibility between opencv and pytorch's dataloader: muliti-processing issue with numpy.random in Linux
  • [data augmentation] separate geometry transform and pixel-wise transform
  • [preprocessing] resize/transform volumetric mask
  • [dataloader] hdf5 file compatibility with pytorch's muliti-processing
  • Statistic of dataset
  • [device] enable Multi-GPU training (with NVLink): data vs. model parallelism in pytorch
  • [monitoring] Add pytorch's tensorboard to ./src/
  • Data augmentation zoo
  • loss functions zoo
  • model zoo
  • Hyperparameters tuning module
  • Add domain adaptation module


For pure research purposes







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