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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 21, 2020. It is now read-only.
/ mellophone Public archive

Implementing what I've learned and trying new things in an app for managing teams


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I'm putting Mellophone on the shelf for now, but you're still welcome to take a look!


🎺 🎺 🎺

An app for teams, allowing them to write and share meeting minutes.

I started this project to implement what I've learned over the past few years, and to explore new technologies and libraries that interest me.


You can find instructions on setting up the frontend and backend for local development here, as well as a rough guide to the codebase.

Contributions are welcome! You can make a contribution by forking this repository, committing your changes on a new branch and opening a pull request. Please be respectful in your interactions with other contributors.

Alternatively, you can open an issue if you find a problem that needs to be fixed.


The frontend is a React application. You will need to Yarn installed (as well as Node).

The backend is a Django application, you'll need Docker Compose installed.

The backend runs inside a container, you'll need to install dependencies and run database migrations before you start it.

docker-compose run dev pipenv sync --dev
docker-compose run dev pipenv run migrate
docker-compose run dev sh scripts/
docker-compose up --detach dev

# stop the various running containers (backend, database)
docker-compose stop

You can access the app at http://localhost:8000.

If you would like to work on the frontend, you can start the React development server.

cd mellophone/frontend
yarn start

You can access this server at http://localhost:3000. It proxies requests to the backend, so make sure the backend container is still running!

Frontend Development

Below are some common commands you might run. Remember you will need to be in the frontend root (/mellophone/frontend). You might wish to consult the yarn docs or the package.json itself

Command Action
yarn Install dependencies (and ensure all dependencies are up to date with yarn.lock)
yarn start Run a development server (located at http://localhost:300)
yarn build Create a production build (if you want to run the backend with a static frontend)
yarn test Run tests against the frontend code
yarn lint Run code style checks
yarn lint --write Run code style checks, fixing where possible

The frontend is bootstrapped using Create React App and is located in the mellophone/frontend directory.

Most components are written using TypeScript and styled with CSS Modules.

  • src/
    Frontend code is housed here. You can see the React root here (App.tsx, index.tsx) and files used in development (setupTests.ts, setupProxy.ts types.ts).
    • components/
      React components such as buttons, inputs and forms are here.
      Components like <Button/> and <Input/> extends to their standart HTML counterparts, adding styling and making sure they are labelled.
      More complex components might implement a form or display information, depending on props for the data and callbacks (ie a network request, Redux action).
    • ducks/
      The application's Redux store, roughly following the re-ducks pattern.
    • network/
      Network requests to the backend are abstracted as async functions.
      These bundles of requests are loaded into the app's context and can be accessed with the useNetwork() hook. This context can be replaced in a testing runtime.
    • pages/
      These are higher level components that integrate components, ducks, and network logic into page-level views.
      Each component in this folder corresponds to a route within the application, like /account or /teams/123/meetings.
    • utils/
      General purpose functions that don't belong to any of the above directories. See each invidual files for their purposes.

Tests are run using Jest with React Testing Library, and are colocated with their applicable file in a __tests__ subdirectory.
If you're testing components from the pages/ directory, you can use src/utils/TestRenderer.tsx to replace network functions or to set the Redux store to a particular state.

Backend Development

Below are some common commands you might run. You might also wish to consult the pipenv docs and the Pipfile itself for further information.

Make sure you're running your commands inside the development container (docker-compose run dev ${YOUR COMMAND}).

Command Action
pipenv sync Install runtime dependencies (and ensure they are up to date with Pipfile.lock)
pipenv sync --dev As above, but also include development dependencies, such as linting/testing libraries
pipenv run migrate Apply new migrations to the database (must be running at this time)
pipenv run server Run the Django development server (located at http://localhost:8000)
pipenv run lint Format backend code
pipenv run lint --check Check backend code formatting
pipenv run test-unit Run tests against the backend
pipenv run test-e2e Run an end-to-end test using Selenium

This repository is set up as a Django project, with the backend API as the mellophone/backend application.

  • The root directory how many default files for Django, like the database tables ( and the API routes (
    • controllers
      Defines the behaviour for a certain route. They interpret parameters/data from the incoming request and call the applicable services.
    • migrations
      Holds Django-defined instructions for migrating/rolling back the database schema.
    • services
      Defines logic for accessing with application objects (users, teams, meetings).
      To relate it to the controller-service-repository pattern, these mix the service and repository layer.
      Try to keep logic for accessing Django models to an appropriately named file (for example, services/ is responsible for the User model).

Tests for the backend at the moment only focus on the services, and are located in the services/tests directory.
I'll be looking at adding tests in future for API routes in future, but for now there is only the basic end-to-end Selenium test in mellophone/


Implementing what I've learned and trying new things in an app for managing teams







No releases published
