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Update (#188)
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ederfmatos committed Mar 31, 2022
1 parent 6ba4f20 commit 918a7af
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 28 deletions.
59 changes: 31 additions & 28 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,36 +3,39 @@
This action will create a GitHub release and optionally upload an artifact to it.

## Action Inputs
- **allowUpdates**: An optional flag which indicates if we should update a release if it already exists. Defaults to `false`.
- **artifactErrorsFailBuild**: An optional flag which indicates if artifact read or upload errors should fail the build.
- **artifact** (deprecated): An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs).
- **artifacts**: An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs).
- **artifactContentType**: The content type of the artifact. Defaults to `raw`.
- **body**: An optional body for the release.
- **bodyFile**: An optional body file for the release. This should be the path to the file.
- **commit**: An optional commit reference. This will be used to create the tag if it does not exist.
- **discussionCategory**: When provided this will generate a discussion of the specified category. The category must exist otherwise this will cause the action to fail. This isn't used with draft releases.
- **draft**: Optionally marks this release as a draft release. Set to `true` to enable.
- **generateReleaseNotes**: Indicates if release notes should be automatically generated. Set to `true` to enable.
- **name**: An optional name for the release. If this is omitted the tag will be used.
- **omitBody**: Indicates if the release body should be omitted.
- **omitBodyDuringUpdate**: Indicates if the release body should be omitted during updates. The body will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing body during updates.
- **omitName**: Indicates if the release name should be omitted.
- **omitNameDuringUpdate**: Indicates if the release name should be omitted during updates. The name will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing name during updates.
- **omitPrereleaseDuringUpdate**: Indicates if the prerelease flag should be omitted during updates. The prerelease flag will still be applied for newly created releases.
This will preserve the existing prerelease state during updates.
- **owner**: Optionally specify the owner of the repo where the release should be generated. Defaults to current repo's owner. Example - `ncipollo`.
- **prerelease**: Optionally marks this release as prerelease. Set to true to enable.
- **removeArtifacts**: Indicates if existing release artifacts should be removed. Defaults to `false`.
- **replacesArtifacts**: Indicates if existing release artifacts should be replaced. Defaults to `true`.
- **repo**: Optionally specify the repo where the release should be generated. Defaults to current repo. Example - `release-action`.
- **tag**: An optional tag for the release. If this is omitted the git ref will be used (if it is a tag).
- **token**: The GitHub token. Typically, this will be `${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`. If you are using a personal access token it should have access to the `repo` scope.
| Input name | Description | Required | Default Value |
|---------------------------- |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------|---------------|
| allowUpdates | An optional flag which indicates if we should update a release if it already exists. Defaults to false. | false | "" |
| artifactErrorsFailBuild | An optional flag which indicates if artifact read or upload errors should fail the build. | false | "" |
| artifact | An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs) | false | "" |
| artifacts | An optional set of paths representing artifacts to upload to the release. This may be a single path or a comma delimited list of paths (or globs) | false | "" |
| artifactContentType | The content type of the artifact. Defaults to raw | false | "" |
| body | An optional body for the release. | false | "" |
| bodyFile | An optional body file for the release. This should be the path to the file | false | "" |
| commit | An optional commit reference. This will be used to create the tag if it does not exist. | false | "" |
| discussionCategory | When provided this will generate a discussion of the specified category. The category must exist otherwise this will cause the action to fail. This isn't used with draft releases | false | false
| draft | Optionally marks this release as a draft release. Set to true to enable. | false | "" |
| generateReleaseNotes | Indicates if release notes should be automatically generated. | false | false |
| name | An optional name for the release. If this is omitted the tag will be used. | false | "" |
| omitBody | Indicates if the release body should be omitted. | false | false |
| omitBodyDuringUpdate | Indicates if the release body should be omitted during updates. The body will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing body during updates. | false | false
| omitName | Indicates if the release name should be omitted. | false | false |
| omitNameDuringUpdate | Indicates if the release name should be omitted during updates. The name will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing name during updates. | false | false
| omitPrereleaseDuringUpdate | Indicates if the prerelease flag should be omitted during updates. The prerelease flag will still be applied for newly created releases. This will preserve the existing prerelease state during updates. | false | false
| owner | Optionally specify the owner of the repo where the release should be generated. Defaults to current repo'sowner. | false | "" |
| prerelease | Optionally marks this release as prerelease. Set to true to enable. | false | "" |
| removeArtifacts | Indicates if existing release artifacts should be removed. | false | false |
| replacesArtifacts | Indicates if existing release artifacts should be replaced. | false | true |
| repo | Optionally specify the repo where the release should be generated. | false | current repo |
| tag | An optional tag for the release. If this is omitted the git ref will be used (if it is a tag). | false | "" |
| token | The GitHub token. Typically, this will be `${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`. If you are using a personal access token it should have access to the `repo` scope. | false | github.token |

## Action Outputs
- **id**: The identifier of the created release.
- **html_url**: The HTML URL of the release.
- **upload_url**: The URL for uploading assets to the release.
| Output name | Description |
| id | The identifier of the created release. |
| html_url | The HTML URL of the release. |
| upload_url | The URL for uploading assets to the release. |

## Example
This example will create a release when a tag is pushed:
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