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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 9, 2017. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation

Note: I'm not currently working on this, if you're interested in picking it up, file an issue over on


Uses Pulp to integrate disparate RPM repos into a single unified source.

This is achieved through two main concepts:

  • Tracking Feeds: remote repos that are mirrored locally in Pulp
  • Merge Funnels: local Pulp repos that merge content from multiple feeds

Current focus is on aggregrating independent COPR repos, allowing users to select their enabled COPR repos online through the repo integrator service, and have just a single remote repo to configure on their client systems, rather than having a proliferation of individual COPR repos enabled.

This is pre-pre-alpha software, so the above is a statement of intent, rather than a description of current functionality :)

Future Design Goals

RepoFunnel is being developed as part of a larger proposal to introduce a [Software Component Pipeline] ( into the Fedora project.

While the specific focus of v1.0 development is a funnel from COPR RPM repos to local Pulp RPM repos, there are two main axes of future generalisation to be considered:

  • more upstream sources (e.g.,
  • alternate downstream targets (e.g. Pinterest's pinrepo)

This is deliberately similar to the arc of Pulp's development, which focused specifically on RPM for the v1.0 release while keeping future support for multiple content types in mind, and than on actually supporting plugins to the repo management system for the v2.0 release.


GitHub issue tracker: Mailing list:

Note that RepoFunnel doesn't have its own mailing list, and instead uses the mailing list for the Fedora Environments & Stacks working group.

Local Development

Source repo:

Running services:

Helper scripts for local development are in _localdev.

  • Builds the ncoghlan/repofunnel Docker image locally
  • Runs up a local containerised Pulp instance
  • Starts a container to run the pulp-admin client against the local Pulp instance
  • Runs the ncoghlan/repofunnel image against the local Pulp instance
  • Runs the ncoghlan/repofunnel image, but runs the RepoFunnel web service itself from the source checkout on the host, rather than the version built into the container

To build the container image::

sudo _localdev/ .

To run an unmodified demo instance::

sudo setenforce 0             # Sorry Dan...
sudo _localdev/
sudo _localdev/

To run a development instance (for the first time)::

sudo setenforce 0             # Sorry Dan...
sudo _localdev/
sudo _localdev/ .

To restart a stopped development instance::

sudo setenforce 0             # Sorry Dan...
sudo _localdev/  # This will restart existing containers
sudo docker -ai start repofunnel_dev

These are just wrappers around particular Docker invocations, read the scripts for details (aside from the one to start a local Pulp instance, they're all single commands)

SELinux objects to the cross-linking between the Pulp containers, so that currently needs to be switched off in order to run up the service locally. Pulp's architecture is sufficiently complex that fixing this will likely require switching to Kubernetes for local development rather than using plain Docker.

The development instance ( stores persistent data in three places:

  • the pulp_db MongoDB container (Pulp's main data store)
  • the pulp_data container (Pulp's generated RPM repos)
  • the host working directory (the SQLite DB for the dev instance)

This allows the development instance container to be destroyed and recreated at will without losing any working data.

By contrast, the demo instance ( stores its data inside the container, so destroying and recreating it will lose any previously entered data.

Tech stack

This is a Django app, to align with the tech stack used by

Pulp is used as the repository management and content management engine.

REST API design is from, implemented via Django REST Framework

Front end styling is from

Development relies on Docker containers (for both Pulp and RepoFunnel itself)


RepoFunnel: a tool for aggregating and filtering upstream components into a downstream repo






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