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lsort - A simple sorting utility

This is a small project meant to allow you to practice your knowledge of C, dynamic memory, and data structures. In particular, you will need build a singly-linked list library and then implement merge sort to program your own version of the sort utility in C, called lsort:

$ ./bin/lsort -h
Usage: ./bin/lsort
  -r   reverse the result of comparisons

Note: This assignment is based heavily on Homework 07 from CSE.20289.SP17.

Singly-Linked List

For this project, you are to create singly-linked list library, liblsort.a, which contains functions for creating a list, deleting a list, adding elements to a list, reversing a list, and sorting a list.

As discussed in class, arrays in C are fast for random access, but have of the limitation of being fixed sized. When we need a data structure that can grow organically at run-time, we can turn to the singly-linked list.

Recall from your data structures course that a singly-linked list is a data structure which consists of linked nodes. That is, it is a sequence container of node structures where each node consists of a data value and a reference to the next node in the sequence as shown below:

Singly-Linked List

For our library, we will be using a singly-linked list with a tail pointer and a stored size:

  • As with a normal singly-linked list, we will have a series of individual node structures which consist of a data value and a reference to the next node.

    In the diagram above, we have three individual node structures holding the values 5, 7, and 4. The 5 node has a reference to the 7 node, while the 7 node has a reference to the 4 node. Because there is nothing after the 4 node, the 4 node's next node reference is simply the NULL pointer.

    This is useful because it allows us to iterate through our sequence using the following pseudo-code:

      for (curr = head; curr != NULL; curr =
  • To keep track of our nodes, we have a list structure that tracks the head of the list, the tail of the list, and the size of the list.

    In the diagram above, head references the first node structure, which is the 5 node. Similarly, tail references the last node structure, which is the 4 node. Finally, size has the value of 3 since the sequence container has 3 elements.

  • Because our singly-linked list has both a tail pointer, we can insert new node structures to the back of the sequence container in constant time (ie. O(1)).

  • Because we maintain the size of the list in the list structure, we do not need to iterate through the sequence container to compute this value and thus can report the number of elements in constant time.

Starter Code

To help you get started, this repository contains the following starter code:

    \_  Makefile    # This is the Makefile for building all the project artifacts
    \_  bin         # This folder contains the project scripts and executables
    \_  include     # This folder contains the project header files
    \_  lib         # This folder contains the project library
    \_  src         # This folder contains the project source code
    \_  tests       # This folder contains the project test source code

Node Structure

The node.h file is the header file for the node structure used in our implementation of a singly-linked list. Besides a few function prototypes, this header defines a Node as:

struct Node {
    char *data;
    Node *next;

This means that each Node consists of a string data value, and a reference to the next node in the sequence.

The node.c file contains the implementation for the node structure. For this project, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. Node *node_create(char *data, Node *next)

    This function allocates a new Node structure, sets its data, and next fields, and returns the allocated structure.

    • You must check if memory allocation fails.
    • You must allocate and copy the string (consider strdup).
  2. Node * node_delete(struct node *n, bool recursive)

    This function deallocates the given Node structure (including the data field). If recursive is true this function will also deallocate the next Node and any of its successors.

    • Although the recursive parameter implies you should use recursion, you may wish to consider using an iterative implementation instead to avoid stack overflow.

List Structure

The list.h file is the header file for the list structure used in our implementation of a singly-linked list. Besides a few function prototypes, this header defines a List as:

struct List {
    Node  *head;
    Node  *tail;
    size_t size;

This reflects the design describe above. Each List has a reference to the head of the list (ie. first element), the tail of the list (ie. last element), and the size of the list (ie. number of elements).

The list.c file contains the implementation for the list structure. For this project, you will need to implement the following functions:

  1. List *list_create()

    This function allocates a new List structure, initializes its fields, and returns the allocate structure.

  2. List *list_delete(List *l)

    This function deallocates the given List structure.

    • You should use the node_delete function.
  3. void list_push_back(List *l, char *s)

    This function adds a new Node structure with the given s string value to the back of the List structure.

    • Be sure to update the head and tail of the List structure appropriately.

    • You should use the node_create function.

  4. void list_reverse(List *l)

    This function reverses the List structure recursively using the internal node_reverse function.

    • Draw a picture on a piece of paper and do this by hand first.

    • node_reverse takes in the current Node and what its previous Node is. Because we are reversing the List, we want to end up saying the the next field of the current Node is the previous Node.

    • Remember to update the head and tail fields of the List structure.

  5. void list_sort(List *l)

    This function performs merge sort, which is a recursive divide and conquer sorting algorithm, on the List structure using the internal list_merge_sort, list_split, and list_merge functions.

    • Draw a picture on a piece of paper and do this by hand first.

    • The list_merge_sort function has the following pseudo-code:

        # Divide
        split(head, &left, &right)
        # Conquer
        left  = merge_sort(left)
        right = merge_sort(right)
        # Combine
        head = merge(left, right)
    • The list_split function divides the provided List into left and right sublists by using the fast and slow pointer trick. Be sure to NULL terminate your sublists.

    • The list_merge function iteratively combines two sublists into a single ordered list.

    • Remember to update the head and tail fields of the List structure.

lsort utility

The lsort.c file is contains the implementation of the list sorting tool described above. For this project, you need to implement the following function:

  1. void lsort(FILE *stream, bool reverse)

    This function reads one line at a time from the stream and builds a singly-linked list using list_push_back. It then sorts the list using list_sort. If reverse is true, then the list is reversed using list_reverse. Finally, this function will print the data attribute of each element in the list.


To build the project, you can simply run the make command:

$ make
Compiling src/lsort.o
Compiling src/node.o
Compiling src/list.o
Linking lib/liblsort.a
Linking bin/lsort

This will compile both the project library and executable. To remove these artifacts, you can use make clean:

$ make clean
Removing objects
Removing static library
Removing tests
Removing lsort


To test your project, you can use the provided unit and functional tests:

$ make test
Testing node...
 node_create                              ... Success
 node_delete                              ... Success

   Score 1.00

Testing list...
 list_push_back                           ... Success
 list_reverse                             ... Success
 list_sort                                ... Success

   Score 3.00

Testing bin/lsort ...
 Usage                                    ... Success
 lsort    on /etc/passwd                  ... Success
 lsort -r on /etc/passwd                  ... Success
 lsort    on /etc/hosts                   ... Success
 lsort -r on /etc/hosts                   ... Success
 lsort    on seq 1000 | shuf              ... Success
 lsort -r on seq 1000 | shuf              ... Success

   Score 4.00

Note, you can each test individually:

$ ./bin/unit_node 0     # Run unit test 0 of node structure

$ ./bin/   # Run functional test of lsort


CSE 20289 Systems Programming (Spring 2021) - lsort guru point






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