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Matthew Brush committed Apr 5, 2011
1 parent 39c1799 commit a41985f
Showing 1 changed file with 209 additions and 72 deletions.
281 changes: 209 additions & 72 deletions lint
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Checks theme file for consistency and possible errors.
import os
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser

theme_file = "colorschemes/gedit.conf"
error_code = 0
import os, sys
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser


"theme_info": ["name", "description", "version", "author", "url"],

"named_styles": [
"default", "error",
"default", "error",

"selection", "current_line", "brace_good", "brace_bad",
"margin_line_number", "margin_folding",
"margin_line_number", "margin_folding",
"fold_symbol_highlight", "indent_guide", "caret",
"marker_line", "marker_search", "marker_mark",
"call_tips", "white_space",
"call_tips", "white_space",

"comment", "comment_doc", "comment_line", "comment_line_doc",
"comment_doc_keyword", "comment_doc_keyword_error",

"number", "number_1", "number_2",

"type", "class", "function", "parameter",

"keyword", "keyword_1", "keyword_2", "keyword_3", "keyword_4",

"identifier", "identifier_1", "identifier_2", "identifier_3",

"string", "string_1", "string_2", "string_eol", "character",
"backtick", "here_doc",

"label", "preprocessor", "regex", "operator", "decorator",

"tag", "tag_unknown", "tag_end", "attribute",
"attribute_unknown", "value", "entity",
"label", "preprocessor", "regex", "operator", "decorator",

"tag", "tag_unknown", "tag_end", "attribute",
"attribute_unknown", "value", "entity",

"line_added", "line_removed", "line_changed"


parser = SafeConfigParser()[theme_file])

theme_base = os.path.basename(theme_file)

#def is_ref_style(sect, opt):
#for o in parser.options(sect):
#if opt.startswith(o):
#return True
#return False

#def option_style(sect, opt):
#value = parser.get(sect, opt)
#if value.startswith("0x") or value(sect, opt).startswith(";"):

#elif is_ref_style(sect, opt)

def check_sections_options():
global error_code
for req_sect, req_options in _REQUIRED.items():
if not parser.has_section(req_sect):
print "%s: missing '%s' section" % (theme_base, sect)
error_code += 1

warning_count = 0
error_count = 0

def warning(msg):
global warning_count
warning_count += 1
sys.stderr.write("warning #%d: %s\n" % (warning_count, msg))

def error(msg):
global error_count
error_count += 1
sys.stderr.write("error #%d: %s\n" % (error_count, msg))

def check_group_and_fields(cfg, group):
Errors and quits if the group is missing, warns only if there
are options missing.
exit_status = True
if not cfg.has_section(group):
error("Missing '%s' group!" % group)
return False
for field in _REQUIRED[group]:
if not cfg.has_option(group, field):
warning("Missing '%s' field in '%s' group!" % (field, group))
exit_status = False
elif not cfg.get(group, field).strip():
warning("Missing value for '%s' field in '%s' group!" % (field, group))
exit_status = False
return exit_status

def parse_color(color):
" Returns RGB tuple on success, False on failure. "

orig_color = color
color = color.lower().strip()

if color.startswith('#'):
error("Bad color '%s', colors should start with 0x not #." % orig_color)
return False
if not color.startswith('0x'):
error("Bad color '%s', colors should start with 0x." % orig_color)
return False
color = color.replace('0x', '')
if not len(color) == 6:
error("Bad color '%s', colors should start with 0x followed by six hex digits." % orig_color)
return False

r, g, b = color[0:2], color[2:4], color[4:6]

r = int(r, 16)
except ValueError:
error("Bad color '%s', red value should be hex digits between 00 and ff." % orig_color)
return False
g = int(g, 16)
except ValueError:
error("Bad color '%s', green value should be hex digits between 00 and ff." % orig_color)
return False
b = int(b, 16)
except ValueError:
error("Bad color '%s', blue value should be hex digits between 00 and ff." % orig_color)
return False

return r, g, b

def parse_style(key, style):
Returns either a FG,BG,bold,italic tuple or a STYLE,toggle_bold,toggle_italic
tuple if the style could be parsed, or False if it couldn't.

style = style.strip()

# regular FG;BG;bold;italic format
if ';' in style:

if len(style.split(';')) > 4:
error("Bad style '%s', too many fields to parse." % style.strip())
return False

fields = [ f.strip() for f in style.split(';') ]

if fields[0]: # fg_color
if not parse_color(fields[0]):
return False
fields[0] = parse_color(fields[0])

if len(fields) > 1:
if fields[1]: # bg_color
if not parse_color(fields[1]):
return False
fields[1] = parse_color(fields[1])
for req_opt in req_options:
if not parser.has_option(req_sect, req_opt):
print "%s: missing '%s' option in '%s' section" % (
theme_base, req_opt, req_sect)
error_code += 1
if not parser.get(req_sect, req_opt):
print ("%s: missing value for " % theme_base +
"'%s' option in " % req_opt +
"'%s' section" % req_sect)
error_code += 1

#def check_refs():
#for sect in parser.sections():

#for opt in parser.options(sect):

#if is_ref_style(sect, opt):

if len(fields) > 2: # bold
if fields[2] == "true": fields[2] = True
elif fields[2] == "false": fields[2] = False
elif fields[2] == "": fields[2] = None
else: return False

if len(fields) > 3: # italic
if fields[3] == "true": fields[3] = True
elif fields[3] == "false": fields[3] = False
elif fields[3] == "": fields[3] = None
else: return False

return fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]

# named style copy with optional toggle bold and/or italic
elif ',' in style:

toggle_bold = None
toggle_italic = None

if len(style.split(',')) > 3:
error("Bad style '%s', too many fields to parse." % style)
return False

fields = [ f.strip() for f in style.split(',') ]

if fields[0] not in _REQUIRED["named_styles"]:
error("Bad style '%s', unknown named style." % fields[0])
return False

if len(fields) > 1:

if fields[1] == "bold": toggle_bold = True
elif fields[1] == "italic": toggle_italic = True
error("Bad style '%s', expected bold or italic.")
return False

if len(fields) > 2:
if fields[2] == "italic": toggle_italic = True
error("Bad style '%s', expected italic.")
return False
fields.extend([None, None])

return fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]

# with only 1 item, must be either named style or color
if style in _REQUIRED["named_styles"]:
return style, False, False
if parse_color(style):
return parse_color(style), None, None, None
error("Bad style '%s', I don't know what this is." % style)
return False

if error_code == 0:
print "%s: no problems detected" % theme_base
print "%s: %d problems detected" % (theme_base, error_code)

def run_lint(in_file):
Checks the in_file and returns 0 on success or greater than
0 on failure.

return_code = 0

if not os.path.isfile(in_file):
error("Input file '%s' does not exist." % in_file, True)

cfg = SafeConfigParser()[in_file])

# check sections and options
if not check_group_and_fields(cfg, "theme_info"):
return_code += 1
if not check_group_and_fields(cfg, "named_styles"):
return_code += 1

# check parsing each style and color
for style_key in cfg.options("named_styles"):
val = cfg.get("named_styles", style_key)
if not parse_style(style_key, val):
return_code += 1

return return_code

if __name__ == "__main__":

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
sys.stdout.write("Checking file '%s'...\n--------\n" % sys.argv[1])
return_code = run_lint(sys.argv[1])
if return_code > 0:
sys.stdout.write("--------\nThere were %d warnings and errors encountered.\n" % (return_code + 1))
error("Missing input file.")
sys.stdout.write("Usage %s THEME_FILE.conf\n" % sys.argv[0])

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