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RideOn - Bike App


RideOn is a mobile application that allows users to discover and explore bike routes in Switzerland. The application includes two roles: Admin and User. The admin can create new bike routes, manage existing routes, and handle problems on the road that users notify. The user can start a biking tour on one of the routes created by an administrator and notify the admin if there is a problem on the road.


  • Route Management - Admins can create and manage bike routes using the Swisstopo API, view statistics, and handle user-reported issues.

  • User Interface - The application provides a user-friendly interface for browsing available routes, starting biking tours, and reporting issues on the road.

  • Scrum Development - The project was developed using Scrum methodology, allowing for agile and efficient development processes.

Technologies Used

The Bike App was fully developed using Flutter, a popular mobile application development framework. The application leverages the Swisstopo API for the map layers.

How to Use

This app is only Accessible to internal testers for now.


RIdeOn is a useful tool for users who want to explore bike routes in Switzerland. The application provides accurate information about available routes and allows users to report issues on the road, ensuring a safe and enjoyable biking experience. The use of Flutter and the Swisstopo API makes the application fast and reliable.


Cycling Application developped in Flutter







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