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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 18, 2023. It is now read-only.

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⚖️ Tests
:balance_scale: Tests
Something to do with implementing, improving, and/or maintaining automated tests.
📚 Research
:books: Research
Something I need to research further.
🧱 Blocked
:bricks: Blocked
Something blocked by another issue.
🐛 Bug
:bug: Bug
Something that isn't behaving right.
💡 Idea
:bulb: Idea
Something I might implement down the road.
🔮 Future
:crystal_ball: Future
Something I'll leave for later.
🚫 Invalid
:no_entry_sign: Invalid
Something my dumb ass opened without thinking about it.
🪨 Unrefined
:rock: Unrefined
Something that needs to be refined prior to action.
💬 Discussion
:speech_balloon: Discussion
Something I could probably use advice on.
🎉 Done
:tada: Done
Something I've already finished.
🤔 Ponder
:thinking: Ponder
Something I need to think about for a while.
🔢 Size: 1
:1234: Size: 1
Something that should take an hour or less to solve.
🔢 Size: 2
:1234: Size: 2
Something that should take 1-2 hours to solve.
🔢 Size: 3
:1234: Size: 3
Something that should take 2-3 hours to solve.
🔢 Size: 5
:1234: Size: 5
Something that should take most of a day to solve.
🔢 Size: 8
:1234: Size: 8
Something that should take a day or two to solve.
🔢 Size: 13
:1234: Size: 13
Something that might take a week to solve.