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BristolFE v2 - Paul Wilcox

This repository contains a number of Matlab functions and example scripts for performing basic Finite Element (FE) simulations, in particular explicit dynamic ones. Currently only 2D models are supported and the only element types are 3-noded triangular ones for elastic solids (CPE3), fluids (AC2D3), and  fluid-solid interface elements (ASI2D2).

To use, clone (or download and unzip) the repository and add the BristolFE-v2/code folder to the Matlab path.

The entry-point for FE analysis is the function fn_BristolFE_v2 in the BristolFE-v2/code folder. The BristolFE-v2/code folder also contains numerous helper functions for creating meshes and displaying results.

The core FE code is in various functions in the BristolFE-v2/code/internal folder, which are not expected to be called directly by the user. 

Special wrapper functions for sub-domain modelling are in the BristolFE-v2/subdoms folder. See the two example files for examples of how to use.

Make sure that the code and code/internal folders are on the Matlab path, e.g. by having:
at the top of any scripts that use the functions, where RELEVANT_PATH is set according to wherever you put the folder.

Some example scripts are provided in the BristolFE-v2/examples. Most likely you will start with one of these and modify it according to your requirements.


The entry point function is res = fn_BristolFE_v2(mod, matls, steps, fe_options). 

When this function is called, a complete mesh must be specified (in mod), the materials used must be defined (in matls), and one or more loading steps and the required outputs defined (in the cell array steps).

The requested results for the corresponding loading step are returned in the cell array res. Typical outputs are one or both of: 
    1. History outputs -complete time histories of the displacement (or pressure in fluids) at one or mode nodes, typically plotted as time-domain signals.
    2. Field output - snapshots of the complete wavefield (its local kinetic energy) at intervals in time, typically displayed as a movie and used as a visualisation tool.

Most of the code in the example scripts is concerned with preparing mod, matls, and steps before fn_BristolFE_v2 is called and then displaying the outputs.


In BristolFE-v2/examples you will find the following scripts which provide simple examples how to set up different features in models:
    1. fluid_example.m - simulate pressure waves in a fluid domain
    2. solid_example.m - simulate longitudinal and shear waves in a solid domain
    3. coupled_solid_fluid_example.m - simulate waves in a fluid domain coupled to a solid one, showing mode conversions at the interface
    4. absorbing_layer_example.m - same as 3 but this time with an absorbing layer on 3 sides of the domain to prevent reflections
    5. subdomain_example.m - simulate waves in a pristine domain, add a scatterer to a subdomain and combine results to obtain overall response
    6. subdomain_array_example.m - same as 5 but simulating FMC data from an array transducer
    7. solid_example_angled_excitation - same as 2 but with normal or shear forcing applied on angled edge of model to illustrate how to apply force at an angle


The 'private' directory under 'code' has been renamed 'internal' otherwise its contents could not be accessed by functions in subdoms folder due to the way Matlab interprets private folders.
Functions to generate 3x3 isotropic plane stress and plane strain stiffness matrices removed and replaced single function to generate 6x6 isotropic stiffness matrix. Following Abaqus element naming convention, CPE3 elements are plane strain anyway so this is handled at the element level. At some point an equivalent plane stress element may be added but this is of less relevance for ultrasonic wave models anyway.


The fluid-solid coupling sort of works but there is a potential instability issue. Practically this can be fixed by reducing the time step (increasing the safety factor) but sometimes the computational cost becomes prohibitive. Hopefully this will be fixed at some point.


New version of our own Matlab FE code






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