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legpipe2: a SNP calling pipeline

The SNP calling pipeline used at CREA-ZA (Lodi, Italy). Main application is legumes (diploid and tetraploid) and restricted sequencing (mainly Genotyping By Sequencing). You can use it for everything else, though.

Main features

  • clean separation in modules (alignment, trimmin, SNP calling, ...)
  • each module can be (re)executed easily, carries its own configuration
  • easy to hack. You don't like a module and want to improve it? Just go to the corresponding file
  • internally use of GVCF workflow from GATK/HaplotypeCaller suite, allowing for low-memory fast calling




Legpipe2 internally uses many other tools. The script allows to install everything starting from a clean ubuntu machine (here "ubuntu" means: apt package manager, sudo for installation privileges, basing Unix shell). Even if you are not using you should check it and use it as a guideline for setting up your machine.

Using Legpipe2

Since it's python3 all the way down, you just have to clone the repo. Then do a:

python3 /path/to/ your_config_file.ini

The configuration file is the core of the pipeline, since it dictates what steps are going to be executed and on what data. A lot of interesting details are provided in the sample_config.ini example file.

Main inspirations


Big chunks

Nothing :)


I'd like to implement the following checks and features to ensure that the pipeline fails gracefully when something goes wrong:

  • support both .fa.gz and .fasta.gz genome files (see in particular genome indexing module)
  • check if the reference genome is gzipped and not bgzipped
  • indexing module needs a better management of the logs


None known :)


Stuff that it would be nice to have, once the above blocks are empty:

  • export to conf file all the commands, especially from align/filter
  • we are using both samtools and bcftools. Is it really necessary?
  • call module does a lot of work. it could probably be split in three modules (HaplotypeCaller, GenomicsDBImport and GenotypeGVCFs). On the other hand, I'm not sure how common is to do each step separatedly
  • implement test for required software (maybe module based? like what is done for interpolate() and validate() functions). Also check for python 3.6+
  • post calling filtering from UGbS-Flex:
    • [optional] Remove adjacent SNPs
    • [optional] Consolidate SNPs
    • [optional] Select SNPs based on parental scores (only applies to some mapping populations)
    • [optional] Remove cosegregating SNP markers
  • remove any, shell=True)