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Telegram Mini App + Bot server

You can use this project as an example of how to implement your own backend for Telegram Mini App


  • 🤖 /start and /help commands handlers
  • 🎹 Inline Keyboard
  • 💰 Payments support
  • ✨ Hot Reloading
  •  ▲  Serverless Vercel Deployment setup

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Create config. Copy .env.example to .env and fill it with your data
cp .env.example .env
Variable Example Description Where to get
APP_NAME Telebook Your Web App name. Used in bot messages Just invent by yourself
PUBLIC_HOST Backend public host Get from ngrok on development, or use production deployment host
WEB_APP_URL Frontend public host Get from ngrok on development, or use production deployment host
PORT 8888 Server listening port (for local development) Any number
BOT_TOKEN 1234567890:AsdApjfxhQJtdoRFU187NOir76rocvxxxxx Your bot token Get from @BotFather
PROVIDER_TOKEN 12345678:TEST:xxxxxxxxxxxxx Payment API provider token See Payments docs
IS_TEST_ENVIRONMENT true Do we need to use Telegram Test Environment Set true on your local machine and false on production
ALLOWED_ORIGINS * From which origins server should accept requests Set "*" for local, for production you can restrict origins for security reasons
  1. Run
Command Description
yarn dev Start dev server with Hot Reloading
yarn build Compile TS and prepare bundle for production
yarn start Run production server


During development it is useful to use Ngrok for forwarding your local port to the Internet.

  1. Run yarn dev and see what port is occupied
  2. In a separate terminal session run ngrok http YOUR_PORT
  3. Insert given link to the Frontend app's .env

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