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chefsale committed Sep 15, 2020
1 parent 225b75d commit 0958ddc
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@@ -1,267 +1 @@
# nearup

[![PyPI version](](

Public scripts to launch near betanet and testnet node

# Usage

## Prerequisite

Before you proceed, make sure you have the following software installed:

* Python 3
* git (used for updates)
* cURL

### Ubuntu Prerequisite Installation

Here is the installation command:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 git curl

## Install

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | python3

Nearup automatically adds itself to PATH: restart the terminal, or issue the command `source ~/.profile`.
On each run, nearup self-updates to the latest version.

## Start

### Using Docker (recommended for fast onboarding)

> Heads up, you need [Docker]( installed before you proceed.
> Ubuntu users can install it with the following command:
> ```
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install
> ```
> Also, you need to make sure that your user belongs to `docker` group:
> ```
> sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`
> ```
> You will need to re-login to the system so the group changes get effective.
Once all the prerequisites are met, just run:

nearup betanet

Where `betanet` is the weekly release, or `testnet` for the stable releases.

### Using Officially Compiled Binary (recommended for running on servers)

Currently, officially compiled binaries are available for Linux and Mac OS X

nearup betanet --nodocker

Replace `betanet` with `testnet` if you want to use a different network.

### Using Locally Compiled Binary (recommended for security critical validators or development needs)

Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first.

nearup betanet --nodocker --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release}

Replace `betanet` with `testnet` if you want to use a different network.

## Spawn Local network

Clone and compile nearcore with `make release` or `make debug` first.

nearup localnet --binary-path path/to/nearcore/target/{debug, release}

By default it will spawn 4 nodes validating in 1 shard.
RPC ports of each nodes will be consecutive starting from 3030.
Access one node status using http://localhost:3030/status

## Stop a Running Node or all running nodes in local network

nearup stop

## Additional Options

nearup betanet --help

# Contributions
To change code and run local version of nearup:
1. fork/clone this repo and checkout to your branch
2. change code
3. run `python3 <net> ...`. If your changes merge to master branch, this will be equivalent to `nearup <net> ...`

# Get Started Guides

## Run nearup on macOS
nearup runs also on Apple macOS. Requirements:
- At least 40GB of storage space
- [Docker for Mac](
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- [Python3]( *No need to install with macOS 10.15 Catalina*

### Start a Node

1. **Important:** launch `Docker` from your Applications folder. You don't need a Docker Hub account to run nearup

2. If you haven't already, install Xcode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install

2. Download nearup via `curl`
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | python3
The output shoud be `Nearup is installed to ~/.nearup!`.
You may receive an alert to install or update Xcode Command Line Tools. Follow the steps. Once completed, try again the command above.

3. Restart the terminal, or issue the command
source ~/.profile
No output is expected.

4. Launch the nearup with the command
nearup betanet
The output will look like this:
Pull docker image nearprotocol/nearcore:beta
Setting up network configuration.
Enter your account ID (leave empty if not going to be a validator): lakecat
Generating node key...
Node key generated
Generating validator key...
Validator key generated
Stake for user 'lakecat' with 'ed25519:HigQXU4QkAvfsuMPTyL5f65coWnCAkR4Yi7RiJPcQKNv'
Starting NEAR client docker...
Node is running!
To check logs call: docker logs --follow nearcore
Nearup will ask your `account ID`, for now you can leave it empty. If you already have a wallet on, feel free to input your `account ID` for future use as a validator.

5. Check if your node is running correctly by issuing the command
docker logs --follow nearcore --tail 100
The output will look like this:
Mar 25 01:38:59.607 INFO near: Did not find "/srv/near/data" path, will be creating new store database
Mar 25 01:39:00.161 INFO stats: Server listening at ed25519:AWDhVpfVDvV85tem2ZUa6CmZQwmPawFuzR1wnoiLirRa@
Mar 25 01:39:10.598 INFO stats: # 0 Downloading headers 0% -/4 5/5/40 peers ⬇ 57.9kiB/s ⬆ 0.8kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 42%, Mem: 39.2 MiB
Mar 25 01:39:20.798 INFO stats: # 0 Downloading headers 2% -/4 5/5/40 peers ⬇ 144.0kiB/s ⬆ 0.9kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 49%, Mem: 50.5 MiB
Mar 25 01:39:30.800 INFO stats: # 0 Downloading headers 3% -/4 5/5/40 peers ⬇ 239.9kiB/s ⬆ 0.9kiB/s 0.00 bps 0 gas/s CPU: 46%, Mem: 58.8 MiB
Mar 25 01:39:40.804 INFO stats: # 0 Downloading headers 4% -/4 5/5/40 peers ⬇ 335.6kiB/s ⬆ 1.0kiB/s 0.00

If you need to export the logs for troubleshooting, issue the command:
docker logs nearcore --tail 5000 2>&1 | tee nearcore$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M").log
This command will generate a file in your current folder called 'nearcoreYYYYMMDDHHMM.log' containing the last 5,000 lines of nearcore logs. You can change the switch `--tail 5000` to any other number to export more or less data.

### Updating the node
Nearup provides an automated process to verify that your node is using the current network, by analyzing `genesis.json`. If your node is not up to date, it will not be able to dowload new blocks, and will disconnect automatically:
Apr 10 18:10:15.873 ERROR network: Attempting to connect to a node (ed25519:GkDv7nSMS3xcqA45cpMvFmfV1o4fRF6zYo1JRR6mNqg5@ with a different genesis block. Our genesis: GenesisId { chain_id: "betanet", hash: `BAtdJLUtNabWVJnnvYUuot7TfRf9VcqKh4b8FKAXbXSD` }, their genesis: GenesisId { chain_id: "betanet", hash: `3MKug5MgUnBYBeymCL8P9KXYSJoAhTfcKJzhPKPo8iXQ` }

To automatically update your node, stop nearup:
nearup stop
Wait a few seconds, and restart nearup:
nearup betanet
The output will show a new genesis checksum:
Warning: current deployed version on betanet is 650b69863207ac6be5b55d2b2f8761dc89821b49, but local binary is 56622f45. It might not work
Remote genesis protocol version md5 997a44a7b94fdb680d87548d7dd9a572, ours is 309f5819133d4399f4a0bab054fa3c38
Update genesis nearkat with 'ed25519:A5DL4iByp1EbYYpRVrpoKwBBA5YKkPdK6L1hLsTmcQrv'
Starting NEAR client...

If the process is completed without errors, the node will be in sync within a few minutes.

### Cleaning up
This is the step-by-step guide to remove nearup from your macOS system:

1. Stop nearcore container
nearup stop
The output will be `Stopping docker near`

2. Prune Docker
**warning:** you may want to skip this step if you have other containers on your system
docker system prune --volumes
The output will require your confirmation
WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all volumes not used by at least one container
- all dangling images
- all dangling build cache
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]

3. Open your `$HOME` directory
cd $home

4. Remove .near folder with the command
rm -ri .near
The output will require your confirmation to delete every file and folder
Nearkats-MacBook-Pro:.nearup nearkat$ rm -ri $HOME/.near
examine files in directory /Users/nearkat/.near? yes
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/genesis.json? yes
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/config.json? yes
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/node_key.json? yes
examine files in directory /Users/nearkat/.near/data? yes
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/IDENTITY? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/000003.log? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/LOCK? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/OPTIONS-000078? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/CURRENT? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/LOG? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/MANIFEST-000004? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data/OPTIONS-000080? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/data? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near/validator_key.json? y
remove /Users/nearkat/.near? y
You may save the LOG directory for future use. Alternatively, you can use `rm -rf .near` to skip any confirmation.

5. Eventually uninstall `Docker`, by moving it from applications folder to the trash
6. Eventually uninstall Xcode Command Line Tools by removing the folder `/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools` - from the [official Apple guide](
:warning: Nearup is being rewritten. The current version of nearup is DEPRECATED. Please use the nearup_v2 (documentation and code): branch until merged into master!!!

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