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Releases: nebrelbug/NebBlogOS

NeblogOS v1.0-beta.0.1

07 Jun 15:58
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You can now use the setposition! macro safely... see release 1 for instructions on building or running.


04 Jun 11:40
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NeblogOS Pre-release

Goes into 64-bit mode and then runs Rust code! To run this, download Qemu and then run qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom $(iso)! (Optionally, add -m 1024before -cdrom to give it 1GB of RAM. If you're running on Windows Subsystem for Linux install Xming or something like it and then double click it, then run the command.

To mess around with this, clone the repository, install nasm, rust with rustup, cargo, xargo, ld, make, qemu, grub-mkrescue, and grub-pc-bin . Run rustup add component rust-src, then make run. Has to be on a 64 bit device. You could burn the .iso file to a CD and then boot it on a real computer if you dared, or probably use a USB?