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Generate reports

Martin Chalupa edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to generate a report

You can generate report from lint by:

./gradlew generateGradleLintReport

Select format of a report

You can select a format of the report via an extension:

gradleLint {
    reportFormat = 'text'

Or via a project property which overrides the extension:

./gradlew generateGradleLintReport -PgradleLint.reportFormat=text

Supported values are text, xml, html with default value html

Configure the content of the report

The report will have the same rules you would get by using lintGradle task. You can configure the report to contain only rules which would be applied when using fixGradleLint. Rules without automated fixes or rules skipped due to conflict won't be added.

You can enable it in the extension:

gradleLint {
    reportOnlyFixableViolations = true

Or via a project property which overrides the extension:

./gradlew generateGradleLintReport -PgradleLint.reportOnlyFixableViolations=true