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File metadata and controls

42 lines (36 loc) · 2.08 KB
$ coverage html --help
Usage: coverage html [options] [modules]

Create an HTML report of the coverage of the files.  Each file gets its own
page, with the source decorated to show executed, excluded, and missed lines.

                        Only display data from lines covered in the given
                        contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be
  -d DIR, --directory=DIR
                        Write the output files to DIR.
  --fail-under=MIN      Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less
                        than MIN.
  -i, --ignore-errors   Ignore errors while reading source files.
                        Include only files whose paths match one of these
                        patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be
  --omit=PAT1,PAT2,...  Omit files whose paths match one of these patterns.
                        Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.
  --precision=N         Number of digits after the decimal point to display
                        for reported coverage percentages.
  -q, --quiet           Don't print messages about what is happening.
  --show-contexts       Show contexts for covered lines.
  --skip-covered        Skip files with 100% coverage.
  --no-skip-covered     Disable --skip-covered.
  --skip-empty          Skip files with no code.
  --title=TITLE         A text string to use as the title on the HTML.
  --debug=OPTS          Debug options, separated by commas. [env:
  -h, --help            Get help on this command.
  --rcfile=RCFILE       Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc',
                        'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are
                        tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]