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Bookmarks API

Simple CRUD api with authentication and authorization to help me learn NestJS and backend development in general.

Tech Stack

  • NestJS
  • Prisma
  • Postgres


  • Create, read, update, delete bookmarks
  • Create users and edit user information
  • Authenticates users and issues jwt access token

How to use

To run the project loccally you need to have node installed and a database setup. I don't know much about setting up databases, I used Postgres for this project and Prisma is configured for postgres so if you want to use a different database make sure you update the schema.prisma file. I connected the database to the project using a .env file and had a variable called DATABASE_URL which is the url to the database. The .env is ignored by git, cause I have to practice not pushing my .env file to github 😅.

After having node installed and a database set up, run the following command in the project root to install all dependencies: npm install

After all dependencies are done installing, use the following command to run the project: npm run start

The project will run on http://localhost:3000/ you can change the port in the main.ts file.

Testing the project:

There are 5 endpoints in this project. You can test them using Postman, Insomnia or any other testing tool that is used for this sort of thing.

  1. https://localhost:3000/api/signup

    • Here you can provide an email and a password to create a new user and get access token for the said user.
    • You can also provide firstname and lastname but those are not required.
    • It accepts a POST request.
  2. https://localhost:3000/api/login

    • Here you can provide an email and a password to login and existing user and get access token.
    • It accepts a POST request.
  3. http://localhost:3000/user/me

    • Here you can get the user information for the user that is logged in. You will have to provide the access token in the Authorization header.
    • It accepts a GET request.
  4. http://localhost:3000/bookmarks

    • Here you can get all the bookmarks for the user that is logged in or create a new bookmark. You will have to provide the access token in the Authorization header.
    • It accepts a GET and POST requests.
  5. http://localhost:3000/bookmarks/:id

  • Here you can get, edit, or delete a bookmark using a specific id.
  • It accepts a GET, PATCH, and DELETE requests.