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gmail-api-scala-client Build Status


Provide an asynchronous, actor-based, pure Scala library for Gmail API.

Google published Gmail API client libraries for Java, .NET and Python, with Go and Dart libraries in the works. However, there is currently no native Scala library and developing a wrapper around Google's Java library is unattractive since the library is synchronous.

High-Level Project Goals

  • Fully asynchronous
  • Actor-based
  • Fast and lightweight
  • Data model based on case classes and Scala collections
  • Easily extensible to support additional Google and other third-party APIs
  • Configuration via Typesafe Config
  • Logging via Akka event bus
  • Type safety

Project Status

  • Project is under development. Code documentation is under way.
  • Pull requests, code reviews, comments and questions are all appreciated.


  • OAuth, Labels, Messages, Threads, History, Attachments and Drafts APIs
  • Test suites for all APIs
  • Exponential back off wrapper for Gmail API actor, see gmailapi.GmailApiActorBackoff

####TO DOs:

  • Scala Docs

####Future[TO DOs]:

  • Full inbox sync example code
  • Refactor with Google Discovery API and Scala reflection
  • Refactor with Akka-Http
  • Hide away nextPageToken from List methods for Threads, Messages and History


Gmail API limits per user usage to 25 work units per second (moving average). For more details, see

Clients should use gmailapi.GmailApiActorBackoff, which incorporates exponential backoff, when there are too many requests for a specific user.

  • Imports
import gmailapi.GmailApiActorBackoff
import gmailapi.oauth2._
import gmailapi.methods._
import gmailapi.resources._
import gmailapi.restclient.RestResponses
val scope = Seq(
  "") mkString " "
implicit val oauthConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
    | oauth2.clientId = "...",
    | oauth2.clientSecret = "...",
    | oauth2.redirectUri = "...",
    | oauth2.scope = "$scope" """.stripMargin)
  • If the user is accessing the app for the first time (i.e. there is no refresh token), run gmailapi.oauth2.authorizationUri function to get the authorization Uri

  • Create an actor and router as appropriate, for example

val props = Props(new GmailApiActorBackoff(maxRetries = 5))
val gmailApi = context.actorOf(props.withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(
  nrOfInstances = 10)))
  • Exchange the authorization code received through redirectUri for an OAuth2 identity. Store the result in an implicit var of OAuth2Identity type since api methods take an implicit OAuth2Identity parameter.
  gmailApi ! OAuth2.RequestToken(authCode)
  • Invoke Gmail API methods
val label = Label(
  name = "My new label",
  messageListVisibility = MessageListVisibility.Hide,
  labelListVisibility = LabelListVisibility.LabelShowIfUnread)
gmailApi ! Labels.Create(label)

gmailApi ! Threads.List(labelIds = Seq("INBOX", "SENT"))

val rawMsg = MessageFactory.createMessage(
  fromAddress = Some(("Alice", "")),
  to = Seq(("Bob", "")),
  subject = Some("Hello"),
  textMsg = Some("World"),
  htmlMsg = Some(s"<html><body><i>World</i></body></html>"))
gmailApi ! Messages.Send(message = rawMsg)

How to extend the API coverage

The package gmailapi.restclient includes traits and case classes for constructing clients for any REST service.

First, define resources that are produced/consumed by the REST service, as follows:

case class Person(
  userId: Option[String] = None,
  givenName: String,
  familyName: String,
  email: Option[String] = None,
  pictureUri: Option[String] = None)

Next, define serializers and deserializers for the resources. If REST service is based on JSON format, use spray and json4s as follows:

import spray.httpx.Json4sJacksonSupport
import org.json4s.{ DefaultFormats, FieldSerializer, Formats }

object PersonSerializer extends Json4sJacksonSupport {
  implicit def json4sJacksonFormats : Formats = DefaultFormats +
  FieldSerializer[Person]() }

Next, define REST service methods as implementations of gmailapi.restclient.RestRequest trait specifying concrete values for abstract members uri, method, credentials, entity, and unmarshaller:

import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization.{ read, write }
import spray.http.{HttpCredentials, HttpEntity, HttpMethods, ContentTypes}

object People {
  import PersonSerializer._

  case class Create(person: Person)(implicit val token: HttpCredentials)
    extends RestRequest {
    val uri = s""
    val method = HttpMethods.POST
    val credentials = Some(token)
    val entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, write(person))
    val unmarshaller = Some(read[Person](_: String))

  case class Get(userId: String)(implicit val token: HttpCredentials)
    extends RestRequest {
    val uri = s"$userId"
    val method = HttpMethods.GET
    val credentials = Some(token)
    val entity = HttpEntity.Empty
    val unmarshaller = Some(read[Person](_: String))

  // other REST methods defined...

Finally, define a concrete Actor for the REST service by implementing RestActor trait.

class PeopleApiActor extends Actor with RestActor {
  // define a logger
  val log = Logging(context.system, this)

  // define error handlers
  val errorHandler = List(
      // when http response is...
      // reply with...
      RestResponses.ExpiredAuthToken) {
        // when this condition is satisfied
        _.contains("Expired Authentication Token")
      // other error handlers...

Access the APIs as follows:

val myApi = system.actorOf(Props(new PeopleApiActor))
implicit val creds = OAuth2BearerToken("...")

val person = Person(
  givenName = "John",
  familyName = "Doe",
  email = Some(""))

myApi ! People.Create(person)



You can add the gmail-api-scala-client as a dependency as follows:


  // add Typesafe & Sonatype Snapshot resolvers
  resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at "",

  // add library dependency
  libraryDependencies ++= {
    val gmailApiScalaClientVersion = "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    Seq("com.github.nemanja-stanarevic" %% "gmail-api-scala-client" % gmailApiScalaClientVersion)

Made with ❤ in NYC at Hacker School


Asynchronous actor-based Scala library for Gmail API







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