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Nenkan UI

This project contains React components that use the styles from Nenkan CSS.

You can use it as building blocks for a user interface.

You can see the production storybook at


Contributions to this project are welcome.

If you want to help, find an issue that has nobody assigned. Then comment on that issue saying you want to help out. Keep in mind issues are assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. If someone else comments before you, they will be prioritized to do the issue.

This is important: please only start working on an issue after having been assigned to it. That way we can ensure no more than one person is working on the same issue at the same time.

You will need to fork the repository, create a feature branch, then propose changes via a pull request.

We ask that you test the code in your local environment to make sure it actually works. We encourage you take the time to understand the codebase. If not sure about it, just ask and someone will gladly help you.


You need to have Node.js and NPM installed.

Then, open a terminal window and run the following commands.

First ensure you are inside the storybook/ directory:

cd storybook

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Run the storybook:

npm run storybook

That should open the storybook website where you can see things change as you go about your coding.


Pushes to the default branch automatically trigger an action to build and deploy the storybook to the production website.


Run the following to build:

npm run build

It will create the directory dist with the transpiled and copied files.

To facilitate development, use the following to have your code changes automatically rebuilt:

npm run build:watch

Publication to NPM

Only the directory dist should be published to NPM.

NPM Linking

You can make changes to this library while consuming it from a broader project.

Build this library, then change to the dist directory and run npm link.

Then, in the directory of the project that consumes this library, run npm link @nenkan/ui.