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[RELAY] Non-recursive Graph Vistor and Rewriter (apache#4886)
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* First pass a defining a non-recursive Graph Vistor and Rewriter


remove a currently empty test until testing is solidfied

* Make CalcDep from Dead Code Elimination non-recursive

* Partially working, not passing all tests yet

passes tests when disabling GetExprRefCount, I think I have a bug in visit counting

fix GetExprRefCount

Fix a subtle bug with nested recursive/non-recursive scopes

* Refactor

* improve comments

* respond to review comments on comments

* Fix a problem with default recursion for dataflow nodes

mark DataflowVisitor methods as override

* implement ScopeMutator

* convert forward_rewrite to ScopeMutator, remove DataflowMutator

* rewrite ExprRewriter and convert fast_math to use it

* switch BiasAddSimplifier to ExprRewriter

fix a clang warning

fix cpp lint

fix doc param error

* respond to review comments

* fix a typo in the iterative looping

* add a regression test for GetExprRefCount issue

* Normalize naming

* fix lint

* First pass a defining a non-recursive Graph Vistor and Rewriter


remove a currently empty test until testing is solidfied

* Make CalcDep from Dead Code Elimination non-recursive

* Partially working, not passing all tests yet

passes tests when disabling GetExprRefCount, I think I have a bug in visit counting

fix GetExprRefCount

Fix a subtle bug with nested recursive/non-recursive scopes

* Refactor

* improve comments

* respond to review comments on comments

* Fix a problem with default recursion for dataflow nodes

mark DataflowVisitor methods as override

* implement ScopeMutator

* convert forward_rewrite to ScopeMutator, remove DataflowMutator

* rewrite ExprRewriter and convert fast_math to use it

* switch BiasAddSimplifier to ExprRewriter

fix a clang warning

fix cpp lint

fix doc param error

* respond to review comments

* fix a typo in the iterative looping

* add a regression test for GetExprRefCount issue

* Normalize naming

* fix lint

* respond to review comments
  • Loading branch information
mbrookhart authored and zhiics committed Apr 17, 2020
1 parent a3c951a commit 8689711
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Showing 10 changed files with 416 additions and 65 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions include/tvm/relay/analysis.h
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <tvm/ir/module.h>
#include <tvm/relay/type.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,6 +226,16 @@ TVM_DLL Map<Expr, Integer> CollectDeviceAnnotationOps(const Expr& expr);
TVM_DLL Array<Pattern> UnmatchedCases(const Match& match, const IRModule& mod);

* \brief Get reference counter of each internal ExprNode in body.
* \param body The body expression.
* \return The reference count mapping.
TVM_DLL std::unordered_map<const Object*, size_t>
GetExprRefCount(const Expr& body);

} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm

Expand Down
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions include/tvm/relay/expr_functor.h
Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,189 @@ class ExprMutator
std::unordered_map<Expr, Expr, ObjectHash, ObjectEqual> memo_;

* \brief A wrapper around ExprVisitor which traverses the Dataflow Normal AST.
* MixedModeVisitor treats Expr as dataflow graph, and visits in post-DFS order
* MixedModeVisitor provides the same recursive API as ExprVisitor, and uses
* recursion to traverse most forms of the IR, but under the hood it expands nested dataflow regions
* of the graph and processes them iteratatively to prevent stack overflows
class MixedModeVisitor : public ::tvm::relay::ExprVisitor {
/*! \brief The constructor of MixedModeVisitor
* \param visit_limit The number of times to allow visitation to a node. Usually 1, ocassionally
* higher (i.e., 2 for dead code elimiation), limited to 10 as a sanity check.
explicit MixedModeVisitor(int visit_limit = 1);

* \brief VisitExpr is finalized to preserve call expansion of dataflow regions
void VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final;
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) override;
void VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) override;

* \brief A function to apply when reaching a leaf of the graph non-recursively
virtual void VisitLeaf(const Expr& expr);
* \brief A function to determine if an expression has already been visited or needs to be
* re-visited
virtual bool CheckVisited(const Expr& expr);
* \brief The max number of times to visit a node
size_t visit_limit_;

/*! \brief Non-recursive DFS Graph Traversal for Custom Rewriting Passes
* MixedModeMutator treats Expr as dataflow graph, and only Rewrites each Expr once.
* The mutated results are memoized in a map and reused so that
* local transformation on the dataflow preserves the graph structure.
* MixedModeMutator provides the same recursive API as ExprMutator, and uses
* recursion to traverse most forms of the IR, but under the hood it expands nested dataflow regions
* of the graph and processes them iteratatively to prevent stack overflows
* Uses Rewrite_ API of ExprRewriter for a cleaner split between recrusive and non-recursive behavior.
class MixedModeMutator : public ::tvm::relay::ExprMutator {
Expr VisitExpr(const Expr& expr) final;
virtual Expr DispatchVisitExpr(const Expr& expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final { return Rewrite(op); };
Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call_node) final { return Rewrite(call_node); };
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final { return Rewrite(op); };
* \brief Users should override Rewrite_ methods to implement their pass. Rewrite_ functions will be
* able to rewrite the op only with data about the original node `pre` and the same node with
* modified inputs `post` and should not recurse.
* \param pre The expression node before rewriting.
* \param post The expression with rewritten inputs.
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const TupleNode* pre, const Expr& post) { return post;}
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const CallNode* pre, const Expr& post) { return post; }
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const TupleGetItemNode* pre, const Expr& post) { return post; }

/*! \brief Implement Rewrite API by calling ExprMutator's VisitExpr_(op) to get a `post` node with
* changed inputs.
template <typename T>
Expr Rewrite(const T* op) {
Expr post = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
return Rewrite_(op, post);

virtual void VisitLeaf(const Expr& expr);
virtual bool CheckVisited(const Expr& expr);

vtable.template set_dispatch<OP>([](const ObjectRef& n, TSelf* self, const Expr& post) { \
return self->Rewrite_(static_cast<const OP*>(n.get()), post); \

{ return post; }

/*! \brief A non-iterating Expression Rewriter
* ExprRewriter provides a Rewrite interface for modifying graphs in Post-DFS order.
* The expectation is that ExprRewriter objects will be passed to PostOrderRewrite, which will
* non-recursively unroll the graph and call Rewriting on inputs. It will then pass the original
* node, called `pre`, and a node recreated with any alterned inputs, called `post`, to the
* ExprRewriter. The ExprRewriter can then use the information in those two nodes to do more complex
* graph rewriting.
class ExprRewriter {
using TSelf = ExprRewriter;
using FType = tvm::NodeFunctor<Expr(const ObjectRef& n, TSelf* self, const Expr& post)>;

/*! \brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~ExprRewriter() {}
* \brief Same as call.
* \param pre The expression node before rewriting.
* \param post The expression node with rewritten inputs.
* \return The result of the call
Expr operator()(const Expr& pre, const Expr& post) {
return Rewrite(pre, post);
* \brief The functor call.
* \param pre The expression node before rewriting.
* \param post The expression node with rewritten inputs.
* \return The result of the call
virtual Expr Rewrite(const Expr& pre, const Expr& post) {
static FType vtable = InitVTable();
return vtable(pre, this, post);
// Functions that can be overriden by subclass, should not recurse
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const VarNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const GlobalVarNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const ConstantNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const TupleNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const FunctionNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const CallNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const LetNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const IfNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const OpNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const TupleGetItemNode* pre,
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const RefCreateNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const RefReadNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const RefWriteNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const ConstructorNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;
virtual Expr Rewrite_(const MatchNode* pre, const Expr& post) EXPR_REWRITER_REWRITE_DEFAULT;

// initialize the vtable.
static FType InitVTable() {
FType vtable;
// Set dispatch
return vtable;

/*! \brief Non-recursive DFS Graph Traversal for Custom Rewriting Passes
* PostOrderRewrite does a non-recursive traversal of the graph in Post-DFS order and calls the
* ExprRewriter's Rewrite functions on nodes once their inputs are rewritten. At each rewrite call,
* PostOrderRewrite provides the original node and the node with altered inputs for use by the
* ExprRewriter.
Expr PostOrderRewrite(const Expr& expr, ExprRewriter* rewriter);

* \brief recursively visit the ir in post DFS order node, apply fvisit
* Each node is guaranteed to be visited only once.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/relay/analysis/
Expand Up @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ TVM_REGISTER_GLOBAL("relay.analysis.all_type_vars")
std::unordered_map<const Object*, size_t>
GetExprRefCount(const Expr& body) {
class ExprRefCounter : private ExprVisitor {
class ExprRefCounter : private MixedModeVisitor {
std::unordered_map<const Object*, size_t>
Get(const Expr& body) {
Expand Down

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