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Quick Start Instructions

Neo Anderson edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Create an account in and request Prof Morteza for access to USC-PIL group. Then follow the below steps to get the NLPUtils source code.

  1. Download Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers from
  2. Start Eclipse.
  3. Go to Help>Install new software...
  4. Type in the url and press enter key.
  5. Select Eclipse 4 - Core Tools and Eclipse 4 - CSS Spy from the list and follow the instructions on screen to install the required tools. Restart Eclipse after installation.
  6. Go to File>Import... Select the option "Project from Git"
  7. Select "Clone from URI"
  8. Enter the URL in the textbox and follow the onscreen instructions.
  9. Import all the projects and click finish
  10. To test the application, expand the project folder edu.usc.pil.nlputils.application, right click the file named edu.usc.pil.nlputils.application.product and select Run As>Eclipse Application.

Once you complete these steps, you will find a lot of errors in the package explorer. Follow the instructions below to fix these.

  1. In Eclipse, Select Windows -> Preferences. Select "Maven" in the left window -> check "Download repository index updates on startup"
  2. Restart eclipse
  3. Select Windows -> Preferences. Expand "Maven" in the left window -> Discovery -> Open Catalog.
  4. In the Find box, type in Tycho Configurator. Check the Tycho Configurator in the results and click the confirm or finish button.
  5. Say OK to the warning (this is because tycho is from a third party). You will need to restart the eclipse once the plugin is successfully installed

Now, the errors would have been fixed. You have the latest code now. Before working on the project, always pull the latest changes from the code repository by right clicking on the main application project and selecting "Team" > "Pull". Merge the latest changes in case of conflicts. Then, commit your code after making sure everything works properly.

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