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1.2 changelog

Konstantin Lutovich edited this page May 24, 2017 · 14 revisions


  • Fixed issues with Transaction#isOpen() that could incorrectly report transaction as being closed #374 and #375


  • Disabled setting bookmark to null via session#beginTransaction(bookmark) #343
  • Deprecates ConfigBuilder#withRoutingFailureLimit() and ConfigBuilder#withRoutingRetryDelay()#342
  • Fixed possible memory leak due to logger issue#359 #362
  • Restore backwards compatibility in logger by removing Logger#warn(String, Throwable)#361


  • Resolve DNS to IP addresses for the initial URI provided for routing driver #322
  • Add IPv6 address support in driver URI #322
  • Fix bug in session#reset that Transaction functions (Session#readTransaction() and Session#writeTransaction()) should respect Session#reset() call the same way other statement running operations do. #340


  • Added dedicated functional interface TransactionWork for declarative transactions Session#readTransaction(TransactionWork) and Session#writeTransaction(TransactionWork) #328
  • Make declarative transactions commit by default and not require transaction to be marked for success via Transaction#success() invocation #328


  • Decoupled socket connection from the Session. Previously session was bound to a connection and used same connection throughout its lifetime. Now new connection will be used for each Session#run() and each transaction started with Session#beginTransaction(). This improves load-balancing and makes idle connections return to the pool as soon as possible #324
  • Added following new API methods #325:
    • Driver#session(String bookmark) to allow initial bookmark on session creation which is used by the first transaction
    • Driver#session(AccessMode mode, String bookmark) to allow both initial bookmark and default AccessMode on session creation
    • Session#readTransaction(Function<Transaction, T> work) to allow declarative read transactions with exponential backoff retry policy
    • Session#writeTransaction(Function<Transaction, T> work) to allow declarative write transactions with exponential backoff retry policy
    • ConfigBuilder#withMaxTransactionRetryTime(int value, TimeUnit unit) to configure exponential backoff retry policy for #readTransaction() and #writeTransaction(), default value is 30 seconds
  • Added memorization of the initial routing address so rediscovery procedure can use it when all other known routers fail to respond #326
  • Deprecated Session#reset() #327
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