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Supports degrees up to 2^35 in importer
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without additional memory overhead. This is done via indirection in
integer count field (which also contains other flags though) if count
surpasses 2^29 into an array which has bigger slots. This indirection
should be extremely rare and only kicks in for nodes with more than
2^29 number of relationships in a single import.
  • Loading branch information
tinwelint committed Apr 18, 2017
1 parent 3e29f42 commit 6ac8938
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Showing 2 changed files with 183 additions and 40 deletions.
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package org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.cache;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,7 +55,12 @@ public class NodeRelationshipCache implements MemoryStatsVisitor.Visitable
private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 1_000_000;
private static final long EMPTY = -1;
private static final long MAX_RELATIONSHIP_ID = (1L << 48/*6B*/) - 2/*reserving -1 as legal default value*/;
static final int MAX_COUNT = (1 << 30/*2 change bits*/) - 2/*reserving -1 as legal default value*/;
// if count goes beyond this max count then count is redirected to bigCounts and index into that array
// is stored as value in count offset
static final int MAX_SMALL_COUNT = (1 << 29/*3 change bits*/) - 2/*reserving -1 as legal default value*/;
// this max count is pessimistic in that it's what community format can hold, still pretty big.
// we can make this as big as our storage needs them later on
static final long MAX_COUNT = (1L << 35) - 1;

// Sizes and offsets of values in each sparse node ByteArray item
private static final int ID_SIZE = 6;
Expand All @@ -66,8 +72,9 @@ public class NodeRelationshipCache implements MemoryStatsVisitor.Visitable
// Masking for tracking changes per node
private static final int DENSE_NODE_CHANGED_MASK = 0x80000000;
private static final int SPARSE_NODE_CHANGED_MASK = 0x40000000;
private static final int COUNT_MASK = ~NODE_CHANGED_MASKS;
private static final int BIG_COUNT_MASK = 0x20000000;
private static final int COUNT_MASK = ~COUNT_FLAGS_MASKS;

private ByteArray array;
private byte[] chunkChangedArray;
Expand All @@ -80,6 +87,8 @@ public class NodeRelationshipCache implements MemoryStatsVisitor.Visitable
private volatile boolean forward = true;
private final int chunkSize;
private final NumberArrayFactory arrayFactory;
private final LongArray bigCounts;
private final AtomicInteger bigCountsCursor = new AtomicInteger();

public NodeRelationshipCache( NumberArrayFactory arrayFactory, int denseNodeThreshold )
Expand All @@ -91,6 +100,7 @@ public NodeRelationshipCache( NumberArrayFactory arrayFactory, int denseNodeThre
this.arrayFactory = arrayFactory;
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.denseNodeThreshold = denseNodeThreshold;
this.bigCounts = arrayFactory.newDynamicLongArray( 1_000, 0 );
this.relGroupCache = new RelGroupCache( arrayFactory, chunkSize, base );

Expand All @@ -106,27 +116,101 @@ private static byte[] minusOneBytes( int length )
* @param nodeId node to increment relationship count for.
* @return count after the increment.
public int incrementCount( long nodeId )
public long incrementCount( long nodeId )
return incrementCount( array, nodeId, SPARSE_COUNT_OFFSET );

void setCount( long nodeId, int count )
* Should only be used by tests
void setCount( long nodeId, long count, Direction direction )
if ( isDense( nodeId ) )
long relGroupId = all48Bits( array, nodeId, SPARSE_ID_OFFSET );
relGroupCache.getAndSetCount( relGroupId, direction, count );
setCount( array, nodeId, SPARSE_COUNT_OFFSET, count );

* This method sets count (node degree, really). It's somewhat generic in that it accepts
* array and offset to set the count into. This is due to there being multiple places where
* we store counts. Simplest one is for sparse nodes, which live in the main
* NodeRelationshipCache.array at the dedicated offset. Other counts live in RelGroupCache.array
* which contain three counts, one for each direction. That's covered by array and offset,
* the count field works the same in all those scenarios. It's an integer which happens to have
* some other flags at msb, so it's the 29 lsb bits which represents the count. 2^29 is merely
* 1/2bn and so the count field has its 30th bit marking whether or not it's a "big count",
* if it is then the 29 count bits instead point to an array index/slot into bigCounts array
* which has much bigger space per count. This is of course quite rare, but nice to support.
* <pre>
* "small" count, i.e. < 2^29
* [ 0c,cccc][cccc,cccc][cccc,cccc][cccc,cccc]
* │└──────────────────┬──────────────────┘
* │ bits containing actual count
* 0 marking that this is a small count
* "big" count, i.e. >= 2^29
* [ 1i,iiii][iiii,iiii][iiii,iiii][iiii,iiii]
* │└──────────────────┬──────────────────┘
* │ bits containing array index into bigCounts array which contains the actual count
* 1 marking that this is a big count
* </pre>
* so the bigCounts array is shared between all different types of counts, because big counts are so rare
* @param array {@link ByteArray} to set count in
* @param nodeId node id, i.e. array index
* @param offset offset on that array index (a ByteArray feature)
* @param count count to set at this position
private void setCount( ByteArray array, long nodeId, int offset, long count )
assertValidCount( nodeId, count );
array.setInt( nodeId, SPARSE_COUNT_OFFSET, count );

if ( count > MAX_SMALL_COUNT )
int rawCount = array.getInt( nodeId, offset );
int slot;
if ( rawCount == -1 || !isBigCount( rawCount ) )
// Allocate a slot in the bigCounts array
slot = bigCountsCursor.getAndIncrement();
array.setInt( nodeId, offset, BIG_COUNT_MASK | slot );
slot = countValue( rawCount );
bigCounts.set( slot, count );
{ // We can simply set it
array.setInt( nodeId, offset, toIntExact( count ) );

private static void assertValidCount( long nodeId, int count )
private static void assertValidCount( long nodeId, long count )
if ( count > MAX_COUNT )
// Meaning there are bits outside of this mask, meaning this value is too big
throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to increment count of " + nodeId + " to " + count +
throw new IllegalStateException( "Tried to increment count of node id " + nodeId + " to " + count +
", which is too big in one single import" );

private static boolean isBigCount( int storedCount )
return (storedCount & BIG_COUNT_MASK) != 0;

* Called by the one calling {@link #incrementCount(long)} after all nodes have been added.
* Done like this since currently it's just overhead trying to maintain a high id in the face
Expand All @@ -146,22 +230,38 @@ public long getHighNodeId()
return this.highNodeId;

private static int getCount( ByteArray array, long index, int offset )
* @see #setCount(ByteArray, long, int, long) setCount for description on how bigCounts work
private long getCount( ByteArray array, long index, int offset )
long rawCount = array.getInt( index, offset ) & COUNT_MASK;
if ( rawCount == COUNT_MASK )
int rawCount = array.getInt( index, offset );
int count = countValue( rawCount );
if ( count == COUNT_MASK )
// All bits 1, i.e. default initialized field
return 0;
return (int) rawCount;

if ( isBigCount( rawCount ) )
// 'count' means index into bigCounts in this context
return bigCounts.get( count );

return count;

private static int countValue( int rawCount )
return rawCount & COUNT_MASK;

private static int incrementCount( ByteArray array, long index, int offset )
private long incrementCount( ByteArray array, long nodeId, int offset )
array = index );
int count = getCount( array, index, offset ) + 1;
assertValidCount( index, count );
array.setInt( index, offset, count );
array = nodeId );
long count = getCount( array, nodeId, offset ) + 1;
setCount( array, nodeId, offset, count );
return count;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,13 +469,13 @@ public void setForwardScan( boolean forward )
* @param direction {@link Direction} to get count for.
* @return count (degree) of the requested relationship chain.
public int getCount( long nodeId, Direction direction )
public long getCount( long nodeId, Direction direction )
ByteArray array = nodeId );
if ( isDense( array, nodeId ) )
{ // Indirection into rel group cache
long id = getRelationshipId( array, nodeId );
return id == EMPTY ? 0 : relGroupCache.getAndResetCount( id, direction );
return id == EMPTY ? 0 : relGroupCache.getAndSetCount( id, direction, 0 );

return getCount( array, nodeId, SPARSE_COUNT_OFFSET );
Expand All @@ -399,7 +499,7 @@ public interface GroupVisitor

public static final GroupVisitor NO_GROUP_VISITOR = (nodeId, next, out, in, loop) -> -1;

private static class RelGroupCache implements AutoCloseable, MemoryStatsVisitor.Visitable
private class RelGroupCache implements AutoCloseable, MemoryStatsVisitor.Visitable
private static final int NEXT_OFFSET = 0;
private static final int BASE_IDS_OFFSET = ID_SIZE;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,7 +531,7 @@ private void clearRelationships( ByteArray array, long relGroupId )
* relationship chain for this node after this point in time, where the count should
* restart from 0.
int getAndResetCount( long id, Direction direction )
long getAndSetCount( long id, Direction direction, long newCount )
id = rebase( id );
ByteArray array = id );
Expand All @@ -441,8 +541,8 @@ int getAndResetCount( long id, Direction direction )

int offset = countOffset( direction );
int count = NodeRelationshipCache.getCount( array, id, offset );
array.setInt( id, offset, 0 );
long count = getCount( array, id, offset );
setCount( array, id, offset, newCount );
return count;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,12 +576,12 @@ private long visitGroup( long nodeId, long relGroupIndex, GroupVisitor visitor )
return nextId;

private static int directionOffset( Direction direction )
private int directionOffset( Direction direction )
return BASE_IDS_OFFSET + (direction.ordinal() * ID_AND_COUNT_SIZE);

private static int countOffset( Direction direction )
private int countOffset( Direction direction )
return directionOffset( direction ) + ID_SIZE;
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Expand Up @@ -328,22 +328,20 @@ public void shouldFailFastOnTooHighCountOnNode() throws Exception
cache = new NodeRelationshipCache( NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 10, 100, base );
long nodeId = 5;
int count = NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT - 5;
long count = NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT - 1;
cache.setHighNodeId( 10 );
cache.setCount( nodeId, count );
cache.setCount( nodeId, count, OUTGOING );

for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
cache.incrementCount( nodeId );
cache.incrementCount( i );
catch ( IllegalStateException e )
assertEquals( NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT + 1, i );
cache.incrementCount( nodeId );
fail( "Should have failed" );
catch ( IllegalStateException e )
// THEN Good

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,9 +400,54 @@ public void shouldKeepNextGroupIdForNextRound() throws Exception

public void shouldHaveSparseNodesWithBigCounts() throws Exception
cache = new NodeRelationshipCache( NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, base );
long nodeId = 1;
cache.setHighNodeId( nodeId + 1 );

long highCount = NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT - 100;
cache.setCount( nodeId, highCount, OUTGOING );
long nextHighCount = cache.incrementCount( nodeId );

assertEquals( highCount + 1, nextHighCount );

public void shouldHaveDenseNodesWithBigCounts() throws Exception
// A count of a dense node follow a different path during import, first there's counting per node
// then import goes into actual import of relationships where individual chain degrees are
// kept. So this test will first set a total count, then set count for a specific chain

cache = new NodeRelationshipCache( NumberArrayFactory.HEAP, 1, 100, base );
long nodeId = 1;
cache.setHighNodeId( nodeId + 1 );
cache.setCount( nodeId, 2, OUTGOING ); // surely dense now
cache.getAndPutRelationship( nodeId, OUTGOING, 1, true );
cache.getAndPutRelationship( nodeId, INCOMING, 2, true );

long highCountOut = NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT - 100;
long highCountIn = NodeRelationshipCache.MAX_COUNT - 50;
cache.setCount( nodeId, highCountOut, OUTGOING );
cache.setCount( nodeId, highCountIn, INCOMING );
cache.getAndPutRelationship( nodeId, OUTGOING, 1, true /*increment count*/ );
cache.getAndPutRelationship( nodeId, INCOMING, 2, true /*increment count*/ );

assertEquals( highCountOut + 1, cache.getCount( nodeId, OUTGOING ) );
assertEquals( highCountIn + 1, cache.getCount( nodeId, INCOMING ) );

private void testNode( NodeRelationshipCache link, long node, Direction direction )
int count = link.getCount( node, direction );
long count = link.getCount( node, direction );
assertEquals( -1, link.getAndPutRelationship( node, direction, 5, false ) );
assertEquals( 5, link.getAndPutRelationship( node, direction, 10, false ) );
assertEquals( count, link.getCount( node, direction ) );
Expand All @@ -422,9 +465,9 @@ private long findNode( NodeRelationshipCache link, long nodeCount, boolean isDen
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No dense node found" );

private int incrementRandomCounts( NodeRelationshipCache link, int nodeCount, int i )
private long incrementRandomCounts( NodeRelationshipCache link, int nodeCount, int i )
int highestSeenCount = 0;
long highestSeenCount = 0;
while ( i --> 0 )
long node = random.nextInt( nodeCount );
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