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PartitionedIndexStorage cleans lucene directories
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PartitionedIndexStorage#prepareFolder(File) method prepares a folder in the
filesystem to be used by the lucene index partition. Currently it does so by
cleaning up all sub-folders and sub-files in the filesystem. This works for the
case when lucene files live in the same filesystem as all other files. It does
not work for tests where we have an in-memory lucene RAMDirectory and separate
FileSystemAbstraction implementation.

This commit makes PartitionedIndexStorage clean lucene directories separately
using Directory#deleteFile(String) method. It also merges AbstractIndexStorage
into the PartitionedIndexStorage since the later is the only implementation.
Added some tests and javadocs.
  • Loading branch information
lutovich authored and MishaDemianenko committed Jan 21, 2016
1 parent 159f24c commit f0e9f54
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Showing 3 changed files with 379 additions and 90 deletions.

This file was deleted.

Expand Up @@ -31,18 +31,136 @@


import static;

public class PartitionedIndexStorage extends AbstractIndexStorage
* Utility class that manages directory structure for a partitioned lucene index.
* It is aware of the {@link FileSystemAbstraction file system} structure of all index related folders, lucene
* {@link Directory directories} and {@link FailureStorage failure storage}.
public class PartitionedIndexStorage
private final DirectoryFactory directoryFactory;
private final FileSystemAbstraction fileSystem;
private final FolderLayout folderLayout;
private final FailureStorage failureStorage;

public PartitionedIndexStorage( DirectoryFactory directoryFactory, FileSystemAbstraction fileSystem,
File rootFolder, String identifier )
super( directoryFactory, fileSystem, new IndexFolderLayout( rootFolder, identifier ) );
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
this.folderLayout = new IndexFolderLayout( rootFolder, identifier );
this.directoryFactory = directoryFactory;
this.failureStorage = new FailureStorage( fileSystem, folderLayout );

* Opens a {@link Directory lucene directory} for the given folder.
* @param folder the folder that denotes a lucene directory.
* @return the lucene directory denoted by the given folder.
* @throws IOException if directory can't be opened.
public Directory openDirectory( File folder ) throws IOException
return folder );

* Resolves a folder for the partition with the given index.
* @param partition the partition index.
* @return the folder where partition's lucene directory should be located.
public File getPartitionFolder( int partition )
return folderLayout.getPartitionFolder( partition );

* Resolves root folder for the given index.
* @return the folder containing index partition folders.
public File getIndexFolder()
return folderLayout.getIndexFolder();

* Create a failure storage in the {@link #getIndexFolder() index folder}.
* @throws IOException if failure storage creation fails.
* @see FailureStorage#reserveForIndex()
public void reserveIndexFailureStorage() throws IOException

* Writes index failure into the failure storage.
* @param failure the cause of the index failure.
* @throws IOException if writing to the failure storage file failed.
* @see FailureStorage#storeIndexFailure(String)
public void storeIndexFailure( String failure ) throws IOException
failureStorage.storeIndexFailure( failure );

* Retrieves stored index failure.
* @return index failure as string or {@code null} if there is no failure.
* @see FailureStorage#loadIndexFailure()
public String getStoredIndexFailure()
return failureStorage.loadIndexFailure();

* For the given {@link File folder} removes all nested folders from both {@link FileSystemAbstraction file system}
* and {@link Directory lucene directories}.
* @param folder the folder to clean up.
* @throws IOException if some removal operation fails.
public void prepareFolder( File folder ) throws IOException
cleanupFolder( folder );
fileSystem.mkdirs( folder );

* For the given {@link File folder} removes the folder itself and all nested folders from both
* {@link FileSystemAbstraction file system} and {@link Directory lucene directories}.
* @param folder the folder to remove.
* @throws IOException if some removal operation fails.
public void cleanupFolder( File folder ) throws IOException
List<File> partitionFolders = listFolders( folder );
for ( File partitionFolder : partitionFolders )
cleanupLuceneDirectory( partitionFolder );
fileSystem.deleteRecursively( folder );

* Opens all {@link Directory lucene directories} contained in the {@link #getIndexFolder() index folder}.
* @return the map from file system {@link File directory} to the corresponding {@link Directory lucene directory}.
* @throws IOException if opening of some lucene directory (via {@link DirectoryFactory#open(File)}) fails.
public Map<File,Directory> openIndexDirectories() throws IOException
Map<File,Directory> directories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Expand All @@ -68,11 +186,44 @@ public Map<File,Directory> openIndexDirectories() throws IOException
return directories;

* List all folders in the {@link #getIndexFolder() index folder}.
* @return the list of index partition folders or {@link Collections#emptyList() empty list} if index folder is
* empty.
public List<File> listFolders()
File[] files = fileSystem.listFiles( getIndexFolder() );
return listFolders( getIndexFolder() );

private List<File> listFolders( File rootFolder )
File[] files = fileSystem.listFiles( rootFolder );
return files == null ? Collections.emptyList()
: Stream.of( files ).filter( fileSystem::isDirectory ).collect( toList() );


* Removes content of the lucene directory denoted by the given {@link File file}. This might seem unnecessary
* since we cleanup the folder using {@link FileSystemAbstraction file system} but in fact for testing we often use
* in-memory directories whose content can't be removed via the file system.
* <p>
* Uses {@link FileUtils#windowsSafeIOOperation(FileUtils.FileOperation)} underneath.
* @param folder the path to the directory to cleanup.
* @throws IOException if removal operation fails.
private void cleanupLuceneDirectory( File folder ) throws IOException
try ( Directory dir = folder ) )
String[] indexFiles = dir.listAll();
for ( String indexFile : indexFiles )
FileUtils.windowsSafeIOOperation( () -> dir.deleteFile( indexFile ) );

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