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Neo4j::Rails Scaffolds & Generators

Andreas Ronge edited this page Sep 26, 2012 · 9 revisions

Rails Neo4j Project Template

Make sure you are running JRuby (rvm install jruby).
Creating an Neo4j application from scratch:

gem install rails
rails new myapp -m -O
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
rails s

open a webbrowser: http://localhost:3000/users

The database will be stored in the db/neo4j-development folder.
To start with a fresh new database, simply delete that folder.

The -O flag means: skip Active Record.

Neo4j.rb and Rails Example

See kvitter

Neo4j.rb Scaffolds

For available commands for neo4j models:

rails generate model --help

Example: rails generate scaffold Post title:string --timestamps

Notice There are no configuration needed to create new model objects. The neo4j generate scaffold command only creates source code in the app/model folder.

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