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341 lines (243 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

341 lines (243 loc) · 11.5 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This file should follow the standards specified on [] This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[5.1.4] - 2015-09-24


  • Update neo4j-rake_tasks version (which now uses rubyzip gem instead of zip gem)

[5.1.3] - 2015-09-09


  • Query#optional_match_nodes method

[5.1.2] - 2015-08-30


  • Using parethesis in where method call shouldn't make double parens and should allow for question mark params to work correctly

[5.1.0.rc.4] - 2015-08-16


  • Query#where_not method to make certain WHERE NOT() statements easier

[5.1.0.rc.2-3] - 2015-08-14


  • Bugs from code that was supposed to be on a branch

[5.1.0.rc.1] - 2015-08-14


  • Support pretty cypher queries via Query#print_cypher and Query#to_cypher with pretty: true

[5.0.9] - 2015-08-06


  • nil passed to limit results in no LIMIT clause

[5.0.8] - 2015-08-06


  • Parameterize regular expressions passed into where clauses

[5.0.7] - 2015-08-03


  • require 'uri' in CypherSession for environments where it isn't already required (Issue #221)

[5.0.6] - 2015-07-19


  • Added Query#match_nodes method to easily match variables to nodes/neo_ids

[5.0.5] - 2015-07-14


  • Refactoring of instrumentation done in 5.0.2 caused errors in embedded mode

[5.0.4] - 2015-07-14


  • Added default arguments to neo4j:install rake task

[5.0.3] - 2015-07-01


  • Crash in query logging when params were not given.

[5.0.2] - 2015-07-01


  • Support Ruby ranges for querying by changing to Cypher RANGE


  • Not all queries were being logged. Moved instrumentation to a lower level

[5.0.1] - 2015-06-23


  • Collections returned from Cypher within transactions were being misinterpreted. (#213)

[5.0.0] - 2015-06-18


  • Maps returned from Cypher were being treated as node/rel objects in Server mode, Arrays in Embedded. (See #211)

[5.0.0.rc.4] - 2015-06-05


  • Allow properties_map Hash in HA configuration

[5.0.0.rc.3] - 2015-05-22


  • Error when creating a relationship property as a array value of size one, value is set to first item in array instead (see neo4jrb/activegraph#814)

[5.0.0.rc.2] - 2015-05-20


  • Set Ruby version requirement back to 1.9.3 because of problems with JRuby

[5.0.0.rc.1] - 2015-05-20


  • Ruby 2.0.0 now required (>= 2.2.1 is recommended)
  • Rake tasks neo4j:(install|start|stop|restart|info|reset_yes_i_am_sure) now output log messages / errors
  • In Query chains, a with followed immediately by a limit and/or an order will have the limit/order clauses applied to it as you would expect
  • Major refactoring using rubocop and speed improvements
  • Queries are retried on failure to deal with RWLock errors


  • Bug when starting/stopping embedded sessions repeatedly (like for tests) fixed


  • Query#count method now available
  • Query#clause? method now available to determine if a Query object has a particular clause defined
  • Arrays can now be passed as labels in a Query chain (e.g. .match(n: [:Person, "Animal"]) generates: MATCH (n:Person:Animal) )
  • The Query#set and Query#remove methods now support setting labels (either via Symbols or Arrays)

(There are probably other changes too!)

Changes above this point should conform to []


  • A lot of work working with rubocop to clean up code
  • Many instances of using strings were changed to use symbols
  • Certain query responses are now automatically retried
  • Neo4j::Core::Query changes
  • WHERE clauses from Query chains are now surrounded by parentheses to avoid problems
  • WHERE clauses now support Arrays and nil values for labels
  • WHERE clauses with strings now support a second argument for parameters. Examples:
    • where("foo = {bar}", bar: value))
    • where("foo = ?", value))
  • REMOVE clauses now quote labels and support arrays to specify all labels and properties for one variable
  • RETURN clauses now turn :neo_id into ID(var)
  • New method #clause? lets you determine if a Query object had a clause called upon it in the past
  • New method #count lets you query a count of a variable


This release focuses mostly on performance and security.

  • Fixed a few n+1 queries, force the use of params in more common locations.
  • The CypherTransaction class was heavily refactored to improve the number of database connections required per transaction. This may be considered a breaking API change. Using or as instructed in all docs and examples protects the user from this, so there should be no changes required to old code in most cases.
  • New Rake task: neo4j:start_no_wait -- thanks, @telzul!
  • Massive refactoring and general cleanup by Brian.


  • Force more basic, common queries to use params. Early benchmarks suggest big performance improvements.
  • Auth improvements. You can now use a valid Neo4j token with any username to authenticate.


  • Swapped out START n=node... for MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n)... for compatibility with Neo4j 2.2.
  • Added a new class, CypherAuthentication, to support Neo4j 2.2's new authentication endpoint.
  • Modified the neo4j:install rake task to disable authentication in Neo4j 2.2.
  • New rake tasks that do exactly what you expect: neo4j:enable_auth, neo4j:disable_auth, neo4j:change_password. All 2.2 only, of course.
  • Travis-CI will run against its MRI specs against Neo4j 2.2 with Ruby 2.1.5.
  • Use params for all create actions to improve performance and security.
  • More tweaks to the string escaping process.
  • Mild refactoring for DRY and performance.


  • Small bugfix. Releasing so neo4jrb/neo4j doesn't need to pull from master in its new release.


  • Move improved escaping of Cypher params


  • When using Neo4j >= 2.1.5, use the metadata keys in Cypher responses to find labels when loading nodes
  • Adds version method to Embedded and Server sessions
  • Improved escaping of Cypher params



  • Bug fixes to sanitize params and remove blank clauses


  • Adds a user agent string to connections to identify the driver with the server


  • Improved detection of transaction responses to prevent conflicts with property names


  • Improved handling of cypher responses, particularly within transactions


No changes from rc 5

== 3.0.0.rc.5

  • Misc fixes
  • Changes to support neo4j gem
  • Using faraday gem with net-http-persistent instead of httparty

== 3.0.0.rc.4

  • Remove dependency on oj gem pending further tests.

== 3.0.0.rc.3

  • Minor gemspec fix

== 3.0.0.rc.2

  • Bugfix in gemspec related to oj and JRuby

== 3.0.0.rc.1

  • Use JSON oj implementation for better performance on neo4j server
  • Some performance improvements on regexps
  • Better support for cypher collect to return array
  • Security: prevent cypher injection
  • Support to install via rake different neo4j server environments
  • Support for query logger
  • Distinct support for query dsl

== 3.0.0.alpha.19

  • Better support for (nested) transaction #94
  • Upgrade to Rspec 3 (#93 @ausmarton)
  • Performance improvements for Neo4j Server, cache props (#86, #90, #91, chris, brian)

== 3.0.0.alpha.18

  • Fix handling of arrays in embedded mode (#89)
  • Performance improvements #86

== 3.0.0.alpha.17

  • Complete rewrite of the query api (Brian Underwood#85)
  • Better performance for Embedded Db - single ExecutionEngine instance in embedded DB (#83 chris)
  • Added better error handling when trying to install Neo4j which does not exist via Rake
  • Added better error handling when user forgot to create a session

== 3.0.0.alpha.16

  • Impl rel_type for Neo4j::Relationship

== 3.0.0.alpha.15

  • Prepared for RSpec 3.x
  • Bumped neo4j-community to 2.1.1

== 3.0.0.alpha.14

  • Improved and moved Neo4j::Label.query to Neo4j::Session.query (thanks Brian Underwood, Mark Bao)
  • Implemented inspect method for some neo4j-server classes to make PRY/IRB happy.

== 3.0.0.alpha.13

  • Fixing the neo4j:install rake task for systems without wget and Windows (#64, @ausmarton)
  • Support for adding labels on existing nodes closes (#63)
  • Session#query returns a hash for all values in a row (#61, @fiddur)

== 3.0.0.alpha.12

  • Fixing find_nodes to not quote numeric values (#48)

== 3.0.0.alpha.11

  • Added Basic Auth (HTTParty config) configuration on session (#58)
  • Drop nil value on create (#56)

== 3.0.0.alpha.10

  • Fix of data url in cypher session (#55)
  • add escape sequence sanitization to cypher translator (#53)
  • Handle update_props with nil value (#46)

== 3.0.0.alpha.9

  • Support for RegExp search (#45)

== 3.0.0.alpha.8

  • Support for Schema Constraints (#44)
  • Fix for Rake Neo4j task (#43)

== 3.0.0.alpha.7

  • Support for named sessions (#40, alex)
  • Added method #update_props for Relationship and Node
  • Added Neo4j::Relationship.create method

== 3.0.0.alpha.6

  • Fixes for wrapper method on nodes needed by the neo4j 3.0 gem

== 3.0.0.alpha.5

  • Better support for wrapping nodes, see Neo4j::Node::Wrapper

== 3.0.0.alpha.4

  • Fix for cypher query, the wrapper hook method must be called to make neo4j gem happy

== 3.0.0.alpha.3

  • Fix for cypher query where the column values was wrong

== 3.0.0.alpha.2

  • Support for Neo4j 2.0.0 and the neo4j-community jar, removed includedd JAR files
  • Simple Event support, notifying listener when database is started/usable
  • Fix requirement for standalone neo4j-core Gem (#34, Kevin Hall)

== 3.0.0.alpha.1

  • First test

== 2.3.0 / 2013-06-18

  • Use 1.9 Neo4j Jars, (#29, Jannis)
  • added ability to pass in params to Neo4j._query method (#28, kmussel)

== 2.2.4 / 2013-05-19

  • Fix for from.rels(...).to_other(to), #27
  • Add support for Relationship#nodes accessor #25, David Butler
  • Fix for NoMethodError on exception message for the []= property method, #24, Aish Aishfenton
  • Made Neo4j.start threadsafe #23, David Butler
  • Better logging for Java Exception #22, David Butler
  • Fixed RSpec problems and make it compatible with future RSpec 3

== 2.2.3 / 2012-12-28

  • Raise an exception if get_or_create is called inside a transaction
  • fix for JRuby 1.8 mode, #20

== 2.2.2 / 2012-12-27

  • Use Neo4j 1.8.1 and avoid JRuby Warnings #19

== 2.2.1 / 2012-12-17

  • Fix for create nodes and relationship using Cypher #17
  • Fix for JRuby 1.7.1 - don't impl eql and == #18

== 2.2.0 / 2012-10-02

  • Use 1.0.0 of neo4j-cypher
  • Fix of Neo4j::Config issue using boolean values, neo4jrb/activegraph#218
  • The []= operator checks that the value is a valid Neo4j value #16

== 2.2.0.rc1 / 2012-09-21

  • Deleted, refactored, improved and moved cypher stuff to neo4j-cypher gem
  • Add neo4j statistics, #15

== 2.1.0 / 2012-08-14

  • Fix for cypher query with node(*) throw error. #13
  • Add methods for Neo4j HA: ha_enabled? ha_master? #12
  • Upgrade to 1.8.M06 - breaking changes, some traversals methods use path objects

== 2.0.1 / 2012-06-07

  • Remove hard coded Gem dependencies to neo4j-advanced and neo4j-enterprise, #11
  • Make it possible to specify protected keys for Neo4j::Node.update, #8, #9
  • Added missing method for start and end_node, #7

== 2.0.0 / 2012-06-05