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Rename variable made easy.


It's fast and intuitive, while not listen to any of Cursor & TextChange events at all.


Start partial replace by <C-d>.


Start replace in current buffer by <C-a>.


Start project wide replace by mapping to <Plug>(rename-search-replace)

Be sure to check out :h rename-nvim for full features.

Work flow

  • Press <C-a> or <C-d> in normal mode to active.
  • Optional use n N o O to navigate.
  • Optional use <C-d> to toggle selection.
  • Change the word.
  • Press <esc> or save/leave buffer or insert none keyword to exit.

Note: You're free to move your cursor after active rename and text change.


This plugin make use of buffer notification feature, you'll have to build your neovim with PR: neovim/pull/7917

Install nodejs version > 8.0, and run command:

npm install -g neovim

to install neovim node client globally.

Install plugin by plugin manager, like dein.vim by add:

 call dein#add('neoclide/rename.nvim', {
    \ 'build': 'npm install --only=production'

to your init.vim and run:

:call dein#install()

in neovim.

When using other plugin manager, you may need to run:

npm install --only=production

in the directory of this plugin and run


in neovim to make remote plugin works.

Trouble shooting

When you find the plugin is not working as expected, run command :checkhealth and make use that output from rename.nvim are OK.

To get the log file, run shell command:

node -e 'console.log(path.join(os.tmpdir(), "rename-nvim.log"))'