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const-data is a free, open source tool, the target of this tool are:

1.convert csv or excel to simple language specified data format.

2.generate language speicfied reading codes

csv or excel format

  1. the first three rows are fixed

  2. the first rows describes data which will be ignored in converting

  3. the second row describes data name in this column

  4. the third row describes data type in this column: validate types are:

    a. int

    b. float

    c. string

    d. json

    e. comment: the comment type of column will be ignored in converting

    f. empty: the type of column of empty type will be int

  5. examples:

id 触发类型 触发id 奖励 备注 其它
id trigger_type trigger_id reward comment extra

1 |piece|26|{"yellow":2}|泥土消除奖励|0 2 |piece|27|{"diamond:1}|钻石消除奖励|10.5

a. the type of id-column is int because it's empty

converting csv file to lua file

#convert one csv file
#in root dir 
cd convert
python ./ -file ../testdata/reward.csv -out_dir ../testdata -if csv -of lua

#convert csv files in dir
python ./ -dir ../testdata -out_dir ../testdata -if csv -of lua

converting csv file to json file

#convert one csv file
#in root dir 
cd convert
python ./ -file ../testdata/reward.csv -out_dir ../testdata -if csv -of json

#convert csv files in dir
python ./ -dir ../testdata -out_dir ../testdata -if csv -of json

#converting excel to other files

1.the command line is almost same as convert csv excpet the option -if is "excel" must install xlrd using pip as following:

pip install xlrd

#command line usage:

  usage: python ./ -if input_format -of output_format -file input_file -out_dir lua_dir
  python ./ -if input_format -of output_format -dir csv_dir -out_dir lua_dir

    -if:    input file format : csv or excel
    -of:    output file format lua,json
    -dir:     convert files in dir
    -file:    convert file
    -out_dir: the dir of output files
    -comment:  true or false, the default value is false, true will convert the commnet type of column  
    -h : print this message  

#reading code:

reading code are in languages dir

#lua reading

  1. the reading codes are in languages/lua dir
  2. the reading interface is constData.lua which dependent to load.lua
  3. test.moon is used for testing constData,to run the test you must install busted framework

lua reading examples:

local constData = require 'constData'

--find records 
local ls = constData.find('reward',function(r) return r.trigger_type == 'piece' end)
for _,r in ipairs(ls) do

--find one, return nil or record
local record = constData.find_one('reward',function(r)return r.trigger_type == 'piece' end)

--find by id return nil or record
local record = constData.find_by_id('reward',1)


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