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A flexible load-testing/monitoring tool for Neon databases. Periocally executes specified rules and stores the results in a Postgres database.

Example of the rules:

  • {"act": "do_global_rules", "args": {}} – load and execute all rules from the global_rules postgres table.
  • {"act": "create_project", "args": {"Interval": "10m"}} – create a database in every region, if there were no projects created for the last 10 minutes
  • {"act": "delete_project", "args": {"ProjectsN": 3}} – delete a random database in random region, if there are >3 existing databases
  • {"act": "query_project", "args": {"Scenario": "activityV1"}} - send a SQL query to the random project

The default rule is {"act": "do_global_rules", "args": {}, "periodic": "random(5,35)"}, which will fetch and execute all rules from the database every 5-35 seconds.

# this will download dependencies
go mod download

# this will run existing code
go run main.go

# read .env and run the code
set -a; source .env; set +a
go run main.go | tee -a app.log

# now program should be running without errors, until Ctrl+C is pressed

One more example:

go run main.go '{"act": "query_project", "timeout": "10m", "args": {"Driver": [{"Weight": 1, "Item": "go-serverless"}], "Scenario": "activityV1", "RawProjectFilter": "projects.suspend_timeout_seconds = 0", "MaxRandomProjects": 1}}' | tee -a app.log


  1. Get a Neon account. Don't forget to increase a limit for the projects.
  2. Get a Postgres database.
  3. Put env variables.
  4. Run.

Make sure you have:

EnvFile plugin

EnvFile plugin for GoLand is useful for applying conf from .env files. Install here.

To use it:

  • Open [Run configuration]
  • Select EnvFile tab
  • Add file .env from repo root
    • On macOS press shirt+cmd+. to display hidden files

Run a linter

golangci-lint run --fix


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