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File metadata and controls

525 lines (313 loc) · 14.4 KB

Flow TypeConverter Reference

This reference was automatically generated from code on 2018-10-29


Converter which transforms various types to arrays.

  • If the source is an array, it is returned unchanged.
  • If the source is a string, is is converted depending on CONFIGURATION_STRING_FORMAT, which can be STRING_FORMAT_CSV or STRING_FORMAT_JSON. For CSV the delimiter can be set via CONFIGURATION_STRING_DELIMITER.
  • If the source is a PersistentResource object, it is converted to an array. The actual resource content is either embedded as base64-encoded data or saved to a file, depending on CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE_EXPORT_TYPE. For RESOURCE_EXPORT_TYPE_FILE the setting CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE_SAVE_PATH must be set as well.


Target type:


Source types:
  • array
  • string
  • NeosFlowResourceManagementPersistentResource


TypeConverter which converts generic objects to arrays by converting and returning

Target type:array
Source type:object


Converts Doctrine collections to arrays

Target type:array
Source type:DoctrineCommonCollectionsCollection


Converter which transforms simple types to a boolean.

For boolean this is a no-op, integer and float are simply typecast to boolean.

Strings are converted to true unless they are empry or match one of 'off', 'n', 'no', 'false' (case-insensitive).



Target type:


Source types:
  • boolean
  • string
  • integer
  • float


Converter which transforms strings and arrays into a Doctrine ArrayCollection.

The input will be transformed to the element type <T> given with the $targetType (Type<T>) using available type converters and the result will be used to populate a Doctrine ArrayCollection.



Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • array


Converter which transforms from string, integer and array into DateTime objects.

For integers the default is to treat them as a unix timestamp. If a format to cerate from is given, this will be used instead.

If source is a string it is expected to be formatted according to DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT. This default date format can be overridden in the initialize*Action() method like this:

  ->forProperty('<propertyName>') // this line can be skipped in order to specify the format for all properties
  ->setTypeConverterOption(\Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\DateTimeConverter::class, \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\DateTimeConverter::CONFIGURATION_DATE_FORMAT, '<dateFormat>');

If the source is of type array, it is possible to override the format in the source:

 'date' => '<dateString>',
 'dateFormat' => '<dateFormat>'

By using an array as source you can also override time and timezone of the created DateTime object:

 'date' => '<dateString>',
 'hour' => '<hour>', // integer
 'minute' => '<minute>', // integer
 'seconds' => '<seconds>', // integer
 'timezone' => '<timezone>', // string, see

As an alternative to providing the date as string, you might supply day, month and year as array items each:

 'day' => '<day>', // integer
 'month' => '<month>', // integer
 'year' => '<year>', // integer


Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • integer
  • array


Converter which transforms a float, integer or string to a float.

This is basically done by simply casting it, unless the input is a string and you provide some configuration options which will make this converter use Flow's locale parsing capabilities in order to respect deviating decimal separators.

Using NULL or an empty string as input will result in a NULL return value.

Advanced usage in action controller context

Using default locale:

protected function initializeCreateAction() {
               \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter::class, 'locale', true

Just providing true as option value will use the current default locale. In case that default locale is "DE" for Germany for example, where a comma is used as decimal separator, the mentioned code will return (float)15.5 when the input was (string)"15,50".

Using arbitrary locale:

protected function initializeCreateAction() {
               \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter::class, 'locale', 'fr'

Parsing mode

There are two parsing modes available, strict and lenient mode. Strict mode will check all constraints of the provided format, and if any of them are not fulfilled, the conversion will not take place. In Lenient mode the parser will try to extract the intended number from the string, even if it's not well formed. Default for strict mode is true.

Example setting lenient mode (abridged):

       \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter::class, 'strictMode', false

Format type

Format type can be decimal, percent or currency; represented as class constant FORMAT_TYPE_DECIMAL, FORMAT_TYPE_PERCENT or FORMAT_TYPE_CURRENCY of class NeosFlowI18nCldrReaderNumbersReader. Default, if none given, is FORMAT_TYPE_DECIMAL.

Example setting format type `currency` (abridged):

       \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter::class, 'formatType', \Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\NumbersReader::FORMAT_TYPE_CURRENCY

Format length

Format type can be default, full, long, medium or short; represented as class constant FORMAT_LENGTH_DEFAULT, FORMAT_LENGTH_FULL, FORMAT_LENGTH_LONG etc., of class NeosFlowI18nCldrReaderNumbersReader. The format length has a technical background in the CLDR repository, and specifies whether a different number pattern should be used. In most cases leaving this DEFAULT would be the correct choice.

Example setting format length (abridged):

       \Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\FloatConverter::class, 'formatLength', \Neos\Flow\I18n\Cldr\Reader\NumbersReader::FORMAT_LENGTH_FULL


Target type:


Source types:
  • float
  • integer
  • string


Converter which transforms to an integer.

  • If the source is an integer, it is returned unchanged.
  • If the source a numeric string, it is cast to integer
  • If the source is a DateTime instance, the UNIX timestamp is returned


Target type:


Source types:
  • integer
  • string
  • DateTime


Converter which transforms strings to a Locale object.

Target type:NeosFlowI18nLocale
Source type:string


Converter which transforms strings to arrays using the configured strategy. This TypeConverter is used by default to decode the content of a HTTP request and it currently supports json and xml based media types as well as urlencoded content.

Target type:array
Source type:string


This converter transforms arrays to simple objects (POPO) by setting properties.

This converter will only be used on target types that are not entities or value objects (for those the PersistentObjectConverter is used).

The target type can be overridden in the source by setting the __type key to the desired value.

The converter will return an instance of the target type with all properties given in the source array set to the respective values. For the mechanics used to set the values see ObjectAccess::setProperty().

Target type:object
Source type:array


This converter transforms arrays or strings to persistent objects. It does the following:

  • If the input is string, it is assumed to be a UUID. Then, the object is fetched from persistence.
  • If the input is array, we check if it has an identity property.
  • If the input has NO identity property, but additional properties, we create a new object and return it. However, we only do this if the configuration option "CONFIGURATION_CREATION_ALLOWED" is true.
  • If the input has an identity property AND the configuration option "CONFIGURATION_IDENTITY_CREATION_ALLOWED" is set, we fetch the object from persistent or create a new object if none was found and then set the sub-properties.
  • If the input has an identity property and NO additional properties, we fetch the object from persistence.
  • If the input has an identity property AND additional properties, we fetch the object from persistence, and set the sub-properties. We only do this if the configuration option "CONFIGURATION_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED" is true.


Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • array


This converter transforms persistent objects to strings by returning their (technical) identifier.

Unpersisted changes to an object are not serialized, because only the persistence identifier is taken into account as the serialized value.

Target type:string
Source type:NeosFlowPersistenceAspectPersistenceMagicInterface


A type converter for converting strings, array and uploaded files to PersistentResource objects.

Has two major working modes:

  1. File Uploads by PHP

    In this case, the input array is expected to be a fresh file upload following the native PHP handling. The temporary upload file is then imported through the resource manager.

    To enable the handling of files that have already been uploaded earlier, the special field ['originallySubmittedResource'] is checked. If set, it is used to fetch a file that has already been uploaded even if no file has been actually uploaded in the current request.

  2. Strings / arbitrary Arrays

    If the source

    • is an array and contains the key '__identity'

    the converter will find an existing resource with the given identity or continue and assign the given identity if CONFIGURATION_IDENTITY_CREATION_ALLOWED is set.

    • is a string looking like a SHA1 (40 characters [0-9a-f]) or
    • is an array and contains the key 'hash' with a value looking like a SHA1 (40 characters [0-9a-f])

    the converter will look up an existing PersistentResource with that hash and return it if found. If that fails, the converter will try to import a file named like that hash from the configured CONFIGURATION_RESOURCE_LOAD_PATH.

    If no hash is given in an array source but the key 'data' is set, the content of that key is assumed a binary string and a PersistentResource representing this content is created and returned.

    The imported PersistentResource will be given a 'filename' if set in the source array in both cases (import from file or data).



Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • array
  • PsrHttpMessageUploadedFileInterface


This converter transforms strings to role instances

Target type:NeosFlowSecurityPolicyRole
Source type:string


A type converter which converts a scalar type (string, boolean, float or integer) to an object by instantiating the object and passing the string as the constructor argument.

This converter will only be used if the target class has a constructor with exactly one argument whose type must be the given type.



Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • boolean


This converter transforms a session identifier into a real session object.

Given a session ID this will return an instance of NeosFlowSessionSession.

Target type:NeosFlowSessionSession
Source type:string


Converter which transforms simple types to a string.

  • If the source is a DateTime instance, it will be formatted as string. The format can be set via CONFIGURATION_DATE_FORMAT.
  • If the source is an array, it will be converted to a CSV string or JSON, depending on CONFIGURATION_ARRAY_FORMAT.

For array to CSV string, the delimiter can be set via CONFIGURATION_CSV_DELIMITER.



Target type:


Source types:
  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • boolean
  • array
  • DateTimeInterface


Converter which recursively transforms typed arrays (array<T>).

This is a meta converter that will take an array and try to transform all elements in that array to the element type <T> of the target array using an available type converter.

Target type:array
Source type:array


A type converter for converting URI strings to Http Uri objects.

This converter simply creates a NeosFlowHttpUri instance from the source string.

Target type:NeosFlowHttpUri
Source type:string