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Fusion Reference


This package contains general-purpose Fusion objects, which are usable both within Neos and standalone.


[key]:(string) A nested definition (simple value, expression or object) that evaluates to a string
[key].@ignoreProperties:(array) A list of properties to ignore from being "rendered" during evaluation
[key].@position:(string/integer) Define the ordering of the nested definition


The Neos.Fusion:Array object has been renamed to Neos.Fusion:Join the old name is DEPRECATED;


Render multiple nested definitions and concatenate the results.

[key]:(string) A nested definition (simple value, expression or object) that evaluates to a string
[key].@ignoreProperties:(array) A list of properties to ignore from being "rendered" during evaluation
[key].@position:(string/integer) Define the ordering of the nested definition
@glue:(string) The glue used to join the items together (default = '').

The order in which nested definitions are evaluated are specified using their @position meta property. For this argument, the following sort order applies:

  • start [priority] positions. The higher the priority, the earlier the object is added. If no priority is given, the element is sorted after all start elements with a priority.
  • [numeric ordering] positions, ordered ascending.
  • end [priority] positions. The higher the priority, the later the element is added. If no priority is given, the element is sorted before all end elements with a priority.

Furthermore, you can specify that an element should be inserted before or after a given other named element, using before and after syntax as follows:

  • before [namedElement] [optionalPriority]: add this element before namedElement; the higher the priority the more in front of namedElement we will add it if multiple before [namedElement] statements exist. Statements without [optionalPriority] are added the farthest before the element.

    If [namedElement] does not exist, the element is added after all start positions.

  • after [namedElement] [optionalPriority]: add this element after namedElement; the higher the priority the more closely after namedElement we will add it if multiple after [namedElement] statements exist. Statements without [optionalPriority] are added farthest after the element.

    If [namedElement] does not exist, the element is added before all all end positions.

Example Ordering:

# in this example, we would not need to use any @position property;
# as the default (document order) would then be used. However, the
# order (o1 ... o9) is *always* fixed, no matter in which order the
# individual statements are defined.

myArray = Neos.Fusion:Join {
        o1 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o1.@position = 'start 12'
        o2 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o2.@position = 'start 5'
        o2 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o2.@position = 'start'

        o3 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o3.@position = '10'
        o4 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o4.@position = '20'

        o5 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o5.@position = 'before o6'

        o6 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o6.@position = 'end'
        o7 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o7.@position = 'end 20'
        o8 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o8.@position = 'end 30'

        o9 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        o9.@position = 'after o8'

If no @position property is defined, the array key is used. However, we suggest to use @position and meaningful keys in your application, and not numeric ones.

Example of numeric keys (discouraged):

myArray = Neos.Fusion:Join {
        10 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text
        20 = Neos.NodeTypes:Text


Render each item in collection using itemRenderer.

collection:(array/Iterable, required) The array or iterable to iterate over
itemName:(string, defaults to item) Context variable name for each item
itemKey:(string, defaults to itemKey) Context variable name for each item key, when working with array
iterationName:(string, defaults to iterator) A context variable with iteration information will be available under the given name: index (zero-based), cycle (1-based), isFirst, isLast
itemRenderer:(string, required) The renderer definition (simple value, expression or object) will be called once for every collection element, and its results will be concatenated (if itemRenderer cannot be rendered the path content is used as fallback for convenience in afx)


The Neos.Fusion:Collection object is DEPRECATED use Neos.Fusion:Loop instead.

Example using an object itemRenderer:

myCollection = Neos.Fusion:Collection {
        collection = ${[1, 2, 3]}
        itemName = 'element'
        itemRenderer = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://...'
                element = ${element}

Example using an expression itemRenderer:

myCollection = Neos.Fusion:Collection {
        collection = ${[1, 2, 3]}
        itemName = 'element'
        itemRenderer = ${element * 2}


Render each item in collection using itemRenderer and return the result as an array (opposed to string for :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Collection`)

collection:(array/Iterable, required) The array or iterable to iterate over
itemName:(string, defaults to item) Context variable name for each item
itemKey:(string, defaults to itemKey) Context variable name for each item key, when working with array
iterationName:(string, defaults to iterator) A context variable with iteration information will be available under the given name: index (zero-based), cycle (1-based), isFirst, isLast
itemRenderer:(mixed, required) The renderer definition (simple value, expression or object) will be called once for every collection element (if itemRenderer cannot be rendered the path content is used as fallback for convenience in afx)


The Neos.Fusion:RawCollection object is DEPRECATED use Neos.Fusion:Map instead.**


Render each item in items using itemRenderer.

items:(array/Iterable, required) The array or iterable to iterate over
itemName:(string, defaults to item) Context variable name for each item
itemKey:(string, defaults to itemKey) Context variable name for each item key, when working with array
iterationName:(string, defaults to iterator) A context variable with iteration information will be available under the given name: index (zero-based), cycle (1-based), isFirst, isLast
itemRenderer:(string, required) The renderer definition (simple value, expression or object) will be called once for every collection element, and its results will be concatenated (if itemRenderer cannot be rendered the path content is used as fallback for convenience in afx)
@glue:(string) The glue used to join the items together (default = '').

Example using an object itemRenderer:

myLoop = Neos.Fusion:Loop {
        items = ${[1, 2, 3]}
        itemName = 'element'
        itemRenderer = Neos.Fusion:Template {
                templatePath = 'resource://...'
                element = ${element}

Example using an expression itemRenderer:

myLoop = Neos.Fusion:Loop {
        items = ${[1, 2, 3]}
        itemName = 'element'
        itemRenderer = ${element * 2}


Render each item in items using itemRenderer and return the result as an array (opposed to string for :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Collection`)

items:(array/Iterable, required) The array or iterable to iterate over
itemName:(string, defaults to item) Context variable name for each item
itemKey:(string, defaults to itemKey) Context variable name for each item key, when working with array
iterationName:(string, defaults to iterator) A context variable with iteration information will be available under the given name: index (zero-based), cycle (1-based), isFirst, isLast
itemRenderer:(mixed, required) The renderer definition (simple value, expression or object) will be called once for every collection element to render the item (if itemRenderer cannot be rendered the path content is used as fallback for convenience in afx)
keyRenderer:(mixed, optional) The renderer definition (simple value, expression or object) will be called once for every collection element to render the key in the result collection.


Reduce the given items to a single value by using itemRenderer.

items:(array/Iterable, required) The array or iterable to iterate over
itemName:(string, defaults to item) Context variable name for each item
itemKey:(string, defaults to itemKey) Context variable name for each item key, when working with array
carryName:(string, defaults to carry) Context variable that contains the result of the last iteration
iterationName:(string, defaults to iterator) A context variable with iteration information will be available under the given name: index (zero-based), cycle (1-based), isFirst, isLast
itemReducer:(mixed, required) The reducer definition (simple value, expression or object) that will be applied for every item.
initialValue:(mixed, defaults to null) The value that is passed to the first iteration or returned if the items are empty


Conditionally evaluate nested definitions.

Evaluates all nested definitions until the first condition evaluates to TRUE. The Case object will evaluate to a result using either renderer, renderPath or type on the matching definition.

[key]:A matcher definition
[key].condition:(boolean, required) A simple value, expression or object that will be used as a condition for this matcher
[key].type:(string) Object type to render (as string)
[key].element.*:(mixed) Properties for the rendered object (when using type)
[key].renderPath:(string) Relative or absolute path to render, overrules type
[key].renderer:(mixed) Rendering definition (simple value, expression or object), overrules renderPath and type
[key].@position:(string/integer) Define the ordering of the nested definition

Simple Example:

myCase = Neos.Fusion:Case {
        someCondition {
                condition = ${q(node).is('[instanceof MyNamespace:My.Special.SuperType]')}
                type = 'MyNamespace:My.Special.Type'

        otherCondition {
                @position = 'start'
                condition = ${q(documentNode).property('layout') == 'special'}
                renderer = ${'<marquee>' + q(node).property('content') + '</marquee>'}

        fallback {
                condition = ${true}
                renderPath = '/myPath'

The ordering of matcher definitions can be specified with the @position property (see :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`). Thus, the priority of existing matchers (e.g. the default Neos document rendering) can be changed by setting or overriding the @position property.


The internal Neos.Fusion:Matcher object type is used to evaluate the matcher definitions which is based on the Neos.Fusion:Renderer.


The Renderer object will evaluate to a result using either renderer, renderPath or type from the configuration.

type:(string) Object type to render (as string)
element.*:(mixed) Properties for the rendered object (when using type)
renderPath:(string) Relative or absolute path to render, overrules type
renderer:(mixed) Rendering definition (simple value, expression or object), overrules renderPath and type

Simple Example:

myCase = Neos.Fusion:Renderer {
        type = 'Neos.Fusion:Value'
        element.value = 'hello World'


This is especially handy if the prototype that should be rendered is determined via eel or passed via @context.


Shows the result of Fusion Expressions directly.

title:(optional) Title for the debug output
plaintext:(boolean) If set true, the result will be shown as plaintext
[key]:(mixed) A nested definition (simple value, expression or object), [key] will be used as key for the resulting output


valueToDebug = "hello neos world"
valueToDebug.@process.debug = Neos.Fusion:Debug {
      title = 'Debug of hello world'

      # Additional values for debugging
      documentTitle = ${q(documentNode).property('title')}
      documentPath = ${documentNode.path}

# the initial value is not changed, so you can define the Debug prototype anywhere in your Fusion code


Create a component that adds all properties to the props context and afterward evaluates the renderer.

renderer:(mixed, required) The value which gets rendered


prototype(Vendor.Site:Component) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
        title = 'Hello World'
        titleTagName = 'h1'
        description = 'Description of the Neos World'
        bold = false

        renderer = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
                attributes.class = Neos.Fusion:DataStructure {
                        component = 'component'
                        bold = ${props.bold ? 'component--bold' : false}
                content = Neos.Fusion:Join {
                        headline = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
                                tagName = ${props.titleTagName}
                                content = ${props.title}

                        description = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
                                        content = ${props.description}


A fragment is a component that renders the given content without additional markup. That way conditions can be defined for bigger chunks of afx instead of single tags.

content:(string) The value which gets rendered


renderer = afx`
        <Neos.Fusion:Fragment @if.isEnabled={props.enable}>


Modify given html content and add attributes. The augmenter can be used as processor or as a standalone prototype

content:(string) The content that shall be augmented
fallbackTagName:(string, defaults to div) If no single tag that can be augmented is found the content is wrapped into the fallback-tag before augmentation
[key]:All other fusion properties are added to the html content as html attributes

Example as a standalone augmenter:

augmentedContent = Neos.Fusion:Augmenter {

        content = Neos.Fusion:Join {
                title = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
                        @if.hasContent = ${this.content}
                        tagName = 'h2'
                        content = ${q(node).property('title')}
                text = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
                        @if.hasContent = ${this.content}
                        tagName = 'p'
                        content = ${q(node).property('text')}

        fallbackTagName = 'header'

        class = 'header'
        data-foo = 'bar'

Example as a processor augmenter:

augmentedContent = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
        tagName = 'h2'
        content = 'Hello World'
        @process.augment = Neos.Fusion:Augmenter {
                        class = 'header'
                        data-foo = 'bar'


Render a Fluid template specified by templatePath.

templatePath:(string, required) Path and filename for the template to be rendered, often a resource:// URI
partialRootPath:(string) Path where partials are found on the file system
layoutRootPath:(string) Path where layouts are found on the file system
sectionName:(string) The Fluid <f:section> to be rendered, if given
[key]:(mixed) All remaining properties are directly passed into the Fluid template as template variables


myTemplate = Neos.Fusion:Template {
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/Templates/FusionObjects/MyTemplate.html'
        someDataAvailableInsideFluid = 'my data'

<div class="hero">


Evaluate any value as a Fusion object

value:(mixed, required) The value to evaluate


myValue = Neos.Fusion:Value {
        value = 'Hello World'


Most of the time this can be simplified by directly assigning the value instead of using the Value object.


Evaluate nested definitions as an array (opposed to string for :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`)

[key]:(mixed) A nested definition (simple value, expression or object), [key] will be used for the resulting array key
[key].@position:(string/integer) Define the ordering of the nested definition


For simple cases an expression with an array literal ${[1, 2, 3]} might be easier to read


The Neos.Fusion:RawArray object has been renamed to Neos.Fusion:DataStructure the old name is DEPRECATED;


Evaluate nested definitions as an array (opposed to string for :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`)

[key]:(mixed) A nested definition (simple value, expression or object), [key] will be used for the resulting array key
[key].@position:(string/integer) Define the ordering of the nested definition


For simple cases an expression with an array literal ${[1, 2, 3]} might be easier to read


Render an HTML tag with attributes and optional body

tagName:(string) Tag name of the HTML element, defaults to div
omitClosingTag:(boolean) Whether to render the element content and the closing tag, defaults to FALSE
selfClosingTag:(boolean) Whether the tag is a self-closing tag with no closing tag. Will be resolved from tagName by default, so default HTML tags are treated correctly.
content:(string) The inner content of the element, will only be rendered if the tag is not self-closing and the closing tag is not omitted
attributes:(iterable) Tag attributes as key-value pairs. Default is Neos.Fusion:DataStructure. If a non iterable is returned the value is casted to string.
allowEmptyAttributes:(boolean) Whether empty attributes (HTML5 syntax) should be used for empty, false or null attribute values. By default this is true


htmlTag = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
        tagName = 'html'
        omitClosingTag = TRUE

        attributes {
                version = 'HTML+RDFa 1.1'
                xmlns = ''

Evaluates to:

<html version="HTML+RDFa 1.1" xmlns="">


A Fusion object to render HTML tag attributes. This object is used by the :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Tag` object to render the attributes of a tag. But it's also useful standalone to render extensible attributes in a Fluid template.

[key]:(string) A single attribute, array values are joined with whitespace. Boolean values will be rendered as an empty or absent attribute.
@allowEmpty:(boolean) Whether empty attributes (HTML5 syntax) should be used for empty, false or null attribute values


The Neos.Fusion:Attributes object is DEPRECATED in favor of a solution inside Neos.Fusion:Tag which takes attributes as Neos.Fusion:DataStructure now. If you have to render attributes as string without a tag you can use Neos.Fusion:Join with ``@glue` but you will have to concatenate array attributes yourself.


attributes = Neos.Fusion:Attributes {
        foo = 'bar'
        class = Neos.Fusion:DataStructure {
                class1 = 'class1'
                class2 = 'class2'

Evaluates to:

foo="bar" class="class1 class2"

Unsetting an attribute:

It's possible to unset an attribute by assigning false or ${null} as a value. No attribute will be rendered for this case.


A prototype based on :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array` for rendering an HTTP message (response). It should be used to render documents since it generates a full HTTP response and allows to override the HTTP status code and headers.

httpResponseHead:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Http_ResponseHead`) An HTTP response head with properties to adjust the status and headers, the position in the Array defaults to the very beginning
[key]:(string) A nested definition (see :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`)


// Page extends from Http.Message
// prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Http.Message)
page = Neos.Neos:Page {
        httpResponseHead.headers.Content-Type = 'application/json'


A helper object to render the head of an HTTP response

statusCode:(integer) The HTTP status code for the response, defaults to 200
headers.*:(string) An HTTP header that should be set on the response, the property name (e.g. headers.Content-Type) will be used for the header name


Built a URI to a controller action

package:(string) The package key (e.g. 'My.Package')
subpackage:(string) The subpackage, empty by default
controller:(string) The controller name (e.g. 'Registration')
action:(string) The action name (e.g. 'new')
arguments:(array) Arguments to the action by named key
format:(string) An optional request format (e.g. 'html')
section:(string) An optional fragment (hash) for the URI
additionalParams:(array) Additional URI query parameters by named key
addQueryString:(boolean) Whether to keep the query parameters of the current URI
argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString:(array) Query parameters to exclude for addQueryString
absolute:(boolean) Whether to create an absolute URI


uri = Neos.Fusion:UriBuilder {
        package = 'My.Package'
        controller = 'Registration'
        action = 'new'


Build a URI to a static or persisted resource

path:(string) Path to resource, either a path relative to Public and package or a resource:// URI
package:(string) The package key (e.g. 'My.Package')
resource:(Resource) A Resource object instead of path and package
localize:(boolean) Whether resource localization should be used, defaults to true


scriptInclude = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
        tagName = 'script'
        attributes {
                src = Neos.Fusion:ResourceUri {
                        path = 'resource://My.Package/Public/Scripts/App.js'


Check whether a Fusion prototype can be rendered. For being renderable a prototype must exist and have an implementation class, or inherit from an existing renderable prototype. The implementation class can be defined indirectly via base prototypes.

type:(string) The prototype name that is checked


canRender = Neos.Fusion:CanRender {
        type = 'My.Package:Prototype'

Neos.Neos Fusion Objects

The Fusion objects defined in the Neos package contain all Fusion objects which are needed to integrate a site. Often, it contains generic Fusion objects which do not need a particular node type to work on.


Subclass of :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Http_Message`, which is based on :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`. Main entry point into rendering a page; responsible for rendering the <html> tag and everything inside.

doctype:(string) Defaults to <!DOCTYPE html>
htmlTag:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Tag`) The opening <html> tag
htmlTag.attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Attributes for the <html> tag
headTag:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Tag`) The opening <head> tag
head:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`) HTML markup for the <head> tag
head.titleTag:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Tag`) The <title> tag
head.javascripts:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`) Script includes in the head should go here
head.stylesheets:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`) Link tags for stylesheets in the head should go here
body.templatePath:(string) Path to a fluid template for the page body
bodyTag:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Tag`) The opening <body> tag
bodyTag.attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Attributes for the <body> tag
body:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Template`) HTML markup for the <body> tag
body.javascripts:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Array`) Body footer JavaScript includes
body.[key]:(mixed) Body template variables


Rendering a simple page:
page = Page
page.body.templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/MyTemplate.html'
// the following line is optional, but recommended for base CSS inclusions etc
page.body.sectionName = 'main'
Rendering content in the body:


page.body {
        sectionName = 'body'
        content.main = PrimaryContent {
                nodePath = 'main'


                <f:section name="body">
                        <div class="container">
                                {content.main -> f:format.raw()}
Including stylesheets from a template section in the head:
page.head.stylesheets.mySite = Neos.Fusion:Template {
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/MyTemplate.html'
        sectionName = 'stylesheets'
Adding body attributes with bodyTag.attributes:
page.bodyTag.attributes.class = 'body-css-class1 body-css-class2'


Render nested content from a ContentCollection node. Individual nodes are rendered using the :ref:`Neos_Neos__ContentCase` object.

nodePath:(string, required) The relative node path of the ContentCollection (e.g. 'main')
@context.node:(Node) The content collection node, resolved from nodePath by default
tagName:(string) Tag name for the wrapper element
attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Tag attributes for the wrapper element


page.body {
        content {
                main = Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent {
                        nodePath = 'main'
                footer = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection {
                        nodePath = 'footer'


Primary content rendering, extends :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Case`. This is a prototype that can be used from packages to extend the default content rendering (e.g. to handle specific document node types).

nodePath:(string, required) The relative node path of the ContentCollection (e.g. 'main')
default:Default matcher that renders a ContentCollection
[key]:Additional matchers (see :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Case`)

Example for basic usage:

page.body {
        content {
                main = Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent {
                        nodePath = 'main'

Example for custom matcher:

prototype(Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent) {
        myArticle {
                condition = ${q(node).is('[instanceof My.Site:Article]')}
                renderer = My.Site:ArticleRenderer


Render a content node, extends :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Case`. This is a prototype that is used by the default content rendering (:ref:`Neos_Neos__ContentCollection`) and can be extended to add custom matchers.

default:Default matcher that renders a prototype of the same name as the node type name
[key]:Additional matchers (see :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Case`)


Base type to render content nodes, extends :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Template`. This prototype is extended by the auto-generated Fusion to define prototypes for each node type extending Neos.Neos:Content.

templatePath:(string) The template path and filename, defaults to 'resource://[packageKey]/Private/Templates/NodeTypes/[nodeType].html' (for auto-generated prototypes)
[key]:(mixed) Template variables, all node type properties are available by default (for auto-generated prototypes)
attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Extensible attributes, used in the default templates


prototype(My.Package:MyContent) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Content) {
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Package/Private/Templates/NodeTypes/MyContent.html'
        # Auto-generated for all node type properties
        # title = ${q(node).property('title')}


Base type to render component based content-nodes, extends :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Component`.

renderer:(mixed, required) The value which gets rendered


Create an editable tag for a property. In the frontend, only the content of the property gets rendered.

node:(node) A node instance that should be used to read the property. Default to ${node}
property:(string) The name of the property which should be accessed
block:(boolean) Decides if the editable tag should be a block element (div) or an inline element (span). Default to true


title = Neos.Neos:Editable {
        property = 'title'
        block = false


Base type to render plugin content nodes or static plugins. A plugin is a Flow controller that can implement arbitrary logic.

package:(string, required) The package key (e.g. 'My.Package')
subpackage:(string) The subpackage, defaults to empty
controller:(array) The controller name (e.g. 'Registration')
action:(string) The action name, defaults to 'index'
argumentNamespace:(string) Namespace for action arguments, will be resolved from node type by default
[key]:(mixed) Pass an internal argument to the controller action (access with argument name __key)


prototype(My.Site:Registration) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Plugin) {
        package = 'My.Site'
        controller = 'Registration'

Example with argument passed to controller action:

prototype(My.Site:Registration) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Plugin) {
  package = 'My.Site'
  controller = 'Registration'
  action = 'register'
  additionalArgument = 'foo'

Get argument in controller action:

public function registerAction()
  $additionalArgument = $this->request->getInternalArgument('__additionalArgument');


Render a menu with items for nodes. Extends :ref:`Neos_Fusion__Template`.

templatePath:(string) Override the template path
entryLevel:(integer) Start the menu at the given depth
maximumLevels:(integer) Restrict the maximum depth of items in the menu (relative to entryLevel)
startingPoint:(Node) The parent node of the first menu level (defaults to node context variable)
lastLevel:(integer) Restrict the menu depth by node depth (relative to site node)
filter:(string) Filter items by node type (e.g. '!My.Site:News,Neos.Neos:Document'), defaults to 'Neos.Neos:Document'
renderHiddenInIndex:(boolean) Whether nodes with hiddenInIndex should be rendered, defaults to false
itemCollection:(array) Explicitly set the Node items for the menu (alternative to startingPoints and levels)
attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Extensible attributes for the whole menu
normal.attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Attributes for normal state
active.attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Attributes for active state
current.attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Attributes for current state


The items of the Menu are internally calculated with the prototype :ref:`Neos_Neos__MenuItems` which you can use directly aswell.

Menu item properties:

node:(Node) A node instance (with resolved shortcuts) that should be used to link to the item
originalNode:(Node) Original node for the item
state:(string) Menu state of the item: 'normal', 'current' (the current node) or 'active' (ancestor of current node)
label:(string) Full label of the node
menuLevel:(integer) Menu level the item is rendered on


Custom menu template:
menu = Neos.Neos:Menu {
        entryLevel = 1
        maximumLevels = 3
        templatePath = 'resource://My.Site/Private/Templates/FusionObjects/MyMenu.html'
Menu including site node:
menu = Neos.Neos:Menu {
        itemCollection = ${q(site).add(q(site).children('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Document]')).get()}
Menu with custom starting point:
menu = Neos.Neos:Menu {
        entryLevel = 2
        maximumLevels = 1
        startingPoint = ${q(site).children('[uriPathSegment="metamenu"]').get(0)}


Render a breadcrumb (ancestor documents), based on :ref:`Neos_Neos__Menu`.


breadcrumb = Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenu


The items of the BreadcrumbMenu are internally calculated with the prototype :ref:`Neos_Neos__MenuItems` which you can use directly aswell.


Create links to other node variants (e.g. variants of the current node in other dimensions) by using this Fusion object.

If the dimension setting is given, the menu will only include items for this dimension, with all other configured dimension being set to the value(s) of the current node. Without any dimension being configured, all possible variants will be included.

If no node variant exists for the preset combination, a NULL node will be included in the item with a state absent.

dimension:(optional, string): name of the dimension which this menu should be based on. Example: "language".
presets:(optional, array): If set, the presets rendered will be taken from this list of preset identifiers
includeAllPresets:(boolean, default false) If TRUE, include all presets, not only allowed combinations
renderHiddenInIndex:(boolean, default true) If TRUE, render nodes which are marked as "hidded-in-index"

In the template for the menu, each item has the following properties:

node:(Node) A node instance (with resolved shortcuts) that should be used to link to the item
state:(string) Menu state of the item: normal, current (the current node), absent
label:(string) Label of the item (the dimension preset label)
menuLevel:(integer) Menu level the item is rendered on
dimensions:(array) Dimension values of the node, indexed by dimension name
targetDimensions:(array) The target dimensions, indexed by dimension name and values being arrays with value, label and isPinnedDimension


The DimensionMenu is an alias to DimensionsMenu, available for compatibility reasons only.


The items of the DimensionsMenu are internally calculated with the prototype :ref:`Neos_Neos__DimensionsMenuItems` which you can use directly aswell.


Minimal Example, outputting a menu with all configured dimension combinations:

variantMenu = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu

This example will create two menus, one for the 'language' and one for the 'country' dimension:

languageMenu = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu {
        dimension = 'language'
countryMenu = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu {
        dimension = 'country'

If you only want to render a subset of the available presets or manually define a specific order for a menu, you can override the "presets":

languageMenu = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu {
        dimension = 'language'
        presets = ${['en_US', 'de_DE']} # no matter how many languages are defined, only these two are displayed.

In some cases, it can be good to ignore the availability of variants when rendering a dimensions menu. Consider a situation with two independent menus for country and language, where the following variants of a node exist (language / country):

  • english / Germany
  • german / Germany
  • english / UK

If the user selects UK, only english will be linked in the language selector. German is only available again, if the user switches back to Germany first. This can be changed by setting the includeAllPresets option:

languageMenu = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenu {
        dimension = 'language'
        includeAllPresets = true

Now the language menu will try to find nodes for all languages, if needed the menu items will point to a different country than currently selected. The menu tries to find a node to link to by using the current preset for the language (in this example) and the default presets for any other dimensions. So if fallback rules are in place and a node can be found, it is used.


The item.targetDimensions will contain the "intended" dimensions, so that information can be used to inform the user about the potentially unexpected change of dimensions when following such a link.

Only if the current node is not available at all (even after considering default presets with their fallback rules), no node be assigned (so no link will be created and the items will have the absent state.)


Create a list of menu-items items for nodes.

entryLevel:(integer) Start the menu at the given depth
maximumLevels:(integer) Restrict the maximum depth of items in the menu (relative to entryLevel)
startingPoint:(Node) The parent node of the first menu level (defaults to node context variable)
lastLevel:(integer) Restrict the menu depth by node depth (relative to site node)
filter:(string) Filter items by node type (e.g. '!My.Site:News,Neos.Neos:Document'), defaults to 'Neos.Neos:Document'
renderHiddenInIndex:(boolean) Whether nodes with hiddenInIndex should be rendered, defaults to false
itemCollection:(array) Explicitly set the Node items for the menu (alternative to startingPoints and levels)

MenuItems item properties:

node:(Node) A node instance (with resolved shortcuts) that should be used to link to the item
originalNode:(Node) Original node for the item
state:(string) Menu state of the item: 'normal', 'current' (the current node) or 'active' (ancestor of current node)
label:(string) Full label of the node
menuLevel:(integer) Men^u level the item is rendered on


menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
        entryLevel = 1
        maximumLevels = 3
MenuItems including site node:
menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
        itemCollection = ${q(site).add(q(site).children('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Document]')).get()}
Menu with custom starting point:
menuItems = Neos.Neos:MenuItems {
        entryLevel = 2
        maximumLevels = 1
        startingPoint = ${q(site).children('[uriPathSegment="metamenu"]').get(0)}


Create a list of of menu-items for a breadcrumb (ancestor documents), based on :ref:`Neos_Neos__MenuItems`.


breadcrumbItems = Neos.Neos:BreadcrumbMenuItems


Create a list of menu-items for other node variants (e.g. variants of the current node in other dimensions) by using this Fusion object.

If the dimension setting is given, the menu will only include items for this dimension, with all other configured dimension being set to the value(s) of the current node. Without any dimension being configured, all possible variants will be included.

If no node variant exists for the preset combination, a NULL node will be included in the item with a state absent.

dimension:(optional, string): name of the dimension which this menu should be based on. Example: "language".
presets:(optional, array): If set, the presets rendered will be taken from this list of preset identifiers
includeAllPresets:(boolean, default false) If TRUE, include all presets, not only allowed combinations
renderHiddenInIndex:(boolean, default true) If TRUE, render nodes which are marked as "hidded-in-index"

Each item has the following properties:

node:(Node) A node instance (with resolved shortcuts) that should be used to link to the item
state:(string) Menu state of the item: normal, current (the current node), absent
label:(string) Label of the item (the dimension preset label)
menuLevel:(integer) Menu level the item is rendered on
dimensions:(array) Dimension values of the node, indexed by dimension name
targetDimensions:(array) The target dimensions, indexed by dimension name and values being arrays with value, label and isPinnedDimension


Minimal Example, outputting a menu with all configured dimension combinations:

variantMenuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems

This example will create two menus, one for the 'language' and one for the 'country' dimension:

languageMenuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems {
        dimension = 'language'
countryMenuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems {
        dimension = 'country'

If you only want to render a subset of the available presets or manually define a specific order for a menu, you can override the "presets":

languageMenuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems {
        dimension = 'language'
        presets = ${['en_US', 'de_DE']} # no matter how many languages are defined, only these two are displayed.

In some cases, it can be good to ignore the availability of variants when rendering a dimensions menu. Consider a situation with two independent menus for country and language, where the following variants of a node exist (language / country):

  • english / Germany
  • german / Germany
  • english / UK

If the user selects UK, only english will be linked in the language selector. German is only available again, if the user switches back to Germany first. This can be changed by setting the includeAllPresets option:

languageMenuItems = Neos.Neos:DimensionsMenuItems {
        dimension = 'language'
        includeAllPresets = true

Now the language menu will try to find nodes for all languages, if needed the menu items will point to a different country than currently selected. The menu tries to find a node to link to by using the current preset for the language (in this example) and the default presets for any other dimensions. So if fallback rules are in place and a node can be found, it is used.


The item.targetDimensions will contain the "intended" dimensions, so that information can be used to inform the user about the potentially unexpected change of dimensions when following such a link.

Only if the current node is not available at all (even after considering default presets with their fallback rules), no node be assigned (so no link will be created and the items will have the absent state.)


Build a URI to a node. Accepts the same arguments as the node link/uri view helpers.

node:(string/Node) A node object or a node path (relative or absolute) or empty to resolve the current document node
format:(string) An optional request format (e.g. 'html')
section:(string) An optional fragment (hash) for the URI
additionalParams:(array) Additional URI query parameters.
argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString:(array) Query parameters to exclude for addQueryString
addQueryString:(boolean) Whether to keep current query parameters, defaults to FALSE
absolute:(boolean) Whether to create an absolute URI, defaults to FALSE
baseNodeName:(string) Base node context variable name (for relative paths), defaults to 'documentNode'


nodeLink = Neos.Neos:NodeUri {
        node = ${q(node).parent().get(0)}


Renders an anchor tag pointing to the node given via the argument. Based on :ref:`Neos_Neos__NodeUri`. The link text is the node label, unless overridden.

*:All :ref:`Neos_Neos__NodeUri` properties
attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Link tag attributes
content:(string) The label of the link, defaults to node.label.


nodeLink = Neos.Neos:NodeLink {
        node = ${q(node).parent().get(0)}


By default no title is generated. By setting attributes.title = ${node.label} the label is rendered as title.


Get a URI to a (thumbnail) image for an asset.

asset:(Asset) An asset object (Image, ImageInterface or other AssetInterface)
width:(integer) Desired width of the image
maximumWidth:(integer) Desired maximum height of the image
height:(integer) Desired height of the image
maximumHeight:(integer) Desired maximum width of the image
allowCropping:(boolean) Whether the image should be cropped if the given sizes would hurt the aspect ratio, defaults to FALSE
allowUpScaling:(boolean) Whether the resulting image size might exceed the size of the original image, defaults to FALSE
async:(boolean) Return asynchronous image URI in case the requested image does not exist already, defaults to FALSE
quality:(integer) Image quality, from 0 to 100
format:(string) Format for the image, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, wbmp, xbm, webp and bmp are supported
preset:(string) Preset used to determine image configuration, if set all other resize attributes will be ignored


logoUri = Neos.Neos:ImageUri {
        asset = ${q(node).property('image')}
        width = 100
        height = 100
        allowCropping = TRUE
        allowUpScaling = TRUE


Render an image tag for an asset.

*:All :ref:`Neos_Neos__ImageUri` properties
attributes:(:ref:`Neos_Fusion__Attributes`) Image tag attributes


logoImage = Neos.Neos:ImageTag {
        asset = ${q(node).property('image')}
        maximumWidth = 400
        attributes.alt = 'A company logo'


Convert internal node and asset URIs (node://... or asset://...) in a string to public URIs and allows for overriding the target attribute for external links and resource links.

value:(string) The string value, defaults to the value context variable to work as a processor by default
node:(Node) The current node as a reference, defaults to the node context variable
externalLinkTarget:(string) Override the target attribute for external links, defaults to _blank. Can be disabled with an empty value.
resourceLinkTarget:(string) Override the target attribute for resource links, defaults to _blank. Can be disabled with an empty value.
forceConversion:(boolean) Whether to convert URIs in a non-live workspace, defaults to FALSE
absolute:(boolean) Can be used to convert node URIs to absolute links, defaults to FALSE
setNoOpener:(boolean) Sets the rel="noopener" attribute to external links, which is good practice, defaults to TRUE


prototype(My.Site:Special.Type) {
        title.@process.convertUris = Neos.Neos:ConvertUris


Processor to augment rendered HTML code with node metadata that allows the Neos UI to select the node and show node properties in the inspector. This is especially useful if your renderer prototype is not derived from Neos.Neos:Content.

The processor expects being applied on HTML code with a single container tag that is augmented.

node:(Node) The node of the content element. Optional, will use the Fusion context variable node by default.


prototype(Vendor.Site:ExampleContent) {
        value = '<div>Example</div>'

        # The following line must not be removed as it adds required meta data
        # to edit content elements in the backend
        @process.contentElementWrapping = Neos.Neos:ContentElementWrapping {
                @position = 'end'


Processor to augment an HTML tag with metadata for inline editing to make a rendered representation of a property editable.

The processor expects beeing applied to an HTML tag with the content of the edited property.

node:(Node) The node of the content element. Optional, will use the Fusion context variable node by default.
property:(string) Node property that should be editable


renderer = Neos.Fusion:Tag {
        tagName = 'h1'
        content = ${q(node).property('title')}
        @process.contentElementEditableWrapping = Neos.Neos:ContentElementEditable {
                property = 'title'