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feat(defaults): enable 'termguicolors' by default when supported by t…
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Enable 'termguicolors' automatically when Nvim can detect that truecolor
is supported by the host terminal.

If $COLORTERM is set to "truecolor" or "24bit", or the terminal's
terminfo entry contains capabilities for Tc, RGB, or setrgbf and
setrgbb, then we assume that the terminal supports truecolor. Otherwise,
the terminal is queried (using both XTGETTCAP and SGR + DECRQSS). If the
terminal's response to these queries (if any) indicates that it supports
truecolor, then 'termguicolors' is enabled.
  • Loading branch information
gpanders committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 66f1563 commit 33ca09f
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Showing 11 changed files with 296 additions and 93 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions runtime/doc/news.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ The following changes may require adaptations in user config or plugins.
• Default color scheme has been updated to be "Neovim branded" and accessible.
Use `:colorscheme vim` to revert to the old legacy color scheme.

'termguicolors' is enabled by default when Nvim is able to determine that
the host terminal emulator supports 24-bit color.

BREAKING CHANGES IN HEAD *news-breaking-dev*

Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions runtime/doc/options.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6495,6 +6495,10 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
attributes instead of "cterm" attributes. |guifg|
Requires an ISO-8613-3 compatible terminal.

Nvim will automatically attempt to determine if the host terminal
supports 24-bit color and will enable this option if it does
(unless explicitly disabled by the user).

*'termpastefilter'* *'tpf'*
'termpastefilter' 'tpf' string (default "BS,HT,ESC,DEL")
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions runtime/doc/vim_diff.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ Defaults *nvim-defaults*
- 'switchbuf' defaults to "uselast"
- 'tabpagemax' defaults to 50
- 'tags' defaults to "./tags;,tags"
- 'termguicolors' is enabled by default if Nvim can detect support from the
host terminal
- 'ttimeoutlen' defaults to 50
- 'ttyfast' is always set
- 'undodir' defaults to ~/.local/state/nvim/undo// (|xdg|), auto-created
Expand Down
255 changes: 180 additions & 75 deletions runtime/lua/vim/_defaults.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,91 +165,92 @@ do

--- Guess value of 'background' based on terminal color.
--- We write Operating System Command (OSC) 11 to the terminal to request the
--- terminal's background color. We then wait for a response. If the response
--- matches `rgba:RRRR/GGGG/BBBB/AAAA` where R, G, B, and A are hex digits, then
--- compute the luminance[1] of the RGB color and classify it as light/dark
--- accordingly. Note that the color components may have anywhere from one to
--- four hex digits, and require scaling accordingly as values out of 4, 8, 12,
--- or 16 bits. Also note the A(lpha) component is optional, and is parsed but
--- ignored in the calculations.
--- [1]
--- Parse a string of hex characters as a color.
--- The string can contain 1 to 4 hex characters. The returned value is
--- between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive) representing the intensity of the color.
--- For instance, if only a single hex char "a" is used, then this function
--- returns 0.625 (10 / 16), while a value of "aa" would return 0.664 (170 /
--- 256).
--- @param c string Color as a string of hex chars
--- @return number? Intensity of the color
local function parsecolor(c)
if #c == 0 or #c > 4 then
return nil

local val = tonumber(c, 16)
if not val then
return nil

local max = tonumber(string.rep('f', #c), 16)
return val / max
-- Only do the following when the TUI is attached
local tty = nil
for _, ui in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_uis()) do
if ui.chan == 1 and ui.stdout_tty then
tty = ui

--- Parse an OSC 11 response
--- Either of the two formats below are accepted:
--- OSC 11 ; rgb:<red>/<green>/<blue>
--- or
--- OSC 11 ; rgba:<red>/<green>/<blue>/<alpha>
if tty then
--- Guess value of 'background' based on terminal color.
--- where
--- We write Operating System Command (OSC) 11 to the terminal to request the
--- terminal's background color. We then wait for a response. If the response
--- matches `rgba:RRRR/GGGG/BBBB/AAAA` where R, G, B, and A are hex digits, then
--- compute the luminance[1] of the RGB color and classify it as light/dark
--- accordingly. Note that the color components may have anywhere from one to
--- four hex digits, and require scaling accordingly as values out of 4, 8, 12,
--- or 16 bits. Also note the A(lpha) component is optional, and is parsed but
--- ignored in the calculations.
--- <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha> := h | hh | hhh | hhhh
--- The alpha component is ignored, if present.
--- @param resp string OSC 11 response
--- @return string? Red component
--- @return string? Green component
--- @return string? Blue component
local function parseosc11(resp)
local r, g, b
r, g, b = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgb:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$')
if not r and not g and not b then
local a
r, g, b, a = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgba:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$')
if not a or #a > 4 then
return nil, nil, nil
--- [1]
--- Parse a string of hex characters as a color.
--- The string can contain 1 to 4 hex characters. The returned value is
--- between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive) representing the intensity of the color.
--- For instance, if only a single hex char "a" is used, then this function
--- returns 0.625 (10 / 16), while a value of "aa" would return 0.664 (170 /
--- 256).
--- @param c string Color as a string of hex chars
--- @return number? Intensity of the color
local function parsecolor(c)
if #c == 0 or #c > 4 then
return nil

if r and g and b and #r <= 4 and #g <= 4 and #b <= 4 then
return r, g, b
local val = tonumber(c, 16)
if not val then
return nil

local max = tonumber(string.rep('f', #c), 16)
return val / max

return nil, nil, nil
--- Parse an OSC 11 response
--- Either of the two formats below are accepted:
--- OSC 11 ; rgb:<red>/<green>/<blue>
--- or
--- OSC 11 ; rgba:<red>/<green>/<blue>/<alpha>
--- where
--- <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha> := h | hh | hhh | hhhh
--- The alpha component is ignored, if present.
--- @param resp string OSC 11 response
--- @return string? Red component
--- @return string? Green component
--- @return string? Blue component
local function parseosc11(resp)
local r, g, b
r, g, b = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgb:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$')
if not r and not g and not b then
local a
r, g, b, a = resp:match('^\027%]11;rgba:(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)/(%x+)$')
if not a or #a > 4 then
return nil, nil, nil

if r and g and b and #r <= 4 and #g <= 4 and #b <= 4 then
return r, g, b

local tty = false
for _, ui in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_uis()) do
if ui.chan == 1 and ui.stdout_tty then
tty = true
return nil, nil, nil

if tty then
local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer())

---@param bg string New value of the 'background' option
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ do

timer:start(1000, 0, function()
-- No response received. Delete the autocommand
-- Delete the autocommand if no response was received
-- Suppress error if autocommand has already been deleted
pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, id)
Expand All @@ -311,4 +312,108 @@ do

--- If the TUI (term_has_truecolor) was able to determine that the host
--- terminal supports truecolor, enable 'termguicolors'. Otherwise, query the
--- terminal (using both XTGETTCAP and SGR + DECRQSS). If the terminal's
--- response indicates that it does support truecolor enable 'termguicolors',
--- but only if the user has not already disabled it.
if tty.rgb then
-- The TUI was able to determine truecolor support
vim.o.termguicolors = true
--- Enable 'termguicolors', but only if it was not already set by the user.
local function settgc()
if not vim.api.nvim_get_option_info2('termguicolors', {}).was_set then
vim.o.termguicolors = true

local caps = {} ---@type table<string, boolean>
require('vim.termcap').query({ 'Tc', 'RGB', 'setrgbf', 'setrgbb' }, function(cap, found)
if not found then

caps[cap] = true
if caps.Tc or caps.RGB or (caps.setrgbf and caps.setrgbb) then

local timer = assert(vim.uv.new_timer())

-- Arbitrary colors to set in the SGR sequence
local r = 1
local g = 2
local b = 3

local id = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TermResponse', {
nested = true,
callback = function(args)
local resp = ---@type string
local decrqss = resp:match('^\027P1%$r([%d;:]+)m$')

if decrqss then
-- The DECRQSS SGR response first contains attributes separated by
-- semicolons, followed by the SGR itself with parameters separated
-- by colons. Some terminals include "0" in the attribute list
-- unconditionally; others do not. Our SGR sequence did not set any
-- attributes, so there should be no attributes in the list.
local attrs = vim.split(decrqss, ';')
if #attrs ~= 1 and (#attrs ~= 2 or attrs[1] ~= '0') then
return true

-- The returned SGR sequence should begin with 48:2
local sgr = attrs[#attrs]:match('^48:2:([%d:]+)$')
if not sgr then
return true

-- The remaining elements of the SGR sequence should be the 3 colors
-- we set. Some terminals also include an additional parameter
-- (which can even be empty!), so handle those cases as well
local params = vim.split(sgr, ':')
if #params ~= 3 and (#params ~= 4 or (params[1] ~= '' and params[1] ~= '1')) then
return true

tonumber(params[#params - 2]) == r
and tonumber(params[#params - 1]) == g
and tonumber(params[#params]) == b

return true

-- Write SGR followed by DECRQSS. This sets the background color then
-- immediately asks the terminal what the background color is. If the
-- terminal responds to the DECRQSS with the same SGR sequence that we
-- sent then the terminal supports truecolor.
local decrqss = '\027P$qm\027\\'
if os.getenv('TMUX') then
decrqss = string.format('\027Ptmux;%s\027\\', decrqss:gsub('\027', '\027\027'))
io.stdout:write(string.format('\027[48;2;%d;%d;%dm%s', r, g, b, decrqss))

timer:start(1000, 0, function()
-- Delete the autocommand if no response was received
-- Suppress error if autocommand has already been deleted
pcall(vim.api.nvim_del_autocmd, id)

if not timer:is_closing() then
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions runtime/lua/vim/_meta.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ vim.lsp = require('vim.lsp') = require('') = require('')
vim.snippet = require('vim.snippet')
vim.text = require('vim.text')
vim.treesitter = require('vim.treesitter')
vim.ui = require('vim.ui')
vim.version = require('vim.version')
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions runtime/lua/vim/_meta/options.lua

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