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First part of GP lighcurve tutorial.
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Incorporating Gaussian Processes

Two ways of using juliet
So far in the tutorials we have dealt with gaussian white-noise as a good approximation to the underlying
signals present behind our transits and radial-velocities. However, this kind of process is very unrealistic
for real transit lightcurves. Within ``juliet``, we allow to model non-white noise models using Gaussian Proccesses (GPs),
which are not only good for underlying stochastic processes that might be present in the data, but are also very
good for modelling underlying deterministic processes for which we do not have a good model at hand. GPs attempt to model
the likelihood, :math:`\mathcal{L}`, as coming from a multi-variate gaussian distribution, i.e.,

In the spirit of accomodating the code for everyone to use, `juliet` can be used in two different ways: as
an *imported library* and also in *command line mode*. Both give rise to the same results because the command
line mode simply calls the `juliet` libraries in a python script.
:math:`\mathcal{L} = -\frac{1}{2}\left[N\ln 2\pi + \ln\left|\mathbf{\Sigma}\right| + \vec{r}^T \mathbf{\Sigma}^{-1}\vec{r} \right],`

To use `juliet` as an *imported library*, inside any python script you can simply do:
where :math:`N` is the number of datapoints, :math:`\mathbf{\Sigma}` is a covariance matrix and :math:`\vec{r}` is the vector
of the residuals (where each elements is simply our model --- be it a lightcurve model or radial-velocity model --- minus
the data). A GP provides a form for the covariance matrix using so-called kernels which define its structure,
and allow to efficiently fit for this underlying non-white noise structure. Within ``juliet`` we provide a wide variety of kernels
which are implemented through `george <>`_ and
`celerite <>`_. In this tutorial we test their capabilities using real exoplanetary data!

.. code-block:: python
Detrending lightcurves with GPs
A very popular use of GPs is to use them for "detrending" lightcurves. This means using the data outside of the feature
of interest (e.g., a transit) in order to predict the behaviour of the lightcurve inside the feature and remove it, in
order to facilitate or simplify the lightcurve fitting. To highlight the capabilities of ``juliet``, here we will play around
with _TESS_ data obtained in Sector 1 for the HATS-46b system (`Brahm et al., 2017 <>`_). We already
analyzed transits in Sector 2 for this system in the :ref:`transitfit` tutorial, but here we will tackle Sector 1 data as the systematics
in this sector are much stronger than the ones of Sector 2.

Let's start by downloading and plotting the _TESS_ data for HATS-46b in Sector 1 using ``juliet``:

.. code-block:: python
import juliet
out =,t_lc=times,y_lc=flux,yerr_lc=flux_error)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# First, get arrays of times, normalized-fluxes and errors for HATS-46 from Sector 1 from MAST:
t, f, ferr = juliet.get_TESS_data(''+\
# Plot the data:
plt.xlabel('Time (BJD - 2457000)')
plt.ylabel('Relative flux')
.. figure:: hats-46_plot.png
:alt: Sector 1 data for HATS-46b

As can be seen, the data has a fairly strong long-term trend going around. In fact, the trend is so strong that you cannot
see the transit by eye! Let us try to get rid of this trend by fitting a GP to the out-of-transit data, and then _predicting_
the in-transit flux to remove it. Let us first isolate the out-of-transit data from the in-transit data using the ephemerides
published in `Brahm et al., 2017 <>`_ --- we know where the transits should be, so we will
simply phase-fold the data and remove all datapoints out-of-transit (which judging from the plots in that paper, should be all
points at absolute phases above 0.02). Let us save this out-of-transit data in dictionaries so we can feed them to ``juliet``:

.. code-block:: python
# Period and t0 from Anderson et al. (201X):
P,t0 = 4.7423729 , 2457376.68539 - 2457000
# Get phases --- identify out-of-transit (oot) times by phasing the data and selecting all points
# at absolute phases larger than 0.02:
phases = juliet.utils.get_phases(t, P, t0)
idx_oot = np.where(np.abs(phases)>0.02)[0]
# Save the out-of-transit data into dictionaries so we can feed them to juliet:
times, fluxes, fluxes_error = {},{},{}
times['TESS'], fluxes['TESS'], fluxes_error['TESS'] = t[idx_oot],f[idx_oot],ferr[idx_oot]
Now, let us fit a GP to this data. To do this, we will use a simple (approximate) Matern kernel, which was implemented via
`celerite <>`_ and which can accomodate itself to both rough and smooth signals. On top of this,
the selection was also made because this is implemented in ``celerite``, which makes the computation of the
log-likelihood blazing fast --- this in turn speeds up the posterior sampling within ``juliet``. The kernel is given by

:math:`k(\tau_{i,j}) = \sigma^2_{GP}M(\tau_{i,j},\rho) + (\sigma^2_{i} + \sigma^2_{w})\delta_{i,j}`,

where :math:`k(\tau_{i,j})` gives the element :math:`i,j` of the covariance matrix :math:`\mathbf{\Sigma}`, :math:`\tau_{i,j} = |t_i - t_j|`
with the :math:`t_i` and :math:`t_j` being the :math:`i` and :math:`j` GP regressors (typically --- as in this case --- the times),
:math:`\sigma_i` the errorbar of the :math:`i`-th datapoint, :math:`\sigma_{GP}` sets the amplitude of the GP, :math:`\sigma_w` (in ppm) is an added
(unknown) _jitter_ term, :math:`\delta_{i,j}` a Kronecker's delta (i.e., zero when :math:`i \neq j`, one otherwise) and where

:math:`M(\tau_{i,j},\rho) = [(1+1/\epsilon)exp(-(1-\epsilon)\sqrt{3}\tau/\rho) + (1- 1/\epsilon)\exp(-(1+\epsilon)\sqrt{3}\tau/\rho)]`

is the (approximate) Matern part of the kernel, which has a characteristic length-scale :math:``rho``.

To use this kernel within ``juliet`` you just have to give the priors for these parameters in the prior dictionary or file (see below for
a full list of all the available kernels). ``juliet`` will automatically recognize which kernel you want based on the priors selected for
each instrument. In this case, if you define a parameter ``GP_sigma`` (for :math:`\sigma_{GP}`) and ``rho`` (for the
Matern time-scale, :math:``rho``), ``juliet`` will automatically recognize you want to use this (approximate) Matern kernel. Let's thus give
these priors --- for now, let us set the dilution factor ``mdilution`` to 1, give a normal prior for the mean out-of-transit flux ``mflux`` and
wide log-uniform priors for all the other parameters:

.. code-block:: python
# Set the priors:
params = ['mdilution_TESS', 'mflux_TESS', 'sigma_w_TESS', 'GP_sigma_TESS', \
dists = ['fixed', 'normal', 'loguniform', 'loguniform',\
hyperps = [1., [0.,0.1], [1e-6, 1e6], [1e-6, 1e6],\
priors = {}
for param, dist, hyperp in zip(params, dists, hyperps):
priors[param] = {}
priors[param]['distribution'], priors[param]['hyperparameters'] = dist, hyperp
# Perform the juliet fit. Load dataset first (note the GP regressor will be the times):
dataset = juliet.load(priors=priors, t_lc = times, y_lc = fluxes, \
yerr_lc = fluxes_error, GP_regressors_lc = times, out_folder = 'hats46_detrending')
# Fit:
results =
Note that the only new part in terms of loading the dataset is that one has to now add a new piece of data, the ``GP_regressors_lc``,
in order for the GP to run. This is also a dictionary, which specifies the GP regressors for each instrument. For ``celerite`` kernels,
in theory the regressors have to be one-dimensional and ordered in ascending or descending order --- however, internally ``juliet`` performs
this ordering so the user doesn't have to worry about this last part. Let us now plot the GP fit and some residuals below to see how we did:

.. code-block:: python
# Import gridspec:
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
# Get juliet model prediction for the full lightcurve:
model_fit = results.lc_model.evaluate('TESS')
# Plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2,1])
# First the data and the model on top:
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax1.errorbar(times['TESS'], fluxes['TESS'], fluxes_error['TESS'],fmt='.',alpha=0.1)
ax1.plot(times['TESS'], model_fit, color='black', zorder=100)
ax1.set_ylabel('Relative flux')
# Now the residuals:
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax2.errorbar(times['TESS'], (fluxes['TESS']-model_fit)*1e6, fluxes_error['TESS']*1e6,fmt='.',alpha=0.1)
ax2.set_ylabel('Residuals (ppm)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (BJD - 2457000)')
.. figure:: hats-46_GPfitmatern.png
:alt: Sector 1 data for HATS-46b with an approximate Matern kernel on top

Seems we did pretty good! By default, the ``results.lc_model.evaluate`` function evaluates the model on the input dataset (i.e., on the
input GP regressors and input times). In our case, this was the out-of-transit data. To detrend the lightcurve, however, we have to _predict_
the model on the full time-series. This is easily done using the same function but giving the times and GP regressors we want to predict the
data on. So let us detrend the original lightcurve (stored in the arrays ``t``, ``f`` and ``ferr`` that we extracted at the beggining of
this section), and plot the phased transit to see how it looks:

.. code-block:: python
model_prediction = results.lc_model.evaluate('TESS', t = t, GPregressors = t)
.. figure:: hats-46_detrended.png
:alt: Sector 1 phased lightcurve for HATS-46b after detrending. The transit is clearly visible.

That's pretty good! The transit is clearly visible here. Let us now perform a transit fit on this detrended data:

.. code-block:: python
# Repopulate dictionaries with new detrended flux:
times['TESS'], fluxes['TESS'], fluxes_error['TESS'] = t,f/model_prediction,ferr/model_prediction
# Set transit fit priors:
priors = {}
params = ['P_p1','t0_p1','r1_p1','r2_p1','q1_TESS','q2_TESS','ecc_p1','omega_p1',\
'rho', 'mdilution_TESS', 'mflux_TESS', 'sigma_w_TESS']
dists = ['normal','normal','uniform','uniform','uniform','uniform','fixed','fixed',\
'loguniform', 'fixed', 'normal', 'loguniform']
In this example, `juliet` will perform a fit on a lightcurve defined by a vector of times `times`,
relative fluxes `flux` and error on those fluxes `flux_error` given some prior information `prior` which,
as we will see below, is defined through a dictionary.
hyperps = [[4.7,0.1], [1329.9,0.1], [0.,1], [0.,1.], [0., 1.], [0., 1.], 0.0, 90.,\
[100., 10000.], 1.0, [0.,0.1], [0.1, 1000.]]
# Populate the priors dictionary:
for param, dist, hyperp in zip(params, dists, hyperps):
priors[param] = {}
priors[param]['distribution'], priors[param]['hyperparameters'] = dist, hyperp
In *command line mode*, `juliet` can be used through a simple call in any terminal. To do this, after
installing juliet, you can from anywhere in your system simply do:
# Perform juliet fit:
dataset = juliet.load(priors=priors, t_lc = times, y_lc = fluxes, \
yerr_lc = fluxes_error, out_folder = 'hats46_detrended_transitfit', verbose = True)
.. code-block:: bash
results =
juliet -flag1 -flag2 --flag3
# Extra transit model prediction given the data:
transit_model = results.lc_model.evaluate('TESS')
In this example, `juliet` is performing a fit using different inputs defined by `-flag1`, `-flag2` and `--flag3`.
There are several flags that can be used to accomodate your `juliet` runs. If this mode suits your needs,
check out the `project's wiki page to find out more about this mode <>`_.
# Plot results:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[2,1])
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
A primer on transit and radial-velocity fitting
# Plot time v/s flux plot:
ax1.errorbar(dataset.times_lc['TESS'], dataset.data_lc['TESS'], \
yerr = dataset.errors_lc['TESS'], fmt = '.', alpha = 0.1)
As an example on transit and radial-velocity fitting, here we perform a fit to data
ax1.plot(dataset.times_lc['TESS'], transit_model,color='black',zorder=10)
ax1.set_xlabel('Time (BJD - 2457000)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Relative flux')
# Now phased transit lightcurve:
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax2.errorbar(phases, dataset.data_lc['TESS'], \
yerr = dataset.errors_lc['TESS'], fmt = '.', alpha = 0.1)
idx = np.argsort(phases)
ax2.plot(phases[idx],transit_model[idx], color='black',zorder=10)
.. figure:: juliet_h46_transit_fit.png
:alt: juliet fit to Sector 1 detrended data for HATS-46b.
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