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An Android SDK for the Nessie API. This SDK provides support for every Nessie API endpoint.

The SDK is hosted in the JCenter maven repository. You can access the SDK page on Bintray here.

You can view Javadocs here.


In your module-specific build.gradle file add the following dependency.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.reimaginebanking.api:nessie-android-sdk:1.0.4'


To query an API endpoint, get the NessieClient singleton and pass it your API key.

NessieClient client = NessieClient.getInstance("api_key");

Then use that client to access all of the API methods.

client.CUSTOMER.getCustomers(new NessieResultsListener() {
	public void onSuccess(Object result) {
		List<Customer> customers = (List<Customer>) result;
		// do something with the list of customers here

	public void onFailure(NessieError error) {
		// handle error

Creating an Object

Build an object using its builder methods, and then pass it as a parameter to the appropriate method.

Deposit deposit = new Deposit.Builder()

client.DEPOSIT.createDeposit("deposit_id", deposit, new NessieResultsListener() {
    public void onSuccess(Object result) {
        PostResponse<Deposit> response = (PostResponse<Deposit>) result;
        Deposit deposit = response.getObjectCreated();
        // do something with the newly created deposit

Updating an Object

Build an object with ONLY the attributes that you want to update. Then pass it as a parameter to the appropriate method.

Deposit deposit = new Deposit.Builder()
			.description("UPDATED DEPOSIT")

client.DEPOSIT.updateDeposit("deposit_id", deposit, new NessieTestResultsListener() {
    public void onSuccess(Object result) {
        PutDeleteResponse response = (PutDeleteResponse) result;

Paginated Response

The response from the ATM.getATMs method is paginated due to the lengthly list of ATMs that could be returned.

client.ATM.getATMs(lat, lng, rad, new NessieResultsListener() {
	public void onSuccess(Object result) {
		PaginatedResponse<ATM> response = (PaginatedResponse<ATM>) result;
		// get the next set of ATMs

		client.ATM.getATMs(response.getPagingObject().getNextPage(), new NessieResultsListener() {
			// implement callback interface here

	public void onFailure(NessieError error) {
		// handle error

Enterprise Endpoint

A request to an enterprise endpoint can be made in the same way as the other GET requests above.

client.ENTERPRISE.getCustomersAsEnterprise(new NessieResultsListener() {
	public void onSuccess(Object result) {
		List<Customer> customers = (List<Customer>) result;
		// do something with the list of customers here

	public void onFailure(NessieError error) {
		// handle error