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NestJS Bot Platform

Nest LogoplusRobot Icon

A NestJS service wrapper for different JavaScript bot frameworks!


This module has to be used with one of the supplied framework wrappers to be useful. The specific usage of these modules will be explained in the relevant files.

In general, every module can be used with a specific Bot Instance (supplied by the framework wrappers) and a framework-specific configuration:

  imports: [BotModule.forRoot(BotInstance /* e.g. DiscordBot */, {
    // Some Framework specific configuration details
  imports: [BotModule.forRootAsync(BotInstance /* e.g. DiscordBot */, {
    useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => {
      return { 
        // Some Framework specific configuration details using the ConfigService
    inject: [ConfigService]

Registering Events

Make sure that all EventHandler classes are registered as providers

All events are registered using the @Bot.Event Decorator. The first parameter should be the framework-specific Bot Instance, the second always specifies the type of event; all events are listed in the Events enum of the Instance.

@Bot.Event(BotInstance /* e.g. DiscordBot */, BotInstance.Events.Message)
export class MessageEvent implements BotEventHandler<BotInstance> {

    constructor() {}

    handle(...args: any[]) {



The arguments of the handle-function are determined by the kind of event as well as the framework. The first parameter is always the framework-specific Client Instance. Dependency injection can by used normally.

Registering Commands

Make sure that all CommandHandler classes are registered as providers

All events are registered using the @Bot Decorator as well as the @Bot.Command Decorator. Using the @Bot.CommandAlias Decorator different aliases of the command can be defined.

export class TestCommand extends BotCommandHandler {

    handle(...args: any[]): void {



The CommandHandler-interface is supplied by the framework-wrapper. The arguments of the handle-function are entirely dependant on the framework wrapper as well and will be described in the relevant files.


By setting the @Bot.CommandParent Decorator you can define a Sub-Command, that will be saved accordingly in the Command-Tree. The passed argument must be a Type refering to the parent command:

export class TestSomethingCommand extends BotCommandHandler {

    handle(...args: any[]): void {



Command Handlers

By default there are no command-handler included, that detect the usage of commands in the messages. These have to be created manually. The findCommand-Method of the BotCommandService can be used to detect the usage of commands. By passing the Command-Elements as a string[] (usually the message content split at every space), the method will traverse the CommandTree and return either a CommandResult or null, dependant on weather a suitable command was found or not. The CommandResult-Object contains the instance of the CommandHandler, the remaining arguments less the command parts itself and the length of Tree-Path found.

Available Framework-Wrappers


  • Clarify how the Command-Tree works
  • Create some more Framework Wrappers
  • Discord sharding


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