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Simple Chat example using Ionic, Nest and Socket.IO

There are many ways to build a chat application with Ionic. You could use Firebase as a realtime database, or you can use your own Node server with some, and that’s what we gonna do today to build a realtime Ionic Chat!

In this tutorial we will craft a super simple Node.js server and implement on the server-side to open realtime connections to the server so we can chat with other participants of a chatroom.

This is a super lightweight example as we don’t store any of the messages on the server – if you are nor in the chat room you will never get what happened. The result will look like in the image below.

chats demo


Don’t be scared of and a NestJs backend, you can easily implement your own realtime backend connection without any problems! Firebase seems often like the easy alternative, but actually we were able to build a live chat app with only a super small backend.

To make this a real Ionic chat you might want to add a database and store all the messages once you receive them and add some routes to return the history of a chatroom. Or you might want to create different chatrooms and separate conversations, but this post could be the starting point to your own chat implementation!


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