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netalrev edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 3 revisions


Association Description

The purpose of the association is to make every youth in Israel accessible to a variety of educational solutions, to reduce social disparities and provide equal opportunities for everyone, while creating a coalition of educators, building a community, and making partnerships with government ministries, authorities, business and third sector. The association will provide educational and moral values tools, that will enable the youth to excel, integrate into society as a contributing citizen and a leader, characterize and implement a technological platform integrated with artificial intelligence that will enable fast, smart and effective connection between non-formal education, government ministries, authorities, schools, communities and the youth, developing relevant educational solutions and connecting them to educational institutions abroad in order to promote Israel as an educational nation.

Organizational Process Today

For each new activity created, the association sends a registration form to all students stored on the database (Excel spreadsheet) by email, a text message with the meeting details is then sent to all registered trainees via a WhatsApp group, a process that sets difficulties for the association in terms of manpower and complication of creating and managing an activity.

Project Target

The goal of the project is to simplify the process by creating a convenient platform that will allow the association's trainees to take part in various activities and track their progress, using a custom and convenient system. In addition, the platform will allow content providers to monitor the progress of the trainees for each of their activities.