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Fixing error with getting getFileIds from bitrepos that doen't use ce…
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…rtificates. The trick was assign a non-existing filename as keyfile
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svcarlsen committed Sep 17, 2015
1 parent da847f9 commit ee14ebf
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Showing 10 changed files with 257 additions and 230 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion common/common-core/pom.xml
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,9 +81,10 @@ public class BitmagArcRepositoryClient implements ArcRepositoryClient {

private static final String BITREPOSITORY_SETTINGS_DIR = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.settingsDir";

private static final String BITREPOSITORY_KEYFILE = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.keyfile"; //TODO necessary? optional so we don't force the user to use credentials.
// optional so we don't force the user to use credentials.
private static final String BITREPOSITORY_KEYFILENAME = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.keyfilename";

private static final String BITREPOSITORY_STORE_MAX_PILLAR_FAILURES = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.storeMaxPillarFailures"; //TODO necessary?
private static final String BITREPOSITORY_STORE_MAX_PILLAR_FAILURES = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.storeMaxPillarFailures";

private static final String BITREPOSITORY_COLLECTIONID = "settings.common.arcrepositoryClient.bitrepository.collectionID";

Expand All @@ -104,13 +103,13 @@ public class BitmagArcRepositoryClient implements ArcRepositoryClient {
/** Create a new BitmagArcRepositoryClient based on current settings. */
public BitmagArcRepositoryClient() {
File configDir = Settings.getFile(BITREPOSITORY_SETTINGS_DIR);
File keyfile = Settings.getFile(BITREPOSITORY_KEYFILE);
String keyfilename = Settings.get(BITREPOSITORY_KEYFILENAME);
this.collectionId = Settings.get(BITREPOSITORY_COLLECTIONID);
this.tempdir = Settings.getFile(BITREPOSITORY_TEMPDIR);
this.maxStoreFailures = Settings.getInt(BITREPOSITORY_STORE_MAX_PILLAR_FAILURES);
this.usepillar = Settings.get(BITREPOSITORY_USEPILLAR);
// Initialize connection to the bitrepository
this.bitrep = new Bitrepository(configDir, keyfile, maxStoreFailures, usepillar);
this.bitrep = new Bitrepository(configDir, keyfilename, maxStoreFailures, usepillar);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,66 +219,64 @@ public void getFile(String arcfilename, Replica replica, File toFile) {
* processing and the finish() method will be called afterwards. The process() method will be called with each File
* entry. An optional function postProcess() allows handling the combined results of the batchjob, e.g. summing the
* results, sorting, etc.
* @param replicaId The archive to execute the job on.
* @param replicaId The archive to execute the job on. Argument Ignored replaced by usepillar (or reuse replicaId for bitmaguse)
* @param args The arguments for the batchjob. This can be null.
* @return The status of the batch job after it ended.
* @throws ArgumentNotValid If the job is null or the replicaId is either null or the empty string.
* @throws IOFailure If a problem occurs during processing the batchjob.
public BatchStatus batch(final FileBatchJob job, String replicaId, String... args) throws ArgumentNotValid,
IOFailure {
ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(job, "FileBatchJob job");
ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(replicaId, "String replicaId");
// Use this pattern to request the fileIds to match this pattern
// and then fetch the matching files to local storage
//Pattern filenamePattern = job.getFilenamePattern;"pattern: " + job.getFilenamePattern().pattern());
System.out.println("pattern: " + job.getFilenamePattern().pattern());

OutputStream os = null;
File resultFile;
try {
resultFile = File.createTempFile("batch", replicaId, FileUtils.getTempDir());
os = new FileOutputStream(resultFile);
IOFailure {
ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(job, "FileBatchJob job");
ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNullOrEmpty(replicaId, "String replicaId");

// Deduce the remote file to run the batchjob on from the job.getFilenamePattern()
// e.g. "22-metadata-[0-9]+.(w)?arc" => 22-metadata-1.warc"Trying to deducing requested file to run batch on from pattern {}", job.getFilenamePattern().pattern());

String patternAsString = job.getFilenamePattern().pattern();
if (!patternAsString.contains("metadata-")) {
log.warn("deducing requested file to run batch on from pattern {} failed. Is not a metadata file", job.getFilenamePattern().pattern());
return null;
} else {
// With 22-metadata-[0-9]+.(w)?arc
// nameparts will be ["22", "metadata", "[0", "9]+.(w)?arc"]
String nameParts[] = patternAsString.split("-");
String nameToFetch = nameParts[0] + "-metadata-1.warc";
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
final FilenameFilter filenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
Pattern filenamePattern = job.getFilenamePattern();
return new File(dir, name).isFile()
&& (filenamePattern == null || filenamePattern.matcher(name).matches());
for (File dir : storageDirs) {
File[] filesInDir = dir.listFiles(filenameFilter);
if (filesInDir != null) {

BatchLocalFiles batcher = new BatchLocalFiles(files.toArray(new File[files.size()]));, os);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOFailure("Cannot perform batch '" + job + "'", e);
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Error closing batch output stream '{}'", os, e);
return new BatchStatus(replicaId, job.getFilesFailed(), job.getNoOfFilesProcessed(), new FileRemoteFile(
resultFile), job.getExceptions());

if (!bitrep.existsInCollection(nameToFetch, collectionId)) {
log.warn("The file '{}' is not in collection '{}'.", nameToFetch, collectionId);
} else {
File workFile = bitrep.getFile(nameToFetch, this.collectionId, null);

OutputStream os = null;
File resultFile;
try {
resultFile = File.createTempFile("batch", replicaId, FileUtils.getTempDir());
os = new FileOutputStream(resultFile);

BatchLocalFiles batcher = new BatchLocalFiles(files.toArray(new File[files.size()]));, os);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOFailure("Cannot perform batch '" + job + "'", e);
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Error closing batch output stream '{}'", os, e);
return new BatchStatus(replicaId, job.getFilesFailed(), job.getNoOfFilesProcessed(), new FileRemoteFile(
resultFile), job.getExceptions());

/////////////////// The rest of the API is not implemented for the bitrepository system ///////////////////////////

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import java.util.Map;

import javax.jms.JMSException;

import dk.netarkivet.common.exceptions.*;

import org.bitrepository.access.AccessComponentFactory;
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import org.bitrepository.commandline.eventhandler.GetFileEventHandler;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.output.DefaultOutputHandler;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.output.OutputHandler;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.outputformatter.GetFileIDsInfoFormatter;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.outputformatter.GetFileIDsOutputFormatter;
import org.bitrepository.common.exceptions.OperationFailedException;
import org.bitrepository.common.settings.Settings;
import org.bitrepository.common.settings.SettingsProvider;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,22 +114,26 @@ public class Bitrepository {
* @param configDir A Bitrepository settingsdirectory
* @param maxStoreFailures Max number of acceptable store failures
* @param usepillar The pillar to use
* @param bitmagKeyFile Optional certificate filename relative to configDir
* @param bitmagKeyFilename Optional certificate filename relative to configDir
* @throws ArgumentNotValid if configFile is null
public Bitrepository(File configDir, File bitmagKeyfile, int maxStoreFailures, String usepillar) {
public Bitrepository(File configDir, String bitmagKeyFilename, int maxStoreFailures, String usepillar) {
ArgumentNotValid.checkExistsDirectory(configDir, "File configDir");
componentId = BitrepositoryUtils.generateComponentID();
maxNumberOfFailingPillars = maxStoreFailures;
this.usepillar = usepillar;
usepillarListOnly = new ArrayList<String>();
this.settingsDir = configDir;
this.privateKeyFile = bitmagKeyfile;
if (bitmagKeyfile != null){
initBitmagSecurityManager(); // Is this mandatory?
if (bitmagKeyFilename == null){
this.privateKeyFile = new File(configDir, "dummy-certificate.pem"); // This file should never exist
} else {
this.privateKeyFile = new File(configDir, bitmagKeyFilename);

initBitmagSecurityManager(); // Mandatory,even if we point to a nonexisting file dummy-certificate.pem

bitMagMessageBus = ProtocolComponentFactory.getInstance().getMessageBus(
bitmagSettings, bitMagSecurityManager); // Is bitMagSecurityManager mandatory?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,12 +247,12 @@ public File getFile(final String fileId, final String collectionId, final FilePa
// Note that this eventHandler is blocking
CompleteEventAwaiter eventHandler = new GetFileEventHandler(this.bitmagSettings, output);
output.debug("Initiating the GetFile conversation.");
String auditTrailInformation = "Retrieving package '" + fileId + "' from collection '" + collectionId + "'";
bitMagGetClient.getFileFromFastestPillar(collectionId, fileId, filePart, fileUrl, eventHandler,
String auditTrailInformation = "Retrieving package '" + fileId + "' from collection '" + collectionId + "' using pillar '" + usepillar + "'";;
//bitMagGetClient.getFileFromFastestPillar(collectionId, fileId, filePart, fileUrl, eventHandler,
// auditTrailInformation);

//TODO get from specific pillar instead of fastest pillar?
//bitMagGetClient.getFileFromSpecificPillar(collectionID, fileId, filePart, uploadUrl, pillarId, eventHandler, auditTrailInformation);
bitMagGetClient.getFileFromSpecificPillar(collectionId, fileId, filePart, fileUrl, usepillar, eventHandler, auditTrailInformation);

OperationEvent finalEvent = eventHandler.getFinish();
if(finalEvent.getEventType() == OperationEventType.COMPLETE) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,13 +312,12 @@ public boolean existsInCollection(String packageId, String collectionID) {

OutputHandler output = new DefaultOutputHandler(Bitrepository.class);

output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID outputFormatter.");
// TODO: change to non pagingClient
GetFileIDsInfoFormatter outputFormatter = new GetFileIDsInfoFormatter(output);

//output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID outputFormatter.");
//GetFileIDsListFormatter outputFormatter = new GetFileIDsListFormatter(output);
GetFileIDsOutputFormatter outputFormatter = new GetFileIDsNoFormatter(output);
long timeout = getClientTimeout(bitmagSettings);

output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID paging client.");
//output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID paging client.");
PagingGetFileIDsClient pagingClient = new PagingGetFileIDsClient(
bitMagGetFileIDsClient, timeout, outputFormatter, output);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,16 +377,15 @@ public Map<String, ChecksumsCompletePillarEvent> getChecksums(String packageID,
* Initialize the BITMAG security manager.
private void initBitmagSecurityManager() {
PermissionStore permissionStore = new PermissionStore();
MessageAuthenticator authenticator = new BasicMessageAuthenticator(permissionStore);
MessageSigner signer = new BasicMessageSigner();
OperationAuthorizor authorizer = new BasicOperationAuthorizor(permissionStore);
if (getPrivateKeyFile() != null) {
bitMagSecurityManager = new BasicSecurityManager(bitmagSettings.getRepositorySettings(),
authenticator, signer, authorizer, permissionStore,
PermissionStore permissionStore = new PermissionStore();
MessageAuthenticator authenticator = new BasicMessageAuthenticator(permissionStore);
MessageSigner signer = new BasicMessageSigner();
OperationAuthorizor authorizer = new BasicOperationAuthorizor(permissionStore);

bitMagSecurityManager = new BasicSecurityManager(bitmagSettings.getRepositorySettings(),
authenticator, signer, authorizer, permissionStore,

private File getPrivateKeyFile() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,15 +469,13 @@ public ChecksumSpecTYPE getDefaultChecksum() {
public List<String> getFileIds(String collectionID) {

OutputHandler output = new DefaultOutputHandler(Bitrepository.class);

output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID outputFormatter.");
// TODO: change to non pagingClient
//output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID outputFormatter.");
GetFileIDsListFormatter outputFormatter = new GetFileIDsListFormatter(output);

long timeout = getClientTimeout(bitmagSettings);
List<String> usepillarListOnly = new ArrayList<String>();
output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID paging client.");
//output.debug("Instantiation GetFileID paging client.");
PagingGetFileIDsClient pagingClient = new PagingGetFileIDsClient(
bitMagGetFileIDsClient, timeout, outputFormatter, output);
Boolean success = pagingClient.getFileIDs(collectionID, null,
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This file was deleted.

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public class GetFileIDsListFormatter implements GetFileIDsOutputFormatter {

List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
//private OutputHandler outputHandler;

public GetFileIDsListFormatter(OutputHandler outputHandler) {
//this.outputHandler = outputHandler;

Expand All @@ -28,9 +26,7 @@ public void formatResult(Collection<FileIDsResult> results) {

public List<String> getFoundIds() {
return result;

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package dk.netarkivet.common.distribute.arcrepository.bitrepository;

import java.util.Collection;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.output.OutputHandler;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.outputformatter.GetFileIDsOutputFormatter;
import org.bitrepository.commandline.resultmodel.FileIDsResult;

public class GetFileIDsNoFormatter implements GetFileIDsOutputFormatter {

public GetFileIDsNoFormatter(OutputHandler outputHandler) {

public void formatHeader() {

public void formatResult(Collection<FileIDsResult> results) {

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