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=== Swiftype Search ===
Contributors: matthewtyriley, qhoxie
Donate link:
Tags: search, better search, custom search, relevant search
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 1.0.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

The Swiftype Search plugin replaces the standard WordPress search with a better search engine that is fully customizable via the Swiftype dashboard.

== Description ==

The Swiftype Search plugin replaces the standard WordPress search with a much better, more relevant search engine. It also gives you detailed insight into what your users are searching for, so you know which keywords to target when customizing your search engine results. The base ranking algorithm is based on industry best-practices and provides more relevant results by default, but we also allow for any result set to be fully customized via our drag-and-drop interface for result reordering. To make customizations you simply create a Swiftype account and install our the Swiftype Search plugin. You can then login to our dashboard to customize results and read through detailed search analytics.


== Installation ==

1. Go to []( and sign up for a free Swiftype account. (Be sure to validate your account via the confirmation email we send.)
2. After logging in to Swiftype, go to the Account Settings screen and get your API key.
3. Extract all files from the ZIP file, and then upload the plugin's folder to /wp-content/plugins/.
4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
5. Go to the Swiftype Search plugin page and enter your Swiftype API key on the first screen.
6. Name your search engine, following the instructions on the screen.
7. Build your search index by clicking the "Synchronize with Swiftype" button.

== Frequently asked questions ==

= Where do I sign up for a Swiftype account? =

Sign up for a free account at [](

== Screenshots ==

== Changelog ==

== Upgrade notice ==


Swiftype Wordpress Plugin






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