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NetSysFire edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

When to use overrides

Use an override if you would like to modify a profile. Modifying a profile file (.profile) in /etc/firejail is discouraged. Changes will be overwritten when you update Firejail. This does not apply to .local files.

You may want to use parameters instead if your change is temporary.

firejail --net=none --x11=xephyr vlc

How to use overrides

Create ~/.config/firejail if it does not exist. If you would like to add a globally available override, place the file in /etc/firejail instead.

The override file has to be named appropriately. If you want to create an override for firefox.profile, the override file has to be firefox.local.

Use globals.local to affect every profile.

Common overrides

Disallow network access for an application

net none

Add access to a directory

noblacklist ~/MyPictures
noblacklist /mydisk/videos

Ignore a specific directive

ignore nou2f
ignore net