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Kubernetes application that collects, exposes and optionally uploads inventory data


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Kubernetes application that collects, exposes and optionally uploads inventory data.

It runs in a loop every COLLECT_INTERNAL and collects:

  • Cluster information (versions, etc)
  • Workload information (deployments, etc)
  • Infrastructure information (cloud, region, zone, etc)
  • Node information
  • Storage information
  • Secure Cloud Stack specific information (customer data, etc)
  • Custom Resource information (CNI, specific operators)

For more information about what is collected, see k8s-inventory.


Configure the client (see Configuration below) and run the executable. It doesn't take any command line options or arguments:


k8s-inventory-client will try to detect if it's running inside a kubernetes cluster. If not, it will try to configure a kubernetes client by using the credentials and default context from ~/.kube/config. This makes it possible to run the client outside of a cluster, e.g. for development purposes.


Secure Cloud Stack Information

While not strictly required, not gathering Secure Cloud Stack information kind of defeats the purpose of running the client at all.

Secure Cloud Stack Information is read from ConfigMap-objects.

These objects must be created in the netic-metadata-system Namespace:

  • General cluster information uses the first ConfigMap matching the label
  • Tenant information uses all ConfigMaps matching the label

See dist/deployment/netic-metadata.yaml for examples.


In order to collect the data, k8s-inventory-client needs permission to read a wide array of resources. See dist/deployment/k8s-inventory-client.yaml for a list of permissions.


Configuration is done using environment variables:

Variable Name Description Default
HTTP_PORT HTTP port to listen on for the inventory service 8087
HTTP_PORT_META HTTP port to listen on for the metadata service 8088
COLLECT_INTERNAL How often to collect 1h
LOG_LEVEL Logging level info
LOG_FORMATTER Log output formatter json
UPLOAD_INVENTORY Upload inventory true
SERVER_API_ENDPOINT HTTP URL to upload data to http://localhost:8086/api/v1/inventory
AUTH_ENABLED Enable/disable authentication true
TLS_CRT PEM Certificate file to use for authentication /etc/certificates/tls.crt
TLS_KEY PEM KEY file to use for authentication /etc/certificates/tls.key
SERVER_API_ENDPOINT HTTP URL to upload data to http://localhost:8086/api/v1/inventory
IMPERSONATE Kubernetes role to imporsonate

Collection Intervals

COLLECT_INTERNAL takes a values that can be parsed by time.ParseDuration().

Log Formatter

LOG_FORMATTER can be set to one of:

  • json
  • text

Log Level

LOG_LEVEL can be set to one of:

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal
  • panic


If you use a Secure Cloud Stack cluster, chances are k8s-inventory-client is already deployed.

However, if you need to deploy it yourself, you will need to:

  • Create the ConfigMaps mentioned above
  • Create the Kubernetes resources:
    • ServiceAccount
    • ClusterRole
    • ClusterRoleBinding
    • Service
    • Deployment

See kustomization.yaml for a full example of deploying the client.

netic-metadata.yaml creates the ConfigMaps.

k8s-inventory-client.yaml creates the other resources.

Typical adjustments:

  • Set the label to match the image version
  • Set the image tag to the version you want to deploy
  • In the Deployment set environment variables accordingly
  • If using another port, set the Service ports


Use the supplied Makefile.

make build or make build2 builds the executable and places it in bin/k8s-inventory-client. build forces rebuilding of packages and also runs the linter. build2 does not.

make docker-build and make docker-push builds/tags/pushes the docker image.