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Profiler with adapter for Tracy

This repository contains lightweight, very quick and easy to use Profiler with adapter for Tracy.


If you wish to profile a block of code, simply encapsulate it between Profiler::start and Profiler::finish calls.

<?php // index.php

if (/* Is debug mode enabled? */) {

require(__DIR__ . "/required_file.php");
<?php // required_file.php

// If you wish to use default labels, call functions without parameters
Profiler::start(/* sprintf("%s#%s", __FILE__, __LINE__) */);
/* your code goes here */
Profiler::finish(/* sprintf("%s#%s", __FILE__, __LINE__) */);

// If you wish to use static labels, place label as first parameter
Profiler::start("static label");
/* your code goes here */
Profiler::finish("static label");

// If you wish to use dynamic labels, call functions like sprintf
Profiler::start(/* sprintf( */ "line %s", __LINE__ /* ) */);
/* your code goes here */
Profiler::finish(/* sprintf( */ "line %s", __LINE__ /* ) */);

// If you wish to create more detailed profiles, start new profile inside another one
Profiler::start("Profile 1");
    /* your code goes here */
    Profiler::start("Profile 1.1");
        Profiler::start("Profile 1.1.1");
            /* your code goes here */
        Profiler::finish("Profile 1.1.1");
        /* your code goes here */
        Profiler::start("Profile 1.1.2");
            /* your code goes here */
        Profiler::finish("Profile 1.1.2");
        /* your code goes here */
    Profiler::finish("Profile 1.1");
Profiler::finish("Profile 1");

If you wish to know more about Profiler, please visit Profiler's

How to install

Run composer require netpromotion/profiler in your project directory.

Adapter for Tracy

Add extension Netpromotion\Profiler\Extension\ProfilerNetteExtension into your configuration, it is not necessary to call Profiler::enable.

    profiler: Netpromotion\Profiler\Extension\ProfilerNetteExtension

If you wish to profile before the container is ready, call Profiler::enable manually.


        createService: false  # or true
        primaryValue: effective  # or absolute
            memoryUsageChart: true  # or false
            shortProfiles: true  # or false
            timeLines: true  # or false

There is a live demo available - run make demo and click here.

Lumen, pure PHP and everything else

Add panel Netpromotion\Profiler\Adapter\TracyBarAdapter to your bar via Bar::addPanel method manually or use netpromotion/tracy-wrapper.

tracy_wrap(function() {
    /* your code goes here */
}, [new TracyBarAdapter([
    "primaryValue" => "effective", // or "absolute"
    "show" => [
        "memoryUsageChart" => true, // or false
        "shortProfiles" => true, // or false
        "timeLines" => true // or false

There is a live demo available - run make demo and click here.