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98 lines (89 loc) · 5.29 KB

Repository Info

this is respository of DAIG (Distributed A.I Grid) project client program. it is based on PyQT5 because we use tensorflow for model training and others.

What is DAIG?

DAIG (Distributed A.I Grid) is distributed deep learning based machine learning system. Usually, deep learning based machine learning methods require more training time than other methods. One way to solve this long training time problem is using multiple GPUs. However, it is pretty expensive. So, we tried to use other people's left pc resources instead of multiple GPUs

How DAIG works?

DAIG system consists of Learning requestor, Resource provider and Management server. Learning requestor makes project and upload train data to Management server. Then, Management server distribute train data shards and model information to registered Resource providers When all train data shards are used for leatning, Management server save final model and weight result at object storage. Learning requestor can download trained model at anytime.

DAIG structure

image image2

DAIG client dependency

Name version usage
PyQT5 5.12 for UI and multi-thread develoment
tensorflow 2.5.0 for model training
numpy 1.19.5 for data manipulation
requests 2.25.1 for http communication
h5py 3.1.0 for model saving

How to launch?

To laucnh client program, you shoud install necessary libraries which are 'Tensorflow, Numpy, Requests, h5py, PyQT5'.

Then, you can launch client program by running like


Currently, we are working on converting this project into single executable file.

How DAIG's distribution works?

We constructed DAIG distribution and result gathering system based on K-batch sync SGD. And it gathers trained gradients based on all-reduce method. K-batch size can be controlled by Learning requestor. So, its final result is also contorlled by Learning requestor.

How to use DAIG?

Make account and then log in. Then, you can choose between two modes, Learning requestor(left) and Resource provider(right)

Learning requestor

As learning requestor, you can create distributed learning porject by clicking + button on top menu bar. Then, you will see project setting UI. first, upload your model file and data files. Model file should be .h5 format file supported by tensorflow as and it must also contain compile information Data files must be uploaded as two files. One is for train data and another is for label of train data. Also these Data files should be stored as numpy file containing train data as numpy array ('dtype = object' is recommended) (instruction will be written later). After attach files, you can set hyper parameters for learning. each item will be directly put into tensorflow If you choose epoch = 20, batch_size =32, then it will perform tensorflow based trainging as = 20, batch_size = 32). Empty item may cause malfunction, so it is recommended to fill all blanks. However, 'total task','task size' and 'max contributor' are not for fit() function.

total task

You can choose how many data shards you want to split. If you choose 100, train data will be splitted into 100 data shards.

task size

It means K batch size at K-batch sync SGD. So, if you choose small K, then final model accuracy may be better. but training speed will be decreased as maximum participants get smaller. On the other hands, if you choos big K,project will be finished in shorter time. But, its accuracy may be worse. However, detail depends on situations.

max contributor

This means max participants in your project in single batch. So, max contributor more than task size will be useless.

Learning requestor

As Learning requestor, you need to upload model file (as tensorflow supporting .h5 format), train data and train label. Then, set parameters and hyper-parameters for distriburted learning. Finally, click start button, then uploading and creating project proceed.

Resource provider

As Resource provider, you only need to participate button. DAIG management server will give you train data shard and model information autoatically. (irrelavant with model info and data info) As DAIG client receive data, it starts distributed learning using tensorflow Also, you can stop it anytime you want by clicking stop button (or shutdown program)

Some points of DAIG client

One way to treat numpy file via https

PyQT parallel thread


  • This project has been developed by korean developers. So, there are some korean comments. And server is usually off because of maintainance fee (not a big deal for single project but will be quite a lot for hundreds of projects). So, if you want to try by your own, please visit for server codes.
  • If you upload inccorect type of model or data, it may cause eniter system malfunction
  • DAIG reads train data at once. so, if train data size is too big (like 20GB or more / depends on computer performance), you may not be able to upload total data. upload for big data will be supported later.
  • Some parameters have limitation.