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Html: added @Property & @method
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dg committed Nov 28, 2019
1 parent 7006e51 commit 108730b
Showing 1 changed file with 212 additions and 6 deletions.
218 changes: 212 additions & 6 deletions src/Utils/Html.php
Expand Up @@ -16,13 +16,219 @@
* HTML helper.
* <code>
* $el = Html::el('a')->href($link)->setText('Nette');
* $el->class = 'myclass';
* echo $el;
* @property string|null $accept
* @property string|null $accesskey
* @property string|null $action
* @property string|null $align
* @property string|null $allow
* @property string|null $alt
* @property bool|null $async
* @property string|null $autocapitalize
* @property string|null $autocomplete
* @property bool|null $autofocus
* @property bool|null $autoplay
* @property string|null $charset
* @property bool|null $checked
* @property string|null $cite
* @property string|null $class
* @property int|null $cols
* @property int|null $colspan
* @property string|null $content
* @property bool|null $contenteditable
* @property bool|null $controls
* @property string|null $coords
* @property string|null $crossorigin
* @property string|null $data
* @property string|null $datetime
* @property string|null $decoding
* @property bool|null $default
* @property bool|null $defer
* @property string|null $dir
* @property string|null $dirname
* @property bool|null $disabled
* @property bool|null $download
* @property string|null $draggable
* @property string|null $dropzone
* @property string|null $enctype
* @property string|null $for
* @property string|null $form
* @property string|null $formaction
* @property string|null $formenctype
* @property string|null $formmethod
* @property bool|null $formnovalidate
* @property string|null $formtarget
* @property string|null $headers
* @property int|null $height
* @property bool|null $hidden
* @property float|null $high
* @property string|null $href
* @property string|null $hreflang
* @property string|null $id
* @property string|null $integrity
* @property string|null $inputmode
* @property bool|null $ismap
* @property string|null $itemprop
* @property string|null $kind
* @property string|null $label
* @property string|null $lang
* @property string|null $list
* @property bool|null $loop
* @property float|null $low
* @property float|null $max
* @property int|null $maxlength
* @property int|null $minlength
* @property string|null $media
* @property string|null $method
* @property float|null $min
* @property bool|null $multiple
* @property bool|null $muted
* @property string|null $name
* @property bool|null $novalidate
* @property bool|null $open
* @property float|null $optimum
* @property string|null $pattern
* @property string|null $ping
* @property string|null $placeholder
* @property string|null $poster
* @property string|null $preload
* @property string|null $radiogroup
* @property bool|null $readonly
* @property string|null $rel
* @property bool|null $required
* @property bool|null $reversed
* @property int|null $rows
* @property int|null $rowspan
* @property string|null $sandbox
* @property string|null $scope
* @property bool|null $selected
* @property string|null $shape
* @property int|null $size
* @property string|null $sizes
* @property string|null $slot
* @property int|null $span
* @property string|null $spellcheck
* @property string|null $src
* @property string|null $srcdoc
* @property string|null $srclang
* @property string|null $srcset
* @property int|null $start
* @property float|null $step
* @property string|null $style
* @property int|null $tabindex
* @property string|null $target
* @property string|null $title
* @property string|null $translate
* @property string|null $type
* @property string|null $usemap
* @property string|null $value
* @property int|null $width
* @property string|null $wrap
* echo $el->startTag(), $el->endTag();
* </code>
* @method self accept(?string $val)
* @method self accesskey(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self action(?string $val)
* @method self align(?string $val)
* @method self allow(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self alt(?string $val)
* @method self async(?bool $val)
* @method self autocapitalize(?string $val)
* @method self autocomplete(?string $val)
* @method self autofocus(?bool $val)
* @method self autoplay(?bool $val)
* @method self charset(?string $val)
* @method self checked(?bool $val)
* @method self cite(?string $val)
* @method self class(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self cols(?int $val)
* @method self colspan(?int $val)
* @method self content(?string $val)
* @method self contenteditable(?bool $val)
* @method self controls(?bool $val)
* @method self coords(?string $val)
* @method self crossorigin(?string $val)
* @method self datetime(?string $val)
* @method self decoding(?string $val)
* @method self default(?bool $val)
* @method self defer(?bool $val)
* @method self dir(?string $val)
* @method self dirname(?string $val)
* @method self disabled(?bool $val)
* @method self download(?bool $val)
* @method self draggable(?string $val)
* @method self dropzone(?string $val)
* @method self enctype(?string $val)
* @method self for(?string $val)
* @method self form(?string $val)
* @method self formaction(?string $val)
* @method self formenctype(?string $val)
* @method self formmethod(?string $val)
* @method self formnovalidate(?bool $val)
* @method self formtarget(?string $val)
* @method self headers(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self height(?int $val)
* @method self hidden(?bool $val)
* @method self high(?float $val)
* @method self hreflang(?string $val)
* @method self id(?string $val)
* @method self integrity(?string $val)
* @method self inputmode(?string $val)
* @method self ismap(?bool $val)
* @method self itemprop(?string $val)
* @method self kind(?string $val)
* @method self label(?string $val)
* @method self lang(?string $val)
* @method self list(?string $val)
* @method self loop(?bool $val)
* @method self low(?float $val)
* @method self max(?float $val)
* @method self maxlength(?int $val)
* @method self minlength(?int $val)
* @method self media(?string $val)
* @method self method(?string $val)
* @method self min(?float $val)
* @method self multiple(?bool $val)
* @method self muted(?bool $val)
* @method self name(?string $val)
* @method self novalidate(?bool $val)
* @method self open(?bool $val)
* @method self optimum(?float $val)
* @method self pattern(?string $val)
* @method self ping(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self placeholder(?string $val)
* @method self poster(?string $val)
* @method self preload(?string $val)
* @method self radiogroup(?string $val)
* @method self readonly(?bool $val)
* @method self rel(?string $val)
* @method self required(?bool $val)
* @method self reversed(?bool $val)
* @method self rows(?int $val)
* @method self rowspan(?int $val)
* @method self sandbox(?string $val, bool $state = null)
* @method self scope(?string $val)
* @method self selected(?bool $val)
* @method self shape(?string $val)
* @method self size(?int $val)
* @method self sizes(?string $val)
* @method self slot(?string $val)
* @method self span(?int $val)
* @method self spellcheck(?string $val)
* @method self src(?string $val)
* @method self srcdoc(?string $val)
* @method self srclang(?string $val)
* @method self srcset(?string $val)
* @method self start(?int $val)
* @method self step(?float $val)
* @method self style(?string $property, string $val = null)
* @method self tabindex(?int $val)
* @method self target(?string $val)
* @method self title(?string $val)
* @method self translate(?string $val)
* @method self type(?string $val)
* @method self usemap(?string $val)
* @method self value(?string $val)
* @method self width(?int $val)
* @method self wrap(?string $val)
class Html implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate, IHtmlString
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