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Getting Started

For setting up the VNC server, include -vnc :0 in the “Boot up the VM” section (only necessary when using a Linux workstation). Then from your workstation, perform the following:

Forward ports, replace zion05 with the machine you will run the VM on

ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 -L 5556:localhost:5556 -L 8181:localhost:8181 -N zion05

If this is the first time, create a VM image on the host machine

qemu-img create -f qcow2 netviews_vm_1.qcow 100G

Boot up the VM on the host and keep it running in the background

nohup qemu-system-x86_64 \                                                # Use qemu as a hypervisor to emulate x86_64
    -cdrom ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso \                         # Use Ubuntu 20.04.2
    -cpu host \                                                           # KVM processor, use all features supported by host
    -enable-kvm \                                                         # KVM virtualization
    -m 32768 \                                                            # Set RAM in MiB
    -smp 16 \                                                             # Number of cores the guest can use
    -drive file=netviews_vm_1.qcow,format=qcow2 \                         # The name and format of the VM image
    -device e1000,netdev=net0 \                                           # Add device driver, in this case: the e1000 network driver
    -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::5556-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8181-:8181 \  # Configure network device, including port fowarding: 5556 -> 22, 8181 -> 8181
    -vnc :0 &                                                             # Open port 5900 (default) for a VNC viewer to connect to

Connect using a VNC client from the host

vinagre ::5900

In the VNC session, follow the install instructions. Make sure to check the box to install OpenSSH when prompted. Remember the user password you choose. You can also import SSH keys at this step--it will ask you if you want to import them from GitHub.

SSH into the VM from local host. Password is msnetviews (or whatever you chose during install).

ssh -X ben@localhost -p 5556

(Optional) Manually setup SSH public key authentication, if you did not do so during this install

echo "<YOUR PUBLIC KEY HERE>" >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

Source bashrc on every login

echo -e "if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then\n  source ~/.bashrc\nfi" >> ~/.bash_profile

Enable X11 forwarding, useful for Wireshark

echo "export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Export HOME_DIRECTORY variable to ~/.bashrc file 1

echo "export HOME_DIRECTORY=~" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Install dependencies (will need to enter user password, be alert for the prompt)

curl | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install bazel
sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade
sudo apt -y install bazel-3.7.2 openjdk-11-jdk net-tools zip maven docker docker-compose sshpass python python3-pip
pip3 install mininet

Build and install mininet

git clone && pushd mininet && git checkout -b 2.3.0d6 && ./util/ -fnv && popd

Build and install ONOS

git clone ~/onos && pushd ~/onos && bazel build onos && popd

Setup ONOS environment variables

echo -e "export ONOS_ROOT=~/onos" >> $HOME/.bashrc && source $HOME/.bashrc
echo -e "source $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bash_profile" >> $HOME/.bashrc && source $HOME/.bashrc

Generate an SSH key if necessary

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

upload your VM's RSA (e.g. ~/.ssh/ SSH key to GitHub.

Clone the MSNetViews repo

git clone ~/ms-netviews

Create an ONOS app

pushd ~/ms-netviews/ONOS_Apps/netviews && onos-create-app cli org.onosproject netviews 1.0-SNAPSHOT org.onosproject.netviews && popd

If the above returns a build error, you may need to delete a file (as below) and try again

rm ~/ms-netviews/ONOS_Apps/netviews/src/main/java/org/onosproject/netviews/

Run ONOS, if not running already, wait until debug log stops

cd ~/onos && bazel run onos-local -- clean debug

Start a new shell. Use /topology-json/automation/ to generate all related files for the experiment (topology, identity mapping, policy, obligation files, prohibition files, etc for all the sites). The script above generates related files for two site settings (set via the -s parameter). Please refer to the arguments of for more details.

pushd ~/ms-netviews/topology-json/automation/ && ./ -s 2 -n 200 -client_ratio 0.65 -server_ratio 0.35 -t ministanford -tc 1000 -et RR -r 50 && popd

Make sure the terminal has up-to-date environment variables for installing and running containers by running the following command. Put this command in ~/.bashrc too, so any new terminals opened afterwards would automatically load the configurations.

echo "cell netviews-cell" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Preparing to run demos and experiments

These commands need to be run anytime the NetViews code changes.

First, build the NetViews app; make vm-up creates the containers for all sites and copies some of the related files to the containers. It also installs the NetViews app in all containers.

pushd ~/ms-netviews/ && make vm-build && make netviews && make ifwd && make vm-down && make vm-up && popd

/central_admin/distribute_policies takes an enterprise policy generated above (by /topology-json/automation/ and then slices that policy into individual site specific policies. It also copies Policy Identity mapping, Obligation files, and Prohibition files to each site

pushd ~/central_admin/ && ./distribute_policies && popd


To run experiments (please refer to the arguments of run_multisite_experiment for more details). The follwoing script is for running latency experiments.

pushd ~/ms-netviews && ./scenarios/run_multisite_experiment -s 2 -t ./topology-json/automation/ministanford_2_sites/site -e ./topology-json/automation/ministanford_2_sites/latency_experiments/latency_experiment_round1.json -m experiments/mininet_script -d ministanford_2_site_netviews_latency_experiment_round1 -a org.onosproject.netviews -M '"-z MULTISITE -s 120 -A 10 -f -r 20 -w 0.1 -T gre -I gretun_1 -l 0.5"' && popd


The results folder specified by -d argument in the experiment would be available in the ~/ms-netviews directory where the experiments had been run.


Run the following commands to plot the results. The resultant plots would be available in ~/parsed-results folder specified as the output folder in the commands below. The following script is for running latency experiment plots.

~/ms-netviews/experiments/ -f ministanford_2_site_netviews_latency_experiment_round/client_* -o ~/parsed-results/ministanford_2_site_netviews_latency_experiment.csv -r -c 65 -s 35
~/ms-netviews/experiments/clean_up_mtr -f ~/parsed-results/ministanford_2_site_netviews_latency_experiment.csv -n "NetViews" -o ~/parsed-results/ministanford_two_site_nth_packet_latency_results.csv -t "Ministanford Two Site nth Packet Latency" -rfr True -runs 20
~/ms-netviews/experiments/clean_up_mtr -f ~/parsed-results/ministanford_2_site_netviews_latency_experiment.csv -n "NetViews" -o ~/parsed-results/ministanford_two_site_first_packet_latency_results.csv -t "Ministanford Two Site first Packet Latency" -F -rfr True -runs 20


To have topology, mininet_script, and experiment files copied to individual sites, run run_multisite_experiment once (see above) while keeping the last action, i.e., Run-Experiment-${#}, commented.

Next, ssh into each site (i.e. ssh root@$OC#) and run the following

sudo ./mininet_script -t /tmp/topology -c run -e /tmp/experiment -d /tmp/experiment_results -a org.onosproject.netviews -z MULTISITE -s 120 -A 10 -f -r 1 -w 0.1 -T gre -I gretun_1 -l 0.5


For issues running stc include stcDumpLogs=true in front of the stc command. Also, file the xml file corresponding to that scenario and enable log output for the relevant commands.


stcDumpLogs=true stc distribute-policies



  1. I realized there is a $HOME environment already present in linux, so I’ll update my scripts to load that info from $HOME rather than $HOME_DIRECTORY and then will remove this step.


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