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LegalServer and Docassemble Link

This Docassemble package links LegalServer with a Docassemble Server, allowing Docassemble developers to:

  • Use LegalServer as a data source for Docassemble templates, and
  • Save documents generated in Docassemble interviews back to relevant case files in LegalServer.

Docassemble Interviews Listview in LegalServer


Using LegalServer's Docassemble Integration module, LegalServer will read a new Docassemble API endpoint with a list of Docassemble interviews. Later, when those interviews are selected from a LegalServer case, LegalServer will pass the case's unique UUID to Docassemble.

The sample interview and python module in this Docassemble package then provide a method to obtain the case's unique UUID, make API calls to LegalServer to read the case data, and then translate the API responses into proper Docassemble objects.

⚠️ Warning

This package results in granting access to your LegalServer data to Docassemble users. See Interview Security for instructions on preventing unauthorized data access.


  • Docassemble 1.4.54 or greater (if installed on an older version of Docassemble, it will try to upgrade it to this version.) This package requires Python 3.10 which is only available on Docassemble 1.4.54 or later. If you are on Docassemble 1.4.53 or earlier, you will need to do an upgrade of your container for Docassemble, upgrading in the Package Management settings page will not be sufficient.
  • LegalServer's API v2
  • LegalServer's Docassemble Integration module (contact LegalServer support for a change order to enable)


Docassemble Configuration

In your Docassemble configuration file, you will need to have the following yaml structure:

    bearer: BEARER_TOKEN_1_HERE
    expiration: 2024-12-15
    report 123: bdbda58e-c244-4337-ada2-34df1e3b866e 
    bearer: BEARER_TOKEN_2_HERE
    expiration: 2024-12-15
    report 456: 00cefa38-819b-4387-a207-38a7e33e61e0  
    - interview: docassemble.LegalServerLink:data/questions/sample_letter.yml
      name: Sample Client Letter
      external: False
        - Demo4
        - Integrations

The keys for mysite-demo and mysite will allow your Docassemble server to work with both your Live site and you Demo site. The LegalServer site abbreviations need to be lower case to ensure that the text matching to find the correct API keys will work as expected. The bearer tokens can be created in LegalServer using the Manage Personal Access Tokens Block. The expiration keys are required to allow Docassemble to ensure that the bearer tokens are still valid.

The key for the report is only relevant if you are using the get_legalserver_report_data function to retrieve data from a LegalServer Reports API call in addition to the standard LegalServer APIs. In this case, the report number is 123 and that is identified in the url of the report in the LegalServer UI. It is also identified as the load query parameter in the sample Report API call url provided by the LegalServer UI. The uuid that accompanies that report key is the api_key query parameter provided by the LegalServer UI for that specific report.

The list under interviews allows you to have a unique list of Interviews linked to LegalServer that is separate and distinct from the Dispatch list you may be using elsewhere with Docassemble. There is a key for the interview that has a path to the question file and and a key for the name of the interview. These are the only two required keys in this list.

There are two other important keys under the interviews section that are not required.

  1. If an interview is marked as external LegalServer will provide a read-only link instead of a clickable hyperlink. This way the link can be copied for a client to complete on their own later. By default, an interview is marked as external: False.
  2. We've added an additional list of sites under the interviews list to allow for a Docassemble server to be connected to multiple sites.Under the sites key should be a list of site abbreviations that the interview should be accessible to. If no values are specified, it will default to an empty list. If it is an empty list, it will be available to all sites. If the Docassemble server is connected to both your Live and Demo site, the same interview will be available for both sites. You can then chose not to make it active on either site as needed.

LS Interviews Docassemble Endpoint

This package also adds a new API endpoint to your Docassemble server. You can now send an authenticated get request to /lsinterviews. This will return the list that appears in your configuration file under the keys:


To use this endpoint, you need to have the legalserver user role privilege in Docassemble. This can be established by going to your User List, selecting Edit Privileges, and adding legalserver to the list. Then you need to give the legalserver role to any of the accounts creating a docassemble API key for LegalServer.

LegalServer will attempt to connect to this endpoint to retrieve the list of available interviews.

LegalServer API Configuration

This package assumes that you are using LegalServer's v2 API. This is not available by default, so please file a request with to enable it. This is to provide more information to the Docassemble developer as well as use clearer data structures.

The bearer tokens used in the this integration should be linked to a dedicated API account with a dedicated API User Role. To create the bearer tokens, use the LegalServer Manage Personal Access Tokens Block. For more details, see API Authentication. The User Role needs to have the following permissions:

  • API Access
  • API Get Matter
  • API Documents Webhook
  • API Get Contact
  • API Get Organization
  • API Get User
  • API Get/Search Matter Full Results

Optional additional permissions:

  • API Access all Cases
  • API Get Matter Additional Name
  • API Get Matter Adverse Party
  • API Get Matter Assignment
  • API Get Matter Contact
  • API Get Matter Incomes
  • API Get Matter Litigations
  • API Get Matter Notes
  • API Get Matter Service
  • API Get Matter Include Additional Names
  • API Get Matter Include Adverse Parties
  • API Get Matter Include Documents
  • API Get Matter Include Events
  • API Get Matter Include Non Adverse Parties
  • API Get Matter Include Notes
  • API Get Matter Include Tasks
  • API Get Matter Non Adverse Party
  • API Search Contact
  • API Search Documents
  • API Search Event
  • API Search Matter Additional Name
  • API Search Matter Adverse Party
  • API Search Matter Assignments
  • API Search Matter Contact
  • API Search Matter Incomes
  • API Search Matter Include Additional Names
  • API Search Matter Include Adverse Parties
  • API Search Matter Include Events
  • API Search Matter Include Non Adverse Parties
  • API Search Matter Include Notes
  • API Search Matter Include Tasks
  • API Search Matter Litigation
  • API Search Matter Non Adverse Party
  • API Search Matter Notes
  • API Search Matter Service
  • API Search Organizations
  • API Search Tasks
  • API Search Users
  • API Search Users Organization Affiliation

Please remember that the token expires 1 year after it is created. The package will warn you when the token has expired.

Note that all of the endpoints are included in the base level of API Access. Premium APIs are not required.

LegalServer Configuration

In LegalServer, the administrator will need two User Role Permissions added:

  • Edit Docassemble Templates
  • Generate Docassemble Templates

You'll need to then go to the Admin -> Docassemble Settings page. This is where the docassemble api token can be set. Then the list of Docassemble templates can be populated.

Using this Package

To use this package, you'll want to include the LSLink.yml file in any of your interviews:

  - docassemble.LegalServerLink:data/questions/LSLink.yml

Interview Security

This package results in granting access to your LegalServer data to Docassemble users. To prevent unauthorized access to the data, LegalServer recommends that any interviews using this package have authentication required. This could happen with the require login: True metadata setting or setting required privileges in the metadata to a limited scope excluding anonymous.

Getting Data

This can create numerous objects. None of these are required by the default code but could be easily retrieved.

  • client: Individual or Person depending on whether the Client is a Group in LegalServer
  • client.additional_names: DAList using IndividualName objects
  • legalserver_case: DAObject
  • legalserver_adverse_parties: DAList using Person objects
  • legalserver_assignments: DAList of Individual objects
  • legalserver_charges: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_contacts: DAList using DAIndividual objects
  • legalserver_documents: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_events: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_tasks: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_incomes: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_litigations: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_non_adverse_parties: DAList using Person objects
  • legalserver_notes: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_services: DAList using DAObject objects
  • legalserver_primary_assignment: Individual
  • legalserver_first_pro_bono_assignment: Individual
  • legalserver_latest_pro_bono_assignment: Individual
  • legalserver_pro_bono_assignments: DAList using Individual objects
  • legalserver_current_user: Individual

There is a code block that will check for url arguments and process them. This can be called by requesting collect_initial_legalserver_data. The expectation is that the url arguments will include a key and secret for data stored in Docassemble's Redis Stash. Once that Redis stash is retrieved, there should be variables for:

  • legalserver_site_abbreviation
  • legalserver_site_type
  • legalserver_matter_uuid
  • legalserver_current_user_uuid

The legalserver_matter_uuid variable is used to pull data back from a specific case.

The legalserver_current_user_uuid allows for details about the user who initiated the Docassemble Interview to be retrieved.

The legalserver_site_abbreviation and legalserver_site_type variables are then combined to create the legalserver_site variable used by all of the python functions in this package.

To then populate any of the objects above, you'll want to call the following code blocks to parse the data:

  • parse_client_data
  • parse_legalserver_additional_name_data
  • parse_legalserver_adverse_party_data
  • parse_legalserver_assignment_data
  • parse_legalserver_case_data
  • parse_legalserver_charge_data
  • parse_legalserver_contact_data
  • parse_legalserver_document_data
  • parse_legalserver_event_data
  • parse_legalserver_task_data
  • parse_legalserver_income_data
  • parse_legalserver_litigation_data
  • parse_legalserver_non_adverse_party_data
  • parse_legalserver_note_data
  • parse_legalserver_service_data
  • parse_legalserver_primary_assignment
  • parse_legalserver_pro_bono_assignments (note: that this populates all three of the pro bono objects indicated above if there is at least one pro bono assignment)
  • parse_legalserver_current_user

Or you can call parse_all_legalserver_data and it will populate all of the above objects.

Returning Documents

When you have completed your interview in Docassemble, if you want to return a document to LegalServer, you can use the post_file_to_legalserver_documents_webhook function. This can take either an individual document or a zip file of multiple documents and save that back to the case. If a zip file is provided, LegalServer will automatically unzip the files and add them to a case note on the case.

Python Functions included

For simplicty, the public functions created by this Docassemble package are described in Functions.

Sample Docassemble Interview

A sample file sample_letter.yml is available in this package. This Docassemble interview has multiple steps in the creation of a letter to a client or attorney.

The offered text of the communication is stored as an optional DALazyTemplate in the interview file so that it can use Mako formatting and take any variables from the LegalServer Data. This means that any logic, formatting, or variables can be included in the letter.

After it collects the LegalServer data, it then allows for the following choices:

  • Recipient (default options include Client, Primary Attorney, Current User, First Pro Bono Attorney, or Latest Pro Bono Attorney)
  • Sender (Primary Attorney or Current User)
  • Method of Email or printed Letter
  • Letter Text (selecting the appropriate DALazyTemplate)
  • Modifications to the text
  • Letterhead choice (if sent via Letter)

The package then returns the files to the case if a Letter is sent. If an Email is sent, it BCC's the case.

Any of the questions being asked in the interview could be hard coded instead of questions for the user to answer. There is an example code block that sets defaults. This example also uses the DACatchAll features to ensure that any used variables have already been defined in case the selected data was null in LegalServer.


See ChangeLog.

Created By

This package was created by Network Ninja, Inc., the parent company of LegalServer.

For issues please contact


MIT License


Docassemble Link to LegalServer







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