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Which SNMP options are supported by your build?

Jim Klimov edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 1 revision

MIB mappings

For NUT v2.8.0 and later you can query supported MIBs with a special mibs=--list driver option. Note that generally the driver requires other options to basically start and pass sanity checks, so you may have to dummy them out (e.g. in a build workspace without a real NUT deployment). Also note that some mappings have several aliases, to be detected at different OIDs used by the respective vendor over time and across the model line-up.

Example output:

:; NUT_STATEPATH=/tmp snmp-ups -x mibs=--list -s test -x port=x
Network UPS Tools - Generic SNMP UPS driver 1.30 (2.8.0-2245-g9476ed20c)
The 'mibs' argument is '--list', so just listing the mappings this driver knows,
and for 'mibs=auto' these mappings will be tried in the following order until
the first one matches your device

    1   apc_ats                     0.6 .         .
    2   apc_pdu                     0.4 .        .
    3   apc_pdu                     0.4 .        .
    4   apc_pdu                     0.4 .        .
    5   apc                         0.1 .        <NULL>
    6   apcc                        1.6 .  .
    7   baytech                  0.4035 .               .
    8   bestpower                   0.4 .       .
    9   cpqpower                   1.66 .          .
   10   cyberpower                 0.53 .         .
   11   cyberpower                 0.53 .               .
   12   delta_ups                   0.5 .           <NULL>
   13   eaton_ats16_nmc            0.21 .              .
   14   eaton_ats16_nm2            0.22 .           .
   15   eaton_ats30                0.03 .           .
   16   eaton_epdu                 0.69 .          .
   17   eaton_pdu_nlogic            0.1 .            <NULL>
   18   eaton_pxg_ups             0.105 . 
   19   eaton_pw_nm2              0.105 .    
   20   emerson_avocent_pdu         1.3 .       .
   21   aphel_revelation           0.52 .          .
   22   aphel_genesisII            0.52 .              .
   23   pulizzi_switched1           0.5 .            .
   24   pulizzi_switched2           0.5 .            .
   25   hpe_epdu                   0.33 .          .
   26   hpe_pdu3_cis                0.1 .         .
   27   huawei                      0.4 .        .
   28   mge                        0.55 .              .
   29   netvision                  0.44 .         .
   30   raritan                     0.8 .              .
   31   raritan-px2                 0.4 .            .
   32   xppc                        0.4 .                <NULL>
   33   tripplite                  1.55 .              <NULL>
   34   ietf                       1.55 .       

Overall this driver has loaded 34 MIB-to-NUT mapping tables

SNMPv3 encryption abilities

Various authentication and encoding options are available generally in the NUT codebase, but may be constrained practically by the net-snmp or ucd-snmp library used during the build. The codepaths not supported by the backend library are not built, and in particular not reflected in the common help text for supported options and/or their values.

For example, compare this output:

:; snmp-ups -h
Set the securityLevel used for SNMPv3 messages (default=noAuthNoPriv, allowed: authNoPriv,authPriv) : -x secLevel=<value>
Set the securityName used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages (no default) : -x secName
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages (no default) : -x authPassword
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages (no default) : -x privPassword
Set the authentication protocol (MD5, SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages (default=MD5 if available) : -x authProtocol=<value>
Set the privacy protocol (DES, AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages (default=DES if available) : -x privProtocol=<value>  
... this on another platform:

Set the authentication protocol (MD5, SHA, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages (default=MD5 if available) : -x authProtocol=<value>
Set the privacy protocol (DES, AES, AES192, AES256) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages (default=DES if available) : -x privProtocol=<value>
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