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netz98 magerun CLI tools

The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line.


The tools are currently only tested with PHP 5.3.10 within Ubuntu 12.04 Linux and on Mac OS X. If you are a Windows user you can help us with a quick test.

The tools should work with Magento 2 development branch.


There are two ways to install the tools:

Download phar file


You can make the .phar file executable.

chmod +x ./n98-magerun.phar

If you want to use command system wide you can copy it to /usr/local/bin.

sudo cp ./n98-magerun.phar /usr/local/bin/

Debian / suhosin:

On some debian systems with compiled in suhosin the phar extension must be added to a whitelist.

Add this to your php.ini file:


From source with composer

  1. Clone git repository:

    git clone
  2. Download composer:

    curl -s | php
  3. Let composer do all the work for you:

    php ./composer.phar install
php ./composer.phar create-project n98/magerun <folder>
  1. Run cli.php:

    php vendor/bin/n98-magerun

It's recommended to install the .phar file system wide.


Since version 1.1.0 we deliver a self-update script within the phar file:

n98-magerun.phar self-update

If file was installed system wide do not forget "sudo".

Usage / Commands

All commands try to detect the current Magento root directory. If you have multiple Magento installation you must change your working directory to the preferred installation.

You can list all available commands by:

n98-magerun.phar list

If you don't have installed the .phar file system wide you can call it with the php cli interpreter:

php n98-magerun.phar list

Print database information

n98-magerun.phar database:info

Dump database

Direct dump with mysqldump:

n98-magerun.phar database:dump

Only the mysqldump command:

n98-magerun.phar database:dump --only-command [filename]

Database Console / MySQL Client

Opens the MySQL console client with your database settings from local.xml

  • Requires MySQL CLI tools
n98-magerun.phar database:console

List Indexes

n98-magerun.phar index:list

Reindex a Index

Index by indexer code. Code is optional. If you don't specify a code you can pick a indexer from a list.

n98-magerun.phar index:reindex [code]

Reindex All

Loops all magento indexes and triggers reindex.

n98-magerun.phar index:reindex:all

Generate local.xml file

n98-magerun.phar local-config:generate

Dump global xml config

n98-magerun.phar config:dump > extern_file.xml

List Magento cache status

n98-magerun.phar cache:list

Clean Magento cache

Cleans expired cache entries. If you like to remove all entries use cache:flush

n98-magerun.phar cache:clean

Or only one cache type like i.e. full_page cache:

n98-magerun.phar cache:clean full_page

Remove all cache entries

n98-magerun.phar cache:flush

List Magento caches

n98-magerun.phar cache:list

Disable Magento cache

n98-magerun.phar cache:disable

Enable Magento cache

n98-magerun.phar cache:enable

Demo Notice

Toggle demo store notice

n98-magerun.phar design:demo-notice [store_code]

List admin users

n98-magerun.phar admin:user:list

Create admin user

n98-magerun.phar admin:user:create [username] [email] [password] [firstname] [lastname]

Change admin user password

n98-magerun.phar admin:user:change-password [username] [password]

Disable admin notifications

Toggle admin notifications.

n98-magerun.phar admin:notifications

Toggle maintenance mode

n98-magerun.phar sys:maintenance

Magento system info

Provides info like the edition and version or the configured cache backends.

n98-magerun.phar sys:info

Magento Stores

Lists all store views.

n98-magerun.phar sys:store:list

Magento Websites

Lists all websites.

n98-magerun.phar sys:website:list

Magento Cronjobs

Lists all cronjobs defined in config.xml files.

n98-magerun.phar sys:cron:list

Run Setup Scripts

Runs all setup scripts (no need to call frontend). This command is useful if you update your system with enabled maintenance mode.

n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:run

Compare Setup Versions

Compares module version with saved setup version in core_resource table and displays version mismatch.

n98-magerun.phar sys:setup:compare-versions [--ignore-data]

System Check

  • Checks missing files and folders
  • Security
  • PHP Extensions (Required and Bytecode Cache)
  • MySQL InnoDB Engine
n98-magerun.phar sys:check

CMS: Toggle Banner

Hide/Show CMS Banners

n98-magerun.phar cms:banner:toggle <banner_id>

CMS: Publish a page

Publishes a page by page id and revision.

n98-magerun.phar cms:page:publish <page_id> <revision_id>

Useful to automatically publish a page by a cron job.

Toggle Template Hints

Toggle debug template hints settings of a store

n98-magerun.phar dev:template-hints [store_code]

Toggle Template Hints Blocks

Toggle debug template hints blocks settings of a store

n98-magerun.phar dev:template-hints-blocks [store_code]

Toggle Inline Translation

Toggle settings for shop frontend:

n98-magerun.phar dev:translate:shop [store_code]

Toggle for admin area:

n98-magerun.phar dev:translate:admin

Toggle Profiler

Toggle profiler for debugging a store:

n98-magerun.phar dev:profiler [store_code]

Toggle Development Logs

Activate/Deactivate system.log and exception.log for a store:

n98-magerun.phar dev:log [store_code]

Toggle Symlinks

Allow usage of symlinks for a store-view:

n98-magerun.phar dev:symlinks <store_code>

Global scope can be set by not permitting store_code parameter:

n98-magerun.phar dev:symlinks

Create Module Skel

Creates an empty module and registers it in current magento shop:

n98-magerun.phar dev:module:create [--add-blocks] [--add-helpers] [--add-models] [--add-all] [--modman] vendorNamespace moduleName [codePool]

Code-Pool defaults to local.


n98-magerun.phar dev:module:create MyVendor MyModule
  • --modman option creates a new folder based on vendorNamespace and moduleName argument.

Run this command inside your .modman folder.

  • --add-all option add blocks, helpers and models.

List Modules

Lists all installed modules with codepool and version

n98-magerun.phar dev:module:list

Rewrite List

Lists all registered class rewrites:

n98-magerun.phar dev:module:rewrite:list

Rewrite Conflicts

Lists all duplicated rewrites and tells you which class is loaded by Magento. The command checks class inheritance in order of your module dependencies.

n98-magerun.phar dev:module:rewrite:conflicts [--log-junit="..."]
  • If a filename with --log-junit option is set the tool generates an XML file and no output to stdout.

Observer List

Lists all registered observer by type.

n98-magerun.phar dev:module:observer:list [type]

Type is one of "adminhtml", "global", "frontend".

List Extensions

List and find connect extensions by a optional search string:

n98-magerun.phar extension:list <search>
  • Requires Magento's mage shell script.
  • Does not work with Windows as operating system.

Install Extensions

Installs a connect extension by package key:

n98-magerun.phar extension:install <package_key>

If the package could not be found a search for alternatives will be done. If alternatives could be found you can select the package to install.

  • Requires Magento's mage shell script.
  • Does not work with Windows as operating system.

Download Extensions

Downloads connect extensions by package key:

n98-magerun.phar extension:download <search>
  • Requires Magento's mage shell script.
  • Does not work with Windows as operating system.

Upgrade Extensions

Upgrade connect extensions by package key:

n98-magerun.phar extension:upgrade <search>
  • Requires Magento's mage shell script.
  • Does not work with Windows as operating system.

Magento Installer (Experimental)

Since version 1.1.0 we deliver a Magento installer which does the following:

  • Download Magento by a list of git repos and zip files (mageplus, magelte, official community packages).
  • Try to create database if it does not exist.
  • Installs Magento sample data if available (since version 1.2.0).
  • Starts Magento installer
  • Sets rewrite base in .htaccess file
n98-magerun.phar install

Bash autocompletion

Copy the file bash_complete as n98-magerun.phar in your bash autocomplete folder. In my Ubuntu system this can be done with the following command:

sudo cp bash_complete /etc/bash_completion.d/n98-magerun.phar

Advanced usage

Add your own commands

Overwrite default settings

Create the yaml config file ~/.n98-magerun.yaml. Now you can define overwrites. The original config file is config.yaml in the source root folder.

Change of i.e. default currency and admin users:

        currency: USD
        admin_username: myadmin
        admin_firstname: Firstname
        admin_lastname: Lastname
        admin_password: mydefaultSecret

Add own Magento repositories

Create the yaml config file ~/.n98-magerun.yaml. Now you can define overwrites. The original config file is config.yaml in the source root folder.

Add you repo. The keys in the config file following the composer package structure.


      - name: my-magento-git-repository
        version: 1.x.x.x
          url: git://myserver/myrepo.git
          type: git
          reference: 1.x.x.x
          sample-data: sample-data-

      - name: my-zipped-magento
          type: tar
          sample-data: sample-data-

How can you help?

  • Add new commands
  • Send me some proposals if you miss anything
  • Create issues if you find a bug or missing a feature.

Thanks to

  • Symfony2 Team for the great console component.
  • Composer Team for the downloader backend and the self-update command.


  • sys:cron:list - List of cronjobs
  • dev:event:list - List all magento events
  • List more infos like Base URLs.
  • Change BaseURL from CLI.