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576 lines (429 loc) · 27.8 KB

File metadata and controls

576 lines (429 loc) · 27.8 KB

v0.8.1 - 2012-12-15

  • bug fix
    • in production, JS comment stripping could cause modification of form_authenticity_token (issue #43) - by @scho

v0.8.0 - 2012-12-09


  • many backward-incompatible API changes, see below
  • major code clean-up and refactor
  • introduce Netzke::Core::Panel - a simple panel with defaults, that can be immediately rendered
  • Netzke child components can now be referred anywhere (e.g. dockedItems), not only in items
  • drop support for Ruby 1.8.7
  • rename netzke_init view helper method to load_netzke
  • before_load is gone; if necessary, do preload stuff in the overridden Base#js_configure
  • rename global_id to js_id
  • load_nezke (previously netzke_init) now understands the minified option
  • implement referring to config methods declared in JavaScript from Ruby by using :symbols (see Netzke::Base)
  • i18n of actions takes into account ancestor classes
  • child component and action config now understand excluded option (handy for authorization)
  • Base#update_state and #clear_state are gone. Use state directly.

Component self-configuration

Often when extending an existing component (e.g. from Netzke::Basepack), there's a need to tune its behaviour by modifying its configuration. There are 2 methods that can be overridden in order to achieve that: Base#configure and Base#js_configure. The former is used to configure a component as whole. The latter - exclusively the component's JavaScript class instance. js_configure is being called only when the component is being rendered in the browser, and not when a component is instantiated, for example, for invoking its endpoint.

Both methods receive as the only argument a ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions, which allows for syntax like this:

def configure(c)
  c.some_config_option = 42
  c.merge!(option_one: 1, option_two: 2)

Calling super is essential for the super-component to do its own configuration (for example, Netzke::Base#configure would mix in the passed config options).

The Base#default_config method and any other Base#*_config methods are gone and should be replaced with Base#configure or Base#js_configure - depending on the goal.


The configure method must be used to override the configuration of a component as whole (influencing component's both Ruby and JavaScript behaviour). For example, if the super component implements the persistence option, we may want to enable it in our component like this:

def configure(c)
  c.persistence = true

The place to call super is important. In the provided example, the persistence option can be overridden by this component's user. However, if we put it after super, it will override the user's setting. Another example of overriding a user's setting might be, for example, extending a component bottom bar depending on the mode config:

def configure(c)
  c.bbar = [*c.bbar, '-', :admin] if c.mode == :admin

The configure method is useful for (dynamically) defining toolbars, titles, and other properties of a component's instance.

Access to component's config

The result of Base#configure can be accessed through Base#config method from anywhere in the class.


The `js_configure' method should be used to override the JS-side component configuration. It is called by the framework when the configuration for the JS instantiating of the component should be retrieved. Thus, it's not being called when a component is being instantiated to process an endpoint call. Override it when you need to extend/modify the config for the JS component intance.

The execution of js_configure does not influence the content of the Base#config method.

JavaScript class configuration

The following DSL methods are gone: js_include, js_mixin, js_base_class, js_method, js_property, js_properties. Instead, use the js_configure class method (not to be confused with the previously mentioned intstance method Base#js_configure):

class MyComponent < Netzke::Base
  js_configure do |c|
    c.mixin                     # replaces js_mixin preserving the signature
    c.require                   # replaces js_include preserving the signature
    c.extend = ""  # replaces js_base_class

    c.title = "My Component"    # use instead of js_property :title, "My Component"

    c.on_my_action = <<-JS      # use instead of js_method :on_my_action, ...
        // ...

  # ...

As you see, assignement must be used to define the JS class's properties, including functions.


The action DSL method does not accept a hash as an optional second parameter any longer, but rather a block, which receives a configuration object:

action :destroy do |c|
  c.text = "Destroy!"
  c.tooltip = "Destroying it all"
  c.icon = :delete

The following is still valid:

action :my_action # it will use default (eventually localized) values for text and tooltip

Overriding actions in inherited classes

Overriding an action while extending a component is possible by using the same acton method. To receive the action config from the superclass, use the super method, passing to it the block parameter:

action :destroy do |c|
  super(c) # do the config from the superclass
  c.text = "Destroy if you dare" # overriding the text

Referring to actions in toolbars/menus

Symbol#action is no longer defined. Refer to actions in toolbars/menus by simply using symbols:

def configure(c)
  c.bbar = [:my_action, :destroy]

Another way (useful when re-configuring the toolbars of a child component) is by using hashes that have the netzke_action key:

def configure(c)

  c.bbar = [
    { netzke_action: :my_action, title: "My cool action" },
    { netzke_action: :destroy, title: "Destroy!" }

Referring to actions on the class level (e.g. with js_property :bbar) will no longer work. Define the toolbars inside the configure method.

I18n of actions

+text+, +tooltip+ and +icon+ for an action will be picked up from a locale file (if located there) whenever they are not specified in the config. E.g., an action some_action defined in the component +MyComponents::CoolComponent+, will look for its text in:


for its tooltip in:


and for its icon in:


Child components

Defining child components

A child component gets defined with the component method receiving a block:

component :east_center_panel do |c|
  c.klass = SimpleComponent
  c.title = "A panel"
  c.border = false

Child component's class is now specified as the klass option and is actually a Class, not a String. When no klass or no block is given, the component's class will be derived from its name, e.g.:

component :simple_component

is equivalent to:

component :simple_component do |c|
  c.klass = SimpleComponent

Defining a component in a block gives an advantage of accessing the config method of the parent component, e.g.:

component :east_center_panel do |c|
  c.klass = SimpleComponent
  c.title = config.east_center_panel_title # something that could be passed as a config option to the parent component

If no klass is specified, Netzke::Core::Panel is assumed.

Overriding child components

Overriding a child component while extending a component is possible by using the same component method. To receive the child component config from the superclass, use the super method, passing to it the block parameter:

component :simple_component do |c|
  super(c) # do the config from the superclass
  c.klass = LessSimpleComponent # use a different class

Lazy vs eager component loading

All child components now by default are being lazily loaded on request from the parent, unless they are referred in the layout (see the Layout section). You can override this behavior by setting eager_loading to true, so that the child component's config and class are instantly available at the parent.


Referring to Netzke components

The Symbol#component method is no longer defined. The preferred way of referring to child components in (docked) items is by using symbols:

# provided child_one and child_two components are defined in the class
def configure(c)

  c.items = [:child_one, :child_two]

Another way (useful when re-configuring the layout of a child component) is by using hashes that have the component key:

def configure(c)

  c.items = [
    { xtype: :panel, title: "Simple Ext panel" },
    { component: :child_one, title: "First child" },
    { component: :child_two, title: "Second child" }

Implicitly defined components in items

Previously there was a way to specify a component class directly in items (by using the class_name option), which would implicitly define a child component. This is no longer possible. The layout can now only refer to explicitly defined components.

Specifying items in config

It is possible to specify the items in the config in the same format as it is done in the items method. If config.items is provided, it takes precedence over the items method. This can be useful for modifying the default layout of a child component by means of configuring it.

It's advised to override the items method when a component needs to define it's layout, and not use the configure method for that (see the Self-configuration section).

DSL-delegated methods are gone

No more title and items are defined as DSL methods. Include Netzke::ConfigToDslDelegator and use delegate_to_dsl method if you need that functionality in a component. Thus, Netzke::ConfigToDslDelegator is not included in Netzke::Base anymore.

Defining client class

Client class (JavaScript part of the component) has been refactored.

Methods renamed

The following public method name changes took place for the sake of consistence:

  • localId => netzkeLocalId
  • setResult => netzkeSetResult
  • endpointUrl => netzkeEndpointUrl
  • loadNetzkeComponent => netzkeLoadComponent (signature changed, see "javascripts/ext.js")
  • componentDelivered => netzkeComponentDelivered
  • componentDeliveryFailed => netzkeComponentDeliveryFailed
  • getParentNetzkeComponent => netzkeGetParentComponent
  • reload => netzkeReload
  • instantiateChildNetzkeComponent => netzkeInstantiateComponent
  • getChildNetzkeComponent => netzkeGetComponent

v0.7.7 - 2012-10-21

  • Ext JS required version bump (4.1.x)

v0.7.6 - 2012-07-27

  • Rails 3.2

v0.7.5 - 2012-03-05

  • API changes

    • The :class_name option must always include the full class name now. So, Basepack::GridPanel won't work, instead do Netzke::Basepack::GridPanel
  • enhancements

    • Set default Ext.Direct retry attempts to 0, as more than 0 may only be needed in special cases.

v0.7.4 - 2011-10-20

  • enhancements
    • Less aggressive rescuing at constantizing a string, to let more descriptive exceptions get through.
    • New delegates_to_dsl class method to degelate default config options to class level. See the ConfigToDslDelegator module.

v0.7.3 - 2011-09-04

  • Rails 3.1 compatibility. Really. Hopefully.

v0.7.2 - 2011-08-31

  • Rails 3.1
  • bug fix
    • When a component is dynamically loaded in a container, the load mask is now limited to that container
  • enhancements
    • New u config option for loadNetzkeComponent, which prevents emptying the container when inserting the newly loaded component; can be used for loading components into layouts different from 'fit'

v0.7.1 - 2011-08-17

  • bug fix
    • Multiple compound Netzke components in the same Rails view were causing JS errors

v0.7.0 - 2011-08-09

  • Ext JS 4 compatibility

  • API changes

    • New ext_uri config option (defaults to "extjs") - relative URI to the Ext JS library on the server.
    • New ext3_compat_uri config option (defaults to nil) - relative URI to the Ext 3 compatibility layer. When nil, no compatibility layer is loaded.
    • New current_user_method config option (defaults to :current_user) to let Netzke::Core know which method to call on Rails controller to retrieve the current user.
    • New Netzke::Core.current_user method to retrieve the current user.
    • Passing instructions from server back to the client now is only meant for single-argument methods on client; arrays are not expanded into arguments any longer.
    • New instantiateChildNetzkeComponent method to instantiate a Netzke component by name.
    • Default component height (400) and border (false) are no longer set.
  • broken API

    • The ext_location config option renamed to ext_path
    • loadNetzkeComponent (ex loadComponent) won't automatically show a component with xtype 'window' any longer; use the callback to do that manually
  • enhancements

    • js_mixin without parameters will assume :component_class_name_underscored
    • Ext locale file is automatically included when I18n.locale is not :en
    • Child components now have itemId set to component's name, so that getComponent(component_name) can be used to retrieve immediate child components
    • loadNetzkeComponent that should be used instead of loadComponent won't render the loaded component unless the container is specified (which can be an id or an instance)
    • JS: componentDeliveryFailed method added that is called by the deliver_component endpoint
  • bug fix

    • Tolerate relative_url_root when calculating the URI to icons in actions
  • deprecations

    • instantiateAndRenderComponent
    • getParent in favor of getParentNetzkeComponent
    • getChildComponent in favor of getChildNetzkeComponent
    • loadComponent in favor of loadNetzkeComponent
    • feedback in favor of netzkeFeedback
    • Ext.container.Container#instantiateChild should not be used

v0.6.7 - 2011-08-16

  • enhancements
    • No more using method_missing for invoking endpoints.
    • New "cache" option for netzke_init which gets passed to javascript_include_tag (no support for css caching of this type yet)
    • Netzke dynamic js and css-files such as ext.js, touch.css, now get generated at the application start, and put into "public/netzke". Solves a long standing problem with serving those files by HTTP servers in some cases. Enables caching naturally.
    • Moved features and specs to test/core_test_app (tests should be run from that folder from now on)
    • Introduced plugin functionality. We can create Netzke components that are pluggable into other components as Ext JS plugins.

v0.6.6 - 2011-02-26

  • enhancements
    • Client-server communication is updated to use Ext.Direct (many thanks to @pschyska)
    • Introduced js_translate class method that allows specifying i18n properties used in the JavaScript class
    • Better handling of actions i18n
    • New Netzke::Base.class_config_option method to specify a class-level configuration options for a component, e.g. (in GridPanel): class_config_option :column_filters_available, true. This option then can be set in Rails application configuration, e.g.: config.netzke.basepack.grid_panel.column_filters_available = false, or directly on Netzke::Core.config, e.g.: Netzke::Core.config.netzke.basepack.grid_panel.column_filters_available = false.

v0.6.5 - 2011-01-14

  • enhancements

    • Various fixes for IE
    • Support for Sencha Touch
    • An endpoint can now "call" JavaScript functions that accept multiple parameters, by specifying an array, e.g.: {:some_js_function => [arg1, arg2]}
    • New API: js_mixin method to "mixin" JavaScript objects from external files (see RDocs).
    • New JS class componentLoadMask property to configure a mask when a component gets dynamically loaded with loadComponent. Accepts the same configuration as Ext.LoadMask.
    • js_include and css_include accept both symbols and strings, where strings would contain full paths to the included file, whereas symbols get expanded to full paths following simple conventions (see RDocs for details).
    • Make some of Netzke::Core setup happen earlier in the loading process, so that we can safely use it while defining components.
    • Performance improvements by memoizing Base.constantize_class_name.
    • I18n for actions, see Netzke::Actions.
  • bug fix

    • The "componentload" event now gets fired after a component is dynamically loaded. The handler receives the instance of the loaded component.
    • Feedback does not insert a new div every time being called
    • JS class caching was broken for name-scoped classes
    • When a component was dynamically loaded into a hidden container, it wasn't shown when the container got shown next time

v0.6.4 - 2010-11-05

  • enhancements

    • Implemented Netzke.isLoading(), useful for testing
    • Persistence support
  • API change

    • endpoint DSL call now results in a method called <endpoint_name>_endpoint, not just <endpoint_name> (beware when overriding endpoint definitions, or calling endpoint methods on child components)
    • Using api for endpoint declaration is gone

v0.6.3 - 2010-11-02

  • The ext_config option is back, deprecated.

v0.6.2 - 2010-10-27

  • Introduced the Symbol#component method to declare components in the config (instead of now deprecated js_component).

v0.6.1 - 2010-10-26

  • Disabled buggy implementation of rendering on-page JS classes in netzke.js instead of main page.

v0.6.0 - 2010-10-24

  • Rails3 compatibility, thorough rewrite

  • Much more thorough testing

  • API backward incompatibility

    • ext_config config level is removed; put all that configuration in the top level

    • mentioning actions in the bbar, tbar, etc, should be explicit, e.g.:

      :bbar => [:apply.action, :delete.action]

    • late_aggregatee is now lazy_loading

    • aggregatees are now components

    • widgets are now components, too

    • api is now endpoint

    • persistent_config_enabled? is now persistence_enabled?

    • Using the js_extend_properties class method in your components in deprecated (and maybe even broken). Use js_property (or js_properties) and js_method instead (see multiple examples in test/core_test_app)

    • the load_component_with_cache endpoint renamed to deliver_component

  • New

    • ext helper in the views to embed any (pure) Ext component into a view
    • component DSL method to declare child components
    • config DSL method to set the configuration of an instance
    • action DSL method to configure actions
    • js_method DSL method to define (public) methods in JS class
    • js_property DSL method to define (public) properties in JS class
    • endpoint DSL method to define server endpoints
  • Different deprecations throughout the code

v0.5.3 - 2010-06-14

  • Fix: Getting rid of deprecation warnings about tasks not sitting in lib.

v0.5.2 - 2010-06-11

  • Ext 3.2.1
  • Fix: Netzke::Base.before_load is now also called for the widgets embedded directly into a view.
  • New: support for external stylesheets.
  • Fix: the "value" column type has been changed to text to prevent migration problems is some cases
  • New: global_persistent_config method allows accessing persistent storage with no owner (widget) assigned
  • New: any widget can now implement before_api_call interceptor. If it returns anything but empty hash, it'll be used as the result of any API call to this widget. The interceptor receives as parameter the name of the API call issued and the arguments. Use it to implement authorization.
  • Fix: got the Ext's state provider out of the way (thank you for all the confusion)

v0.5.1 - 2010-02-26

  • Compatibility with Ext 3.1.1
  • New: object now contains all the widgets declared on the page
  • Code: replaced (references to) deprecated function names

v0.5.0 - 2010-01-10

  • Compatibility with Ext 3.1.0
  • API change: Netzke widget's now should be declared directly in the views instead of controllers.
  • API change: all ExtJS and Netzke JavaScript and styles are now loaded with the help of netzke_init helper.
  • API change: persistence_key option replaces persistent_config_id option.
  • Impr: headers in panels in the "config" mode now show the widget's global ID.
  • New: required ExtJS version check introduced at initial Netzke load.
  • Depr: :widget_class_name option is deprecated, use :class_name.
  • DRY: now there's no need to always define "actions" method, use it to override the defaults, which are automatically calculated based on configuration for toolbars/menu.
  • Impr: each generated JS class now has its unique xtype, e.g. "netzkegridpanel".
  • Fix: FeedbackGhost moved over from netzke-basepack.

v0.4.5.2 - 2009-11-09

  • Fix: Hash#convert_keys and Array#convert_keys in core extensions are now renamed into deep_convert_keys, and now always plainly do what they're expected to do: recursively convert keys according to given block.

v0.4.5.1 - 2009-11-09

  • Regression: fixing inheritance and caching.
  • FeedbackGhost is too simple to be a Netzke widget (having no server part), so, moved to static JavaScript.

v0.4.5 - 2009-11-08

  • API change: Netzke::Base: id_name accessor renamed to global_id
  • Code: several internal code changes
  • Code: lightly better test coverage
  • New: Netzke::Base#global_id_by_reference method
  • Compatibility: resolving conflicts with the api property in some Ext v3.0 components
  • Fix: deliver_component was throwing exception when the requested component wasn't defined
  • New: persistent_config_id configuration option allows specifying an id by which persistent configuration is identified for the widget. Handy if different homogeneous widgets need to share the same persistent configuration.
  • New: Netzke::Base#persistent_config method now accepts an optional boolean parameter signalizing that the configuration is global (not bound to a widget)
  • Impr: cleaner handling of actions and toolbars; fbar configuration introduced.
  • Impr: calling an API method now provides for the result value (if return by the server) in the callback.
  • Impr: allows name spaced creation of Netzke widgets, e.g. widgets can now be defined under any module under Netzke, not only directly under Netzke.
  • New: support for Ext.Window-based widgets (it'll call show() on them when the "*_widget_render" helper is used).

v0.4.4 - 2009-10-12

  • API change: default handlers for actions and tools are now supposed to be prefixed with "on". E.g.: if you declare an action named clear_table, the handler must be called (in Ruby) on_clear_table (mapped to onClearTable in JavaScript).
  • Internal: the JavaScript instance now knows if persistent config is enabled (by checking this.persistentConfig).
  • Fix: solving the "Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" problem by being more strict with duplicated IDs for elements on the same page.
  • Fix: Ext 3.0 compatibility.
  • Impr: getChildComponent now allows referring to a widget like this: "parent__parent__some_widget__some_nested_widget"


  • Fix: reworking loadComponent()-related code, closing a security flaw when a malicious browser could send any configuration options to instantiate the widget being loaded.

v0.4.2 - 2009-09-11

  • Fix: the API call (at the JavaScript side) was ignoring the callback parameter.
  • Impr: if the array of API points is empty, it's not added into js_config anymore.
  • New: new testing widgets in netzke_controller.
  • Fix: extra CSS includes now take effect.
  • New: Support for masquerading as "World". In this mode all the "touched" persistent preferences will be overwritten for all roles and users.

v0.4.1 - 2009-09-06

  • Version bumb to force github rebuild the gem (Manifest is now included)

v0.4.0 - 2009-09-05

  • Major refactoring.

v0.3.2 - 2009-06-05

  • Netzke doesn't overwrite session[:user] anymore to not cause authentication-related problems.

v0.3.1 - 2009-05-07

  • Fix: persistent_config_manager can now be set to nil, and it will work fine

v0.3.0 - 2009-05-07

  • Refactor: got rid of NetzkeLayout model, now all layouts are stored in netzke_preferences
  • New: persistent_config now has a method for_widget that accepts a block
  • autotest compatibility
  • New: String#to_b converts a string to true/false
  • New: Netzke::Base.session introduced for session data
  • New: weak_children_config and strong_children_config can now be declared by a widget, which specifies weak and strong configuration that every child of this widget will receive (e.g. display/hide configuration tool)
  • Fix: (degradation) flash message is now shown again in case of erroneous attempt to load a widge
  • New: widgets now can check session[:netzke_just_logged_in] and session[:netzke_just_logged_out] automatically set by Netzke after login/logout


  • Introduction of getOwnerComponent()-method to Ext.Component. It provides the Netzke widget this Component belongs to.


  • Removed dependency on 'json' gem.
  • Rails v2.3.2 compatibility.


  • Actions, toolbars and tools reworked for easier configuration.
  • Menus introduced (based on actions).
  • Significant code clean-up.
  • Bug fix (nasty one): Ext.widgetMixIn was getting messed up along with dynamic widget loading.
  • Must work in IE now.


  • Support for extra javascripts and stylesheets per widget.


  • QuickTips get initialized now, as otherwise Ext 2.2.1 doesn't properly destroy() BoxComponents for me.


  • FeedackGhost is now capable of displaying multiple flash messages.
  • Dependencies slightly refactored.
  • An informative exception added to Base#component_instance.
  • JS-level inheritance enabled.
  • Work-around for the problem with Ext 2.2.1 in loadComponent.
  • Events "<action_id>click" added to the widgets along with the actions.
  • component_missing method added to Netzke::Base - called when a non-existing aggregate of a widget is tried to be invoked
  • Code readability improvements.


  • Minor code restructuring.


  • Some minor improvements.


  • FeedbackGhost will show the feedback on the top of the screen independent of the page scrolling.
  • Ext.Panel#loadComponent will accept null as url to delete the currently loaded widget
  • Bug fix: persistent_config works again


  • js_ext_config instance method added for overwriting
  • Multiuser support
  • Using Rails.logger for logging
  • "config"-class method for every class inheriting Netzke::Base - for class-level configurations


  • Fixed the path to ext-base-min.js for production mode.
  • Also works in Safari now.


  • Some re-factoring and redesign. Now simple compound widgets can be created on the fly in the controller
  • Added ext_widget[:quiet] configuration option to suppress widget's feedback
  • Support for extra CSS sources, similar to JS
  • NETZKE_BOOT_CONFIG introduced to specify which Netzke functionality should be disabled to reduce the size of /netzke/netzke.[js|css]
  • FeedbackGhost widget added - invisible widget providing feedback to the user
  • netzke_widget controller class-method renamed into netzke
  • JS-comments now get stripped also from the extra files that get included in the netzke-* gems.
  • Permissions joined js_config
  • Bug fixes


  • Helpers added to facilitate ExtJS/netzke.js inclusion
  • The route defined for netzke_controller
  • netzke.html.erb-layout is not needed anymore, so not produced by the generator
  • Now compliant with Rails' forgery protection


  • Generators fixed


  • Fixed the bug with _class_definition returning empty string on sequential loading.


  • Meta: moving from GitHub to RubyForge


  • Inter-widget dependencies code reworked
  • JS-class code generation code slightly reworked


  • Meta: fix outdated Manifest


  • Meta work: replacing underscore with dash in the name

v0.1.0 - 2008-12-11

  • Initial release